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The Truth Comes Out

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 12:16pm by Major David Lorenz & Sam Elliott III

Mission: Breaking New Ground


David entered Jim Holbridge's room like he had a purpose, his shoulders back, jaw set, and eyes blazing. Nobody questioned David Lorenz's presence anywhere in the station save for the curious nurses, who always had a smile for him. If Dave hadn't been so angry at his inability to help his friend, he might have noticed the flirtations.

Sam Elliott was standing post at the doorway and Nodded to Dave as he entered the room. "All secure, sir. Family communication has been heavy, mainly Tricia. A steady flow of visitors and well-wishers," his low voice said. "Nobody else in here but orderlies and wound care techs, and I kept my eye on them."

"Keep me informed," David said curtly, moving into the room.

Jim Holbridge was in a bio-bed, his face swathed in gauze and dermal regenerators. A somnetic inducer on his forehead kept Jim in a medically-induced coma to allow the medical gadgets to work. Dave stared at his friend, a tear flowing from his right eye. "Not like this, buddy! I swear to Christ I am gonna find the motherfucker responsible and I am gonna waste his ass!"

"No.....more......" Jim croaked.

David rushed to the biobed. "What did you say?"

Jim opened his left eye and stared at Lorenz, blinking furiously. "Face......lens....uhhhh!" Jim closed his eye and fell into a deep sleep.

Lorenz looked on the sheet and say a tiny, blue object. He picked it up and grinned. "You saw who did this to you and had your contacts in!" The contact lenses were used by NGSC operators as evidentiary devices and QC recorders, thus making Max Kamarov's job easier. "Sam, get in here!"

Elliott appeared quickly. "Yeah?"

"Get this to NGSC HQ and see what it picked up, and send a copy of what you find to me, Security, and Captain Franklin and Quentin. run whoever you find's likeness through facial recognition and our usual protocols and get me something official looking to present to Leroy. Move, I'll stand post!"

Elliott left the room and Dave pulled his 3p in a lightning-quick fast draw, aiming it at the mirror. The next time I pull this piece, it will be to kill you! Dave quietly vowed.


Dave was going through the Marine equipment manifests when his com-badge chirped. "Lorenz here," he said, tapping the badge.

=/\=Got a hot one, skipper.=/\= Elliott's voice said. =/\= There was a red-headed female in a lift with Jim, then the recording shows a woman coming up to Jim and stabbing him, and her red hair is featured. I'm having the science geeks do some analyses on the video, but I think we may have our attacker.=/\=

"Submit it to all departments on the base. I'm gonna put in a request to for you guys to assist Security in locating this bitch. I'll see if I can't get Quentin in on this, too!"

=/\=Your call, Dave. Sam out.=/\=

Lorenz tapped his badge, cutting the channel. We have you in sight, bitch!, Dave thought savagely.


The LTMH snapped on. "Major Lorenz, I am going to attempt to revive Mr. Holbridge. Would you care to observe?"

Dave lifted his head and nodded. he rose from his chair and walked over to the bio-bed, cracking his spine along the way.

"Improper manipulation of a human's spinal discs...."

"Can result in a LTMH's logic circuits being reprogrammed to filter waste from Horta," Dave said warningly, in no mood for a medical lecture. "Bring him around, please."

"At once, Major," the LTMH adjusted several controls and removed the somnetic inducers from Jim's head. Jim's left eye opened. " been here?" Jim asked, trying to smile.

"Mr Holbridge, you have been awakened from your medically-induced coma. You may..."

Dave glared at the LTMH. "Either shut up or shut down!"

The LTMH snapped off. "Cranky, aren't you?" Jim asked weakly.

"It happens when a hosebeast tries to ice my friend!" Dave grinned. "Do you remember anything."

Jim nodded. "She smelled like a perfumed hooker, and asked me how it felt to be left to die."

Dave nodded. "We got her face off your contact's memory bank and have Security and all the boys and girls running around looking for her."

"I heard Matt and Sam in the room when my wife wasn't yammering." Jim grinned.

"She's gonna kick your ass!" Dave grinned, and the two old friends began to talk. It would be a long, painful night for Jm, but it had to be done.


Major David Lorenz
Wake-Up Caller


Jim Holbridge
Back In The Land Of The Living


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