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A Snake In The Garden - Part III

Posted on Wed May 20th, 2015 @ 7:12pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Eden - Romulan Space

* * * Eden - Romulan Space * * *

Li stood on the outside deck looking out at a small lake, thinking over the fact that they were now in Romulan space. It had been a few years since she was in this part of the quadrant and it felt, for a moment, like stepping back in time. She and Jackson had been on the other side of Eden for a short mission and it had been a dangerous time. The thought of Jackson brought with it the thought of Oz and the protectiveness she’d sensed in Suresh earlier now rose in her. She felt with absolute certainty that they were nearing the end and she intended to get Oz home to Jackson in one piece. Both of them had been through too much to lose it all now.

Suresh watched through the door, his gaze locked on Li. He hadn’t missed the attempt by Oz and Darwin to keep him and Li apart and decided to take advantage of the opportunity. He gave her a few minutes alone, enjoying just watching, then stepped outside.

The sound of the door pulled Li’s attention back to the present. Turning to see Suresh, she smiled. “Lovely night out here. Not ready to sleep yet?”

"Not yet," he answered and smiled at her. He touched her shoulder and massaged it gently. "What of you? You should be sleeping, preparing for tomorrow, Li."

“I suppose I’m too wound up. Typical. Back in my field days, I was never able to sleep before a mission.” She shrugged, and let out a contented sigh. “Thanks, those muscles are so tight they’re humming.”

He shifted so he could rub both shoulders. The position also let him surreptitiously smell her hair. "It seems Oz and Darwin don't have such issues."

“I’ll bet Darwin is making himself busy waiting till I reappear. He’s overprotective but I appreciate it, and it’s his job on top of that.” She laughed gently. “They would all be surprised to see me in my past days, though Darwin got a glimpse of it in your universe.”

"Hmm, as did I," he said. He glanced over his shoulder at the windows of Li's room and saw the curtain move. Darwin, he had no doubt.

“I don’t think I've lost my edge, despite the time as an administrator,” she replied. “This isn’t about that, though. It’s about taking our lives back, Oz and I...about not living under a shadow anymore.” She looked up at Suresh over her shoulder. “You understand that.”

"Indeed. And I'm sure you will not be living under a cloud if I can help it," he quit rubbing her shoulders and drew her around to face him. "I promise."

“I appreciate that and I know Oz does too. She’s starting to get over her distrust I think, and that’s saying a lot for you.” Li’s smile returned as she looked up into his face. “Almost done; it’s so close I can almost taste it.”

"As can I," he said then abruptly stepped back from her. "I should get a shower."

She frowned slightly at the sudden withdrawal. “Did I say something wrong? If so, I’m sorry. I want to be sure you know how much I appreciate your help on this. We couldn’t do it without you.”

"Oh, no, you didn't say anything wrong. I just... I have the feeling I might be a touch ripe," he smiled.

That made Li laugh once more. “Then you obviously weren’t paying attention to the lot of us on the way home from your 900. I don’t think I’ve ever been so dirty in my life. Well, there was one time, down in Chile on Earth….but I digress.” She reached out to take his hand. “You asked me for a promise yesterday, now I want one from you.”

"Anything for you."

The words tugged at the back of her mind a moment but she let it go. “You know he will want you out of the way, so I want you to promise to be careful and watch your back. I won’t go home without you.”

"Don't worry about me. But I'm touched, Li." He could hardly keep the emotion from his voice; he rubbed his hands along her arms. "Really."

Even though she had blocked off reading him, or Oz or Darwin, the strong attraction that resonated within him was unmistakeable. She rested a hand over his.

“Suresh? Are you….?” She stopped, unsure how to bring up the subject.

He laughed and backed off again. "I'd best get to that shower. Goodnight, Li." He slightly bowed to her.

“Goodnight Suresh. I’ll see you first thing in the morning.” She turned away from him to look out at the small lake once more.

He opened the door to his room and paused to look back for one more moment. Mentally shaking himself, he stepped through the doorway.

* * *

By the time Suresh entered the room, Oralia was in bed, covered with just a sheet. She shifted slightly, glanced at the door and who had come in, then relaxed and drifted back to sleep.

Suresh stood in the dark room, waiting for his eyes to adjust. Taking in the sight of the sleeping Oz, he smiled as he watched her for several seconds, then crossed to the bathroom. Once inside, he turned on the shower, stepped out silently and closed the door. Most security types were light sleepers and this was background noise Oz would register as normal.

Once he saw she was still, he moved over to stand by his bed. The minutes with Li outside, seeing her under the moonlight, touching her….had set his emotions on fire. She was so close and there was so much he wanted to say, to do, but he couldn’t or he’d expose too much of himself. She had sensed his feelings, he was sure, based on the question she’d wanted to ask but had not. Now it all boiled up within him, urging him to go next door, call her out, tell her how he felt. His fingers itched to touch her again, even though he knew this wasn’t the time. He needed to be patient, had to be.

His attention returned to Oz as she slept. Soon this woman would no longer be able to run interference. He reached under his mattress and pulled out a wickedly thin, sharp blade. The only sound was the faint patter of the shower still and his smile returned. Finally, he stepped over to Oz’s bed. He knew she had a knife somewhere and on a hunch, slipped his free hand beneath her pillow. Cold metal met his fingertips and he eased it out, even as he pressed the other blade to her throat.

“One word and you’re dead right here Oz,” he hissed.

She snapped awake, cold metal on her skin acting in a way that no amount of caffeine could. That and that harsh whisper, a voice she recalled from so many months ago as he'd gloated over her newly shorn head. Staring up at him, she froze, trying to reconcile this behavior with what she'd seen of Suresh on the ship.

“Ahh, there’s those big green eyes. Just as I remember them. No wonder Jackson is so smitten with you. It’s a pity he doesn't know you like I do and now never will. But what’s this? You look surprised. What is it Oz?” He kept the knife to her throat even as he asked the question. “Speak. Quietly or I’ll start by removing those lovely green eyes.”

Swallowing carefully, Oralia said, "Surprised is a bit of a soft word for how I feel right now. Which one of the nutcases are you?"

“You can’t tell? And here I thought we were getting along so well.” Suresh sighed. “I’m so disenchanted, Oz. Think about it. On your trip here...did you see me lay a hand on Li?”

A chill ran up her spine. She hadn't seen him touch Li, except once or twice on the shoulder, nothing too major; how could he have hidden this streak from Li, though? "Maybe. Maybe not. I had the feeling you were looking a bit obsessive."

"Was I? When was that, do tell.” He smiled down at her once more. “And thank you for the information.That avoidance is as good as an admission. He touched her, now he will die. But ladies first, of course.”

She'd been thinking of how to turn the tables here, so far nothing had come to mind. Then his statement hit her: this wasn't the new Suresh. Which meant that no matter what she did, odds were she was already dead. Another dose of adrenaline hit her and she made a move, simultaneously pressing into the pillow and reaching up to grab his arm. Pain registered, briefly, along her neck and clavicle, but she was able to shove him back enough to roll off the bed and face him across it. "How the hell did you swap with Suresh?" The bed seemed awfully narrow between them.

“Because you are stupid, Oz. Think about it. You let him out of your sight didn’t you? And do you really think he could turn up here and not get some attention? I have eyes and ears everywhere. I knew the minute you checked in. Right now? He’s trussed up like a targ ready for the roasting fire.” He watched her, checking every move she made, every twitch of a muscle. “Despite his bad luck, I have to say he is a handsome fellow.” Suresh’s smile returned. “But I don’t care what Seyla says, that one is nothing but a substitute for Li. She cannot possibly care for him, which she will realize once I have her back...and once you are out of the way.” He reached into his pocket and brought out a small disruptor. “Say goodnight, Gracie.”

She would have gone for her knife, but knew bringing a knife to a disruptor fight was pointless. "Li never cared for you, you idiot. You were a target, someone she wanted information from, nothing more. You were blind and stupid and let her get under your skin," Oz taunted him while she looked for a way out. She also hoped the walls of this inn were thin - maybe she could wake Darwin.

“And that’s where you’re wrong. I know what was in Li, deep down, even if she refused to admit it. As much time as she spent in my head? I couldn’t miss it. Once she is free of that Vulcan, she’ll see the light.” He moved sideways a bit as Oz did. “For now, you’re going to be the bait that brings her and your lackey to me so you get to live a little longer. See you on the flip side.” He fired the disruptor at Oz, enough to knock her out so he could carry her. In an instant she was down and Suresh dashed around the bed to scoop her up. Then he spoke aloud to the communicator he’d locked to transmit. “Energize.”

They were gone in an instant.

To Be Continued…


Captain Li Hawke
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Michael Darwin


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