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Just Say The Word

Posted on Sun May 24th, 2015 @ 2:41am by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Despite all the personal issues, Kh’ali had to get to the office. Patrick was spending the evening in with the baby so she could go attend to some items of diplomacy that just couldn’t wait. Security had remained on duty and when she stepped out into the corridor, a man stepped away from the pair guarding the door. Nick Marcinko.

“Hello Nick, nice to see you.”

“Commander,” he replied. “Seems like you and I are gonna’ be getting more acquainted.”

“So we will.” She smiled as Nick fell in step beside her. “I must apologize for all this. I know you likely have better things to do than shadow me.” Kh’ali’s consuming anger of earlier had given way after a good long dose of Patrick and now her usual smooth words had returned, for which she was glad. “It’s an unusual occurrence but one I hope will be remedied soon.”

“Eh. I don’t mind it. I haven’t done any personal protection in ages and am glad for the change of pace.”

“Is that so? How much did Patrick tell you about this situation?” They had reached the lift and she led the way inside.

“Family’s in town, Klingon honor, someone’s butthurt and I’m here to make sure you and the family are safe.” He smiled. “Easy-peasy.”

Kh’ali laughed as the lift began to descend. “That sums it up quite nicely. Throw in some insults, a few threats, possible danger and there you have it. Typical Klingon family gathering. Patrick just doesn’t understand all the honor stuff, which is why he asked for you.”

“You do realize that I’ve distanced myself from most of that stuff as well, right? I mean, I remember my heritage and my family, but I’m not like you, at least not in that sense.”

“There are some that would argue that I’ve put too much distance between me and most of that stuff, Nick.” Kh’ali shrugged. “But what it all boils down to is now there’s a child in the mix and I don’t like some of the things that have been hinted at by these family members. And since killing her isn’t an option right now….well, there is you.”

“Oh, I can kill her.”

“So can I but there’s issues there. Patrick for one, and Starfleet for another. Perhaps if I were in your line of work but when a diplomat kills her cousin, people start losing their minds over it.” She smiled at Nick, apparently completely serious.

He shrugged. “I’m just sayin’. There are ways. She’s on station with one of several other Klingons who would likely love to take her position. I could make it happen. No diplomatic involvement, no apparent Starfleet involvement--just say the word. Besides, I haven’t killed anyone in a while either. I’m gettin’ an itch.”

Kh’ali turned to face him, her expression speculative. “I have another solution in mind but you should know about it, it could...backfire.” She ordered the lift to a different deck, this one on the promenade. “We are taking a detour.”

“I take it we’re not suddenly wanting dumplings?”

“Somewhere a little noisier.” She fell silent as the doors opened and she led the way out. Eventually, they found themselves at a table in the Wormhole. “Much better so we are not overheard. Drinks are on me.”

“Nice,” he said with a grin and waved over the server. “Four Aldebaran whiskey shots. And she’ll probably want something as well.”

“The same.” The server moved off and Kh’ali turned back to Nick. “So, my solution. The option has been presented of taking Patrick to Qo’nos for all the formalities, and we likely will as soon as we can finish up some things here. However, that accomplishes exactly what my cousin is most afraid of. Do you see where this is going?”

“I see her trying to stop you from getting home, no matter what. Or taking pot shots at the young’un.” It was no surprise that Nick wasn’t much on children. When Patrick had assigned him to this detail he had almost panicked thinking he was going to be taking care of the kid, especially when he was told he’d be ‘babysitting’ the family. Luckily it was cleared up before Nick decided to tell the acting base commander to pound sand.

The drinks arrived and once they were again alone, Kh’ali raised the first shot. “To honor...and when that doesn’t work…” She smiled and downed the whiskey.

Nick had raised his as well. One shot down, followed by another and then a third. “I love this shit,” he said as he dropped the fourth one down his gullet. “ will be going to Qo’nos. Do I need to tag along?”

“Once we are ready, you can if you’d like. It will certainly make Patrick’s case look better since you are not related to me. As for the time till then? I believe you are exactly right. It’s in her best interest that we don’t go home and the possibility that Patrick and D’veidh will be legitimate makes her position that much worse. It’s also in her best interest to make sure that doesn’t happen, one way or another.” Kh’ali downed her remaining three whiskies.

“I’m not a fan of returning...home,” he said, struggling to call it that, “but if you think you’ll need a little extra security, I’m on board. Of course, all you gotta’ do is flip the switch and I could make all of this go away long before your trip. Just say the word.”

Kh’ali shook her head. “Not now. But I tell you this Nick, if she raises a hand to either of them? All bets are off. You can do whatever you wish to her.” Her voice had taken on a sharp edge. “I don’t know if she will be that stupid but desperation does strange things to people.”

A small smile spread thinly across his lips as he imagined--”Hey,” he said, interrupting his own thoughts, “what’s this chick’s name?”


“Ah. Right.” He imagined Q’Vahn baring her pointy teeth and reaching toward the kid, lying quietly in its bed, cooing, and other stuff babies do, when he would swoop in bury a knife in her skull to the hilt, save the baby and be the hero of the day.

He really needed to let out some of this pent up aggression, apparently. He was even fantasizing about killing people while talking with co-workers. He shrugged and dismissed it.

Kh’ali watched Nick as his little mental movie played out. She spent much of her time reading body language and she could read him well enough to know the wheels were turning. “Planning already?” she asked casually.

He’d almost forgotten that she was there. “Oh, ah...heh. Yeah. Kinda’.” He caught the server’s attention and held up four fingers and pointed at his drinks. Moments later, four more shots were on the table. “I guess I need to ease up a bit, so only two this time,” he said, sliding two of them over to Kh’ali.

“Same.” She looked up as Rio, the oversized bouncer passed and gave her a wink. She waved, then turned back to Nick. “I am actually on my way to my office. Get this, after all this time, and some near-constant negotiating, the Enaran government has finally come through. They have granted Eli’s emancipation request. Soon, all ties will be broken with that place.” She downed her two shots. “Can you tell me if anything of note has come over the wire about the state of things there?”

“Nothing that would make me run screaming through the corridors,” he said downing his drinks. “But I haven’t exactly been keeping an eye on the Enarans. I can check and get back to you.”

“Please, I’d appreciate it. This has been a long haul and kept this kid from going home at all. Once this goes through, he will be allowed to visit and his parents can come here without having to sneak off their homeworld. I don’t think their government will ever openly embrace him but this is better than nothing.”

“Until this is all over,” he said, getting back to the business at hand, “how do you want to play this? Me tagging along everywhere you go? Sleeping on the couch in your quarters--which would be a bit awkward? Lurking behind you trying to be invisible?”

“I think it depends,” she answered. “If I’m at work, you can just be in the general area so you don’t get bored out of your mind. At home, we have guards posted but you can stay in if you like. If she sees you, she will either leave me alone or try to strike at you. If she doesn’t see you she may assume it’s safe to make a move. So...I am uncertain. Suggestions?”

He thought it over a few moments. “I’ll get some of those ugly ass uniforms and start wearing them,” he said. “At least I’ll look like I’m supposed to be in your area of the base or hanging around you. As for your quarters, I’ll leave that to security but I can get some temporary quarters across the hall or something--in case I need to get there quickly. Oh, and you should probably have the computer give me access to your quarters without having to play ‘mother-may-I’. Those few seconds of overriding the computer could mean life or death, if it came down to it.”

“Consider it done. Otherwise, moving about the station I’m content to have you just be around. But you can bet I won’t be unarmed for the foreseeable future.” She had to laugh at his mention of the uniforms. “You’ll look good in purple.”

“Ugh. It makes my eyes hurt.”

“Have another round, it takes the edge off.” She smiled at Nick across the table. “and for now, welcome to the family.”

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Hedging Her Bets

Lt. Nick Marcinko
Family Shadow


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