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Sakkath We Have A Problem

Posted on Thu May 28th, 2015 @ 4:27pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone

If it wasn’t one thing it was another. Nelvana security stood by as they waited for news of Oz and Li’s thoughts turned towards home and Sakkath. She suddenly felt very far away from him and, with a guard in tow, found a public terminal. She ordered the computer to open a subspace channel and it took a few minutes, routing around 900 to chase him down.

Sakkath's face appeared on the screen, concentration evident on his features as he peered down at the station before him. "Imzadi," he said, looking up from his work. "How do you fare?" he asked as he set down his tools.

Li took a moment just to look back at him, so happy to see his face that no words came. Finally, she spoke. “I’d hoped to tell you that everything was done and we were on our way home but there’s been a little setback on Nelvana III.”

“Setbacks inside of the Neutral Zone are rarely a positive occurrence,” he stated the obvious. “Are you safe?” His usual monotone belied the concern she would have felt spill over their bond, had they not been separated by so many thousands of light years.

“For now, yes. There’s a mix-up in progress, caused by an intentional betrayal from an old contact of mine that, until now, I’d have trusted with anything. They are charging us with harboring a fugitive, specifically an escapee from Elba II, along with a few other related issues. They think this Suresh is the old one and while Jake knew better, he turned him in as the original. I’ve not had time to get to the bottom of it yet; Oz is still in surgery.”

“Suresh is dead, then,” Sakkath inferred, else they would be harboring a fugitive. “Or has he simply eluded you?” He normally would not doubt his wife’s skills in this regard, but with Oralia injured they may have scrubbed the mission, which led him to another question. “I trust the Commander’s prognosis is favorable?”

Li’s tone shifted, showing how worried she was. “We’ll know soon. She was stabbed in the side and Darwin was also worried about concussion. He patched her up but we began to suspect there was internal bleeding, so we decided to stop here and bring her in.” She paused, then nodded. “The old one is dead, killed by the new one. We have his body in stasis to bring back, which is another thing on the list of charges. They took Jake’s tip as probable cause and searched the ship while we were all away from it.”

As far as Sakkath was concerned, they could keep the new Suresh for murder and let him rot in a Reman prison… but that was an emotional response, and he buried it with some minor effort. He also doubted such action would reflect well on the officers transporting him through the Neutral Zone. “Are they aware of your Starfleet association?” he wondered. “That could make your presence most… uncomfortable,” he chose as diplomatic a word as he was able.

“They are,” Li answered. “I suspect Jake was most forthcoming about that if he’d do this. If they scan the new one, it should be a simple matter to determine he’s not of this universe don’t you think? If we can prove that, then having the body of the escapee should show that we went to retrieve him, not help him.”

“Potentially,” Sakkath admitted. “I can also secure what medical records we have here, in addition to those from Elba II, and have them made available to you. Reports of the alternate universe incident as well. That should be of some assistance.”

Li gave an audible sigh of relief. “You are amazing. But…” She stopped to think for a moment. “You may have to send them to Nelvana Security Central. I’m not sure if we have access to the ship right now.”

The Vulcan Commander suppressed a frown. There was no guarantee that Nelvana Security would make use of the information once sent. At least in Li’s possession she could guide her own destiny. Still, he gave a nod after a short pause. “I shall see it delivered,” he promised. “Would you like for me to involve the Admiral?”

“Oh! The Admirals! What’s happened with them? It’s been so crazy here, and with us on radio silence, we’ve heard nothing yet.” A voice spoke in the background, the waiting guard, but she waved him away.

Sakkath took notice of the interruption but kept his attention on Li. “A lengthy tale,” he admitted. “I will have much and more to tell you upon your return, but both Admiral Wegener and your father have been cleared and reinstated.”

Relief flooded through Li and it was apparent in her face. “That’s wonderful news. Something is going right at least. For now, at least once Oz is released, we will likely be at the detention center while I raise hell with one and all.” She smiled briefly. “If you are having that information delivered, that should be the first stop.”

“I do not envy them your wrath,” Sakkath said with almost a hint of amusement. “I shall see what I can do to ensure that this information is put to use once I compile it.” His thoughts had already passed to someone that could deliver it personally, and with a sense of gravitas that few would be able to ignore.

“Thank you.” She lowered her voice and leaned closer to the terminal. “I miss you and I will be so glad when this is done. Please, give the admirals my best. I hope to be home soon to congratulate them in person.” There was much more she wanted to say but she left it at that, give the eavesdropper nearby. Instead, she rested her hand to the screen. “Soon.”

“I shall. And soon,” he agreed, brushing two fingers towards his screen in his usual gesture of affection. “I hope for a swift and favorable resolution, Imzadi.”

“Oh, so do I. Will you please tell Jackson that we did stop at the medical center here and Oz is being taken care of very well?”

“Of course, though I doubt it will assuage him any. He is a man of deep passions.” An understatement if ever there was one. “I shall begin making the necessary inquiries now. Take care, Li, of yourself and the others.”

“I will.” The channel closed and Li hoped she could do as he wished.

Commander Sakkath
Trying to solve problems from half a galaxy away…

Captain Li Hawke
Hoping he can….


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