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How To Piss Off A Klingon Without Really Trying

Posted on Wed May 27th, 2015 @ 3:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Guest Quarters

* * * Guest Quarters * * *

Kh’ali was still in a good mood after delivering the good new to Eli. It had been months in the works and the Enaran government had been, to use one of Iggy’s favorite words, bastards about it. She actually laughed aloud at that thought, drawing a look from a passing crewman. But it was done and now she had to work on her own issues. Her first stop was to see Roctan. He should be warned before she informed Q’Vahn of her decision. Perhaps he might have some good advice, or at least be good backup. Arriving at his door, she rang the chime, then glanced around. She didn’t see Nick, but she knew very well he was lurking within range. It surprised her how quiet and invisible a man of his size could be and she was glad he was on her side.

* * * * * *

Roctan looked up from the klingon-padd he was studying, surprised to hear the doors chime as he was waiting for no one.

“Come in.” He said in his gruff tone.

The doors hissed open to reveal the well-known figure of Kh’ali.

Roctan nodded and put the padd on the table close to him “Kh’ali…” He said dropping any formality as they were alone “Enter, please.”

“Thank you.” She stepped inside and once the doors closed, she moved forward. “How are you Roctan? I hope that you’ve found something here to interest you?”

“Yes, I was just reviewing the stellar map taking into due account everything we’ve said in the meeting.” He responded then pursed his lips in thoughtful attitude “I think we could settle near Jentrada or Z’eldagar if local cultures can be convinced to have Klingon neighbors… It would be close to Starbase 900 too should a future need arise.”

“Z’eldagar might be a better possibility. The Evariste has already been there and the contact was quite successful. Nothing formal was done but they are now considered friendly. I think that you could convince them, perhaps with some assistance from Lt. Dobry.” She smiled and sat down in the chair beside him. “Should you wish to visit that is. I will be happy to begin things here, however.”

“That is a good thing to know. But perhaps what I’m starting here will be brought to conclusion by someone else.” Roctan smiled bitterly.

He reached then for an elaborate faience bottle and glasses across the table, all of them adorned by battle scenes of old klingon history “I know that your replicators can deliver anything... But I chose to bring this bottle with me from Qo’nos to warm my old gut from time to time. Nothing can be better than the original.” He ended pouring some of the strong klingon liquor in a glass.

He moved the bottle to the other one then, eyeing Kh’ali for a nod or denial.

She nodded, watching as he poured. “And why not you?”

He smiled again “The leader of this mission doesn’t look upon me with favor. I’m not from your house, even if friendship with your father and your uncle is long-standing. But… I take it you’re not here to talk business right?”

Kh’ali’s expression soured for a moment. “She does not run the Council last I heard. You have a level head and wisdom which is what is needed out here. If it is left to her, we’ll be at war next week.” She reached for her glass and had a sip, relishing the warmth as it traced its way down. “And no, not especially, though I don’t mind. I came regarding the family matter.”

Roctan laughed with Kh’ali’s words “No you’re right. She’s not running the Council… Still she’s been bestowed with authority on the whole thing. Q’Vahn has been wistful and wayward all her life but now… Something has changed. She’s feverish... Not even your uncle is able to control her short of killing her, that is. And She has personally selected the crew of the K’Nahr... They’re all utterly loyal to her cause and most of them are considered undesirable even for our people.”

He paused then, a shadow crossing his face “I’m here at council’s request but I’m alone. If I’m not careful I’m not making it back to Qo’nos alive.” he looked up then meeting Kh’ali’s eyes “You’re in danger daughter of Torin.”

“I knew that the minute she opened her mouth,” Kh’ali answered. “I have taken steps to cover my ass, to be blunt. As for you, she may be hot-headed and foolish but I don’t think she would harm you on this station unless she wants a quick trip to Rura Penthe.” She paused a moment to refill Roctan’s glass, then her own. “But I have come to a decisions and it likely will not make her any happier.” That, Kh’ali knew, was a vast understatement.

“Would be very unwise of her trying on this station. But the way to Qo’nos is long and an accident can always happen, especially when many a witness can say that it was just so.” Roctan replied in bitter irony, he furrowed brows then interested in Kh’ali’s last words “Are you thinking of a challenge as it would be your right?” He asked.

“Patrick is very much against that, and he is right - it could ruin my position in the Fleet. I spoke to Torin and after some thought, I have decided that it is best to take Patrick to Qo’nos. We will undergo the formalities so that none can doubt my position or his, or the baby’s place in this family.”

“Then the danger extends to those you love.” Roctan said without useless kindness “Still this a brave move indeed for it will not only silence her but also any other one could try to walk her steps in the future.”

“And increase her hatred, yes? I think she expects a challenge and not this.” Kh’ali looked down into her glass and shrugged. “Silencing her is the worst thing in her view. She might wish for honorable death instead of that but she will not get it from me.”

“If you can choose…” he added with a somber look. “Yes, you’re raising the stakes in way she most probably doesn’t want. Her hate for you will grow in kind… Have you checked your brother lately? He’ll become a target too.”

“It is possible too, but he’s home. It will be harder to get to him, don’t you think?”

Roctan shook his head “You’ve been away from Qo’nos for too long Kh’ali. You forgot how intrigue can dominate our lives and steadfast allies carry out simple tasks even when we are far away. Especially when we are far away...”

Kh’ali was about to respond when the chime sounded again. Roctan frowned and gruffly bade the visitor to enter anticipating bad news.

Q’Vahn appeared in the door frame “Roctan, I was thinking…” she started to say but stopped in her tracks when she saw Kh’ali seated at the table with her counselor.

“So… What are you doing here cousin?”

“Catching up with an old friend over a drink or two.” Kh’ali shot Roctan a look. “But perhaps it’s good that you came. We’ve been discussing a few family matters.”

“Oh, really?” Q’Vahn commented stepping closer to the two “And what might that be?”

“Well you demanded a decision, I have made one. I don’t have the time to dance around, Q’Vahn. So, to satisfy your curiosity, Patrick and I will be making the trip to Qo’nos to satisfy tradition….and everyone else.” She purposely did not mention whether the baby would be along for the ride. “It seems the most reasonable solution, at least from my point of view.” Kh’ali smiled up at her cousin, then reached for her glass.

Q’Vahn stood there for an instant as if lightning struck, the smile dying. Her eyes narrowed focusing on Kh’ali and Roctan in turn, coming back to Kh’ali in the end.

Her scornful smile returned “What a news. A most wise decision cousin, I wonder why you didn’t choose to do so a long time ago.” She ended moving forward and taking the glass from Kh’ali’s hand.

“The K’Nahr is at your disposal then… I’ll take the both of you to Qo’nos in no time.” That said she gulped down the liquor and put the glass back on the table. not too gently.

“Most generous of you.” Kh’ali smiled one more. “I have some things that cannot wait, including the reason for your trip out here. Once that is settled, we will make arrangements.” Kh’ali reached for the bottle. “Care for another?”

“Of course.” Q’Vahn replied.

Kh’ali refilled Roctan’s glass, then the other and passed it to Q’Vahn. “I think it best for all concerned to get the matter settled and move on. For the good of the family.”

“You’ve always been the most sensible.” Q’Vahn responded before draining the second glass.
“This is an occasion of rejoicing for the family. You should have your mate introduced before undertaking the voyage back home, don’t you think?” She smiled to Kh’ali.

“If you wish to meet him, then fine. I will arrange it. Tomorrow Roctan? We can use the diplomatic reception room and have dinner.” Kh’ali looked to Roctan with the question. She had no intentions of letting her cousin into her quarters.

“That is fine for me.” Roctan nodded “We are guests here so your call holds sway.” He added turning a scolding look to Q’Vahn who simply ignored.

“It’s settled then.” Q’vahn stated, slightly tilting her head as she looked Kh’ali.

“Very well.” Kh’ali rose, looking from one to the other. “1900 hours. And I will send what I have on Z’eldagar for you to look over. Till tomorrow.” She stepped around Q’Vahn and departed, leaving her cousin and Roctan alone.

Stirring The Pot...And Enjoying It

Wisdom Given Bluntly

Quickly Revising Plans


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