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Flowers & Fireworks

Posted on Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 10:32pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Ensign Leela Carter & Chief Petty Officer Ganesh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Security

"I really dislike this time of year. The whole holiday thing. Everyone gets rowdy just because the calendar is rolling over," Carter complained at Ganesh, who was bouncing on the balls of his feet. He was one of those who liked the holidays - the humans, in particular, maybe the holiday season all about food.

"You could try a spiced plum tart, it might sweeten your view of the holidays," he suggested.

Carter glared at him and checked an incoming report. "The Cherry Pit residents seem to be having fun with it. Someone set off several bottle rockets. Injuries on their way to Piper; Engineers on their way to fix the damage."

"Hmm. Well, don't blame the holiday for a few stupid people," he paused as someone entered the Security offices. "Help you, friend?"

"Uh...yeah.” The young man looked down at the padd he held. “I’m looking for a Leela Carter?” He peered at the two officers around a large bouquet of flowers he held in his arms.

"Ooo, Lee! What, or who, did you do?" Ganesh took the bouquet from the guy.

Leela, meanwhile, was agog. "For me? Who sent them?"

The fellow looked at the pad again and shrugged. “Doesn’t say here but there’s a card on the vase. Where do you want them?”

"I got 'em!" Ganesh said, parading the flowers about the offices and nudging the other officers to take a gander.

Carter signed for the flowers, "Thanks." As the guy left, she turned and hollered at Ganesh, "Hey! Bring those back here!"

"Oh sure," he bustled back to her, set the vase down near her console then plucked a large daisy from the bunch and started eating it. "Oh, here's the card," he fished it out and handed it to Carter.

She glared at him again, snatching the card from him. She opened it and her frown deepened.

Leela, I want to apologize for my lack of memory regarding our past. I am certain that if I recalled it, it would be with pleasure. I also want to thank you for everything you did to find Dru. I have no hesitation in saying that she owes her life to your efforts.

Regards, Nicolao

Quickly, before Ganesh could make a grab for the card, she slipped it into a place she knew Ganesh wouldn't dare try to get it. At his impatient, "Well?", she shrugged. " Just someone thanking me for a job well done."

"Oh, sure. People do not send flowers like this just as a thanks." He paused as yet another person entered Security's offices. "Hello, Mr. Prosecutor!"

“Happy New Year, Ganesh.” Ray grinned and raised the glass he held in his hand. It was decorated with a tiny umbrella and a straw with streamers attached. “How goes things down here?”

"Someone here just got flowers! Look at these!" Ganesh flourished the flowers at Ray.

"Stop that, G!" Carter snapped at him before turning and looking Ray up and down. Another holiday lover. "What do you need, sir?"

“I just stopped in to see if those last reports for you all got here? Some things that came to light for us should be part of your files, now that we’ve reported it to Starfleet. But if you check them, do it on an empty stomach.” He took a sip of the drink and moved over to look at the flowers. “These are lovely, ensign. Someone must have it bad.”

"You mean the files on Azoulay?" At his nod, she nodded. "We received those. And the flowers are a thank you, not a romantic thing." She watched him, half-wondering whether he'd be like the Bolian and eat one.

“Huh...a thank you? Interesting.” Ray set down his drink and chose a bright pink flower, then turned to Leela. He reached out and tucked it behind her ear where it contrasted in a most festive way with her blonde hair. “Better. What do you think Ganesh?”

"Much," he nodded in approval.

Carter turned her glare on Ray. "Thank you for that," she said, her tone really saying, 'thanks for nothing.'

“It looks great.” Ray tilted his head as he examined her. “So tell me, why are you two holed up down here instead of out dancing on the Promenade?”

"Not just us, and someone has to keep order around here," she gestured around the room, where a few others were working. "Station this big, more than a few holidays overlapping, things could get out of hand very quickly. Ganesh and I just had a report of bottle rockets being set off near the Cherry Pit. That sort of thing could get dangerous."

Ray laughed aloud at the mention of bottle rockets. “Be glad that’s all they’ve done down there. That’s mild I’d say. There’s a guy down there that could eat bottle rockets for breakfast. So when do you get off?”

Startled by the question (wasn't she at her prickly best?), Leela took a second look at Ray. "As in duty? Get off my shift?"

“Well, yes. I don’t think I know you well enough to mean it the other way,” he deadpanned.

She blushed, nearly matching the flower in her hair. "End of Beta shift. Why?"

Ray checked the time, then looked over to Ganesh. “Would you excuse us a moment Chief?”

"Sure thing!" Ganesh, who had been listening and watching, knew what was up. "Take more than one."

“Thanks.” He watched as Ganesh departed and now noticed a bit of daisy stuck to his chin. “Did he eat one Leela?”

"He did. Flowers like that are a favorite of his." She shook her head and chuckled. "Bolians can be weird; Ganesh always is."

“He does good work, though.” Ray shrugged. “Must work too, he looks healthy enough.” Ray leaned against the corner of her desk. “Beta shift is over in an hour, you know. What do you say?”

"Are you asking me out, Mr. Prosecutor?" She didn't hide her disbelief. Was he a martyr?

“Why not? It is an occasion..well ...sort of. You can’t just go home with the station in full-on party mode. And you never get bowled over by my bullshit. So...yeah. Assuming whoever sent those flowers won’t hunt me down later.” He gave her an ear-to-ear smile.

"Pfft. Nico sent those. He's got his head so far up...," she realized what she was about to say and to whom she was about to say it and stopped. "He's into Dru. It really was just a thanks. As for your bullshit - you're an attorney, you always lay it on thick. So you're taking me to the Nexus Club, then?"

“If you wish, sure. You know Jackson always has a helluva New Year’s Bash. I can get us in, no worries.” Ray plucked the umbrella from his drink and stuck it in the frame of her view screen.

"Okay. Meet me there in two hours?" He really must be looking to be a martyr; she had yet to be nice to him.

“My pleasure.” Ray raised his glass to her, then departed to change.

Ensign Leela Carter
Chief Petty Officer Ganesh
Lt. Ray Benson
Starting The New Year Off Right


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