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Winter Of Distractions

Posted on Sat May 23rd, 2015 @ 7:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Solis & Julisa's Quarters

* * * Solis & Julisa’s Quarters * * *

After the meeting in Rae’s quarters, Dae had accompanied Julisa to SIckbay. Solis had taken over and a short surgery later, her damaged hand was repaired. Solis, as usual, was pleased with his handiwork and that little pun had made him laugh, despite his exhaustion. Finally, they were home and he didn’t think these quarters ever looked so good. Especially since Julisa was back here in one piece. He dropped their bags by the door and gave a contented sigh.

“Home again, home again...jiggity jig.” He leaned back against the closed doors, just relaxing for a moment.

"It's good to be back," she said, smiling at him. She headed straight to her desk and turned on the console. She had a report to draft.

He eyed her for a moment and frowned. “Not work now? Really?” He sauntered over to the desk, leaning over it and kissed her gently. “Can I distract you? Ray will understand.”

Chuckling, she challenged him, "Can you distract me? I know you know how."

“In less than a second on a slow day,” he countered, a wicked smile lighting his face now. “Besides, we’ve been gone for how many days? And after what you went through on Betazed, I could always make it doctor’s orders.”

"Oh, this?" She gestured with her formerly injured hand. "It's nothing." Now it was. On the way back from Betazed, she'd whined about it daily. "But if you have that regenerator around...?" She had a wicked gleam in her eyes.

His smile widened. “Of course I do, I’m a doctor.” Solis watched her, studying her face, reveling in the fact that she was here and alive. It was an amazing aphrodisiac, and he had no intentions of not indulging. Moving around the desk, he pulled her to her feet, then swept her into his arms. There would be time for reports later.

* * *

It was time for that report. Letting Solis sleep, by her count he'd been awake for almost three days now, Julisa padded barefoot out to the console to get to work. It was a simple thing to write, particularly since she knew every necessary detail, and was finished and sent off to Ray in short order.

She had been ignoring a prompt on the screen: notification of a message for Solis. Curiosity was one of Julisa's weaknesses; she couldn't resist opening it. She read the short missive then sat there, pondering on it.

Ehlana Winter was the sender; the message was an order requiring Solis to appear for a debriefing regarding their mission. What had Winter, a Temporal Affairs officer, to do with their investigation on Betazed? Was she involved with Azoulay? That could explain how Azoulay could be in Cardassian territory, overseeing torture, but never have been questioned about any absences. And now she wanted to see Solis.... A chill touched her; was he the one in danger now?

Closing the console, she hurried back to bed and curled against her lover, seeking his warmth to chase away her chill.

Solis murmured in his sleep and drew her close.The softness of her skin against his had its usual electric effect, pulling him from his dreams. His lips found hers, the kiss possessive and deep. Finally, he smiled. “I don’t wanna go to school today.” Another kiss, another smile.”I’d rather stay home and make Ray wonder where you are.”

"He knows just where I am," she assured him. "I have plenty of time; I've sent my report in." She kissed him, then added, "You, however, have been summoned."

“To hell with them,” he murmured. His hand slipped down over the curve of her hip, the touch feather light. “Who?”

"Ehlana Winter," she said as her body reached to his touch. "Something about a debriefing."

The words caught him off guard and before he could cover it his hand hesitated, pausing as he stroked her. It was a momentary catch, but it was there. He shrugged and rolled her over beneath him. “She can wait.”

She almost chased that down, but when Solis meant to distract her, he was thorough and determined. She let the conversation die for the moment.

Later, though, lying against his side, she asked him, "What would Winter need to debrief you on?" She recalled at least once when she'd used that same term to mean undressing someone. She passed the memory to Solis; it was his deposition on DS-15. She had forgotten her earlier worries;Solis tended to do that to her.

Solis began to laugh at the thought. “I always knew you were hot for me.” As his laughter subsided, he kissed the top of her head. “I should think she’d be more interested in debriefing Earl. Is that disrespectful of someone who outranks me?”

"Oh, let's not create that image!" She laughed, punched him lightly and sat up. "You'll turn me off for good with that one. But I'm not letting you evade the question, Mr. Deponent. She's in Temporal Affairs."

“She is, yes. And we’ve seen what she can accomplish in other times and places. Knowing Ehlana, she may want to debrief me on something that may or may not have even happened yet." Shit. How was it that a single touch from Julisa just opened him right up like a book and loosened his lips. He shrugged then. “Who knows?”

"I doubt she wants to know about 'shit'. If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. We have secrets, Sol. It's okay," she kissed him, knowing that he could feel her curiosity.

“Well, I’ll know after I see her I suppose.” He leaned in for a kiss, his lips lingering on hers to maintain the touch. Then maybe. But you know how she is.

Secretive. Can't imagine why she likes Earl, though. That man is anything but secretive. Julisa had a mildly incorrect view of Earl, one colored by past dealings with him. "Is it my turn to distract you or are you off to see Ms. Winter?"

“Turnabout is fair play Vina.” He tilted her head back and kissed her throat. “She will --”

Julisa’s comm badge chirped and Ray’s voice came through.

=^= Benson to Bajun. Report to the main brig immediately. Trust me you are gonna love this. Azoulay shot Admiral Wegener, then got punched out by Admiral Cruzado. I figured you’d like to have a shot at this one. Benson out. =^=

"I'd rather have a shot at him," she grumbled, still sorting through the words he'd just said. "Azoulay shot Wegener." That got through. "Oh! You might be needed in Sickbay, Solis! Earl is the acting CMO."

“I suppose we’d better get dressed. I am due to check on Ensign Sarkozi and relieve Earl.” He gave her one more long, toe-curling kiss, then slipped out of bed. Moments later, his on-call alert sounded.

"So much for making Ray wonder where I am," she lamented and followed suit.

Lt. Solis
The Perfect Distraction

Lt. Bajun Julisa


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