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A Snake In The Garden - Part II

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 12:25am by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Edited on on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 12:27am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Eden - Romulan Space

Next door Suresh lifted Oz’s bag to her bed, then stretched out on his own. “You okay Oz? Ready for whatever is about to come?”

With one finger, Oz slid a short dagger just an inch out of its sheath, enough to show Suresh how shiny it was and how easily it slid free, then nodded. "I'm ready. You know he's not going back alive, right?"

“Not if I have anything to do with it. That may not be what Darwin wants to hear from either of us but I’ve seen what he can do to…” he stopped and pointed at the wall between the rooms. “To her even when he’s not here. Li has made me aware of what he’s done to you too. He doesn’t deserve to walk this universe and as long as he does, I’m not safe either.”

Narrowing her eyes at him, Oz considered his words and manner. "Watch that you don't go where the original Suresh already is." She knew the one was obsessive and doubted it'd take much for this one to be the same. She stepped around him to the bathroom. "A real shower. I'm going to take advantage of it." She went back to her bag to pull out a few items.

“I won’t, but I could tell you the same, Oz. You think I’m going to be following her around with my tongue hanging out like he did? That’s not my style.” Suresh frowned a moment. “But I won’t hesitate to stop him if I can.”

She paused and stared at him. "The same? I'm not obsessed. I'm simply removing a threat. I have too much to lose if he gets close to SB900 again. You know what happened to Chance, don't you?"

Suresh nodded and when he spoke, his voice was soft. “I do and I understand. Just don’t let your rage overcome you. That’s as dangerous as Li getting in his head. We can’t afford to have either of you out of top form.”

"I'm in fine form," she said. As if to prove it, she stripped off her shirt and draped it on the bed. She also took her shoes off. "Rage can be useful, Suresh."

“In moderation, yes. Just don’t get blinded Oz." He smiled finally. “But we’ll do this and go home and maybe you two will finally rest easy. Now go...enjoy your shower. I’m going to sleep for a bit since I took the last leg on the way here.”

"'Kay," she slipped into the bathroom. Several minutes later, she came back out, her hair wet. Seeing Suresh asleep, but knowing she wouldn't sleep if she tried right now, she picked up the key card and went next door.

...Two hours later…

A knock sounded at the door and Li rose to open it. Seeing Suresh, she smiled. “Come on in, sleeping beauty.”

She turned to walk back into the room and Suresh followed, closing the door behind him.

“I feel much better now. What did I miss?”

"Nada," Darwin answered. "Man, get these two together and they can rob a man blind," he added, gesturing at the cards on the table. "Good thing I didn't suggest strip poker."

"Oh! That would have made this so much more interesting!" Oralia laughed.

“Damn Darwin, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to play poker with a telepath?” Suresh grinned at them. “But at least I didn’t miss the strip poker. I fully expect to be awakened if that idea ever comes to pass.” He gave Li a mock-stern glare. “Understood?”

Li laughed and saluted. “Got it. So how much did we take him for Oz?”

"Ah... I got him for four nights of babysitting Iggy and you...," she consulted a slip of paper, "Ah, poor Darwin, two diplomatic assignments, in whatever attire is required. Tsk. You'll be a hit with the Archadians." She laughed freely, seemingly without any cares or stress.

"See? Maybe strip poker would have been better. Then I'd just be naked," he laughed with Oralia.

“And these two would have a lot of explaining to do,” Suresh joked. “Though I suppose what happens on Eden stays on Eden." His gaze lingered on Li for a moment.

“That cop-out never satisfied Security, Suresh,” she laughed.

“Good point. Anyone hungry? I’ll make Li play pack mule and we can bring dinner back.”

Oz noticed the overly-long gaze on Li and kicked Darwin under the table. "O-ah!" He jerked back. "Actually, I could use a walk, Suresh. Let's leave these two to chat and pretend we're the hunters." He stood.

“Sounds good. Lock the door behind us.” Suresh crossed to the door and waited for Darwin.

“This is not my first rodeo, Suresh.” Li laughed. “But thanks, we’ll see you when you get back.”

"Now, if you two want to play strip poker, feel free to lose to each other. A lot," Darwin smiled at the two and quickly headed out the door with Suresh.

As the door closed, Oz was laughing. "He's lucky he's good at what he does. Otherwise, saying that to his superior officers might go badly for him."

Li pulled a padd out of her bag and passed it to Oz. “While we wait for them to get back, here’s a map of the area. I think, though, that he will send a sign..he can’t help it. Till they get here with food, though, we have time to get familiar with the area.”

"Wanna take a quick walkabout?"

* * *

Suresh and Darwin walked back along the hall and in the direction of the inn’s small restaurant. “So tell me, Darwin, why’d Oz kick you under the table? She do that often?”

"Only when we're at a table," Darwin joked. "No, really she doesn't do that often. Gilroy, though, he and I do that often." He chuckled, recalling a night at the Nexus when both of them had wanted to question the same witness about two different subjects. "Nothing to worry about, though."

“She is a feisty one,” Suresh joked. They continued along at a leisurely pace. “Do you think she will ever stop being suspicious of me?”

"Maybe," Darwin shrugged. "Once the real... um... crazy Surrie is back in prison. Or dead. There is always the option to change your face. We've had that conversation already."

“I’ve thought about it but I don’t know, Darwin. I’m so used to this one and if I changed it….” He let that train of thought go. “We’ll see how it goes. I’d like to make my place without something so drastic. I’m sure you understand.” In truth the idea of changing his face was just about the last thing he wanted to do.

"It was good to hear those two laughing." They entered the restaurant. "Think they'll serve just a simple burger?"

“We can hope, though I’ll have to explain how to make it. Four of them?” When Darwin nodded, Suresh turned to the waiter and began a rapid conversation. After some explaining, the waiter hurried off. “Well, we’ll get them though I can’t guarantee what the meat will be.” He studied Darwin, thinking on what he said and finally nodded. “It is good. Li seems so serious these days.”

"Does she? Maybe that's from this situation. Maybe it's from living with a Vulcan." He shrugged and slowly scanned the restaurant, noting each person and watching people in general.

“Maybe you have a point. Strange is it not that a Betazoid could be happy in that situation? Seems like a case of such opposites.” Suresh shrugged. “To each her own I suppose.”

"Indeed. To each their own." He wisely chose not to speculate on Li's compatibilities with her husband.

* * *

“I am so stuffed you all may have to roll me out of here if we need to go anywhere.” Li groaned aloud. “That was great. Please Suresh, do not tell me what meat was in there, but the sauce on it was amazing.”

Suresh flashed her a bright smile. “I aim to please, my lady.”

Oz rubbed her belly. "Good job, guys. I'm pretty content," she said, just before breaking into a yawn. "Oo, excuse me."

Li saw the yawn and nodded. “Sleep’s a good idea. Tomorrow may be….interesting.”

"Suresh, I'm sure you were on Eden in your universe. Where did you go when you were here? Um, there, I mean," Oz asked. "Maybe our nutcase would be drawn to the same places."

He chuckled for a moment. “Well, there was this one bar….but it’s a little too rowdy and public. I suspect he will want some place out of the way so he won’t be interrupted or stopped. It’s what I would do. There is a place I always liked to go just to unwind. From here, it’s probably about two kilometers - an area of caves. They are interesting to explore. That help?”

Li’s eyes narrowed. “I can see it. Off the beaten path, lots of cover, plenty of places to get us separated. Tactically speaking, it’s what I would do too.”

"Except that he'd have to leave some sort of trail if he wants us to follow him there. How about tomorrow, two of us check out the bar, two check out the way towards the caves." Oz worded it like a question but it wasn't one.

"Li and I can check the bar, Oz," Darwin said. "Then we can regroup, hopefully before running into Surrie."

Li considered it for a moment, then nodded. “Sounds like a plan. I’d be wary of going in too close without us, though.” Li looked to Suresh here. “Especially since you two are the ones he will most want out of the way. He won’t hurt me.”

“I agree.” Suresh turned his attention to Li now. “That’s about the only thing we can be sure of, so we’ll be careful.”

"Yeah, yeah, we'll be careful," Oz assured Li. Her confidence stemmed both from having Darwin there to specifically watch out for Li and from having spent four days in confined spaces with their new Suresh. He was different enough from the old one that she was actually getting around to not being quite so mistrustful of him. "For now, I'm off to bed. Li, Darwin, good night; Suresh, remember that I'll be sleeping with a knife close at hand - no funny business," she said lightly, even smiled at him, and went next door.

“Oh I’ll remember. Besides, I don’t want Jackson hunting me down later.” Suresh laughed and gave Oz a wave as she departed.

"I’m going to step outside for a few minutes Darwin, and get some fresh air. I’ll be within mental shouting distance but I don’t foresee any issues tonight.” Li stood and Suresh stood as well.

“I am going to hit the shower since Oz used it earlier, then call it a night myself. Goodnight Darwin.” Suresh opened the door and held it for Li.

"Night, guys." With the door shut, Darwin set about making his bed, the one closest to the door, longer. He'd take a shower once Li was back inside. For now, he was really just listening, just in case.

To Be Continued…


Captain Li Hawke
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Michael Darwin


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