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Ready When You Are

Posted on Tue Jun 2nd, 2015 @ 2:13am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Drusilla's Quarters / Archadia

* * * Drusilla’s Quarters * * *

Nico left Ha’Dara and began to make his way through the Promenade. It was the New Year, according to Fleet reckoning and the levels of the Promenade were in full-on party mode. It took a little while to weave his way through to the turbolift and by the time he began to ascent, he was wearing several flower leis. He shook his head and laughed just a little. Robin’s words, when he thought Nico was out of earshot, made him laugh even more. Now it was time to tell Dru the good news. He reached her deck and stepped out, strolling along to her door. A few in the corridor greeted him and once they passed, he rang the chime.

Inside, Dru could feel him out in the corridor as if his presence just added more awareness. “Come on in!” she yelled and skipped hurriedly into the living room just in time to see the doors open. She flung her arms around him with a big smile. “Hi!”

Nico swept her up in his arms with a smile and a quick kiss. “Happy new year.” He removed one of the leis and draped it around her neck. “The Promenade is just...wild.”

She stopped short. “Huh. I completely forgot about that. Are we gonna’ go out and celebrate too, or stay in for something a little more cozy?”

“Either but you may want to hear my news first before you decide.” He took her hand and led her to the sofa. “Don’t worry, it’s good news.” Nico was smiling still. It was finally beginning to sink in that Azoulay was gone and would pay dearly for all that she’d done, and his mood reflected it.

“I like good news,” she said with a crinkle of her nose. She wasn’t sure if it was Nico’s influence or no, but she just really felt happy right now. “What is it?”

“i just talked to Robin,” he said. Turning to face her, he took her hands in his. “I asked him for a favor...for you and he’s agreed.”

“A favor for me? What favor?” Her eyes widened momentarily. “Oh, please don’t say you asked him to promote me or something. He and I have been talking about that for a while and I don’t want to press the issue.”

“No, nothing like that - it’s none of my business.” Out in the corridor, loud laughter erupted, along with several voices talking excitedly. “Looks like someone’s sworn off the synthehol tonight.” He grinned at her. “No, what I asked for was a few days off. I asked for three and he gave you five. I told him how rough all this has been for you and that I wanted to take you to the beach.”

“Really?” she said excitedly. “Oh, that would be amazing!” She hugged him tightly. “Five days on the beach, Nico--oh, wow...we could really relax and have some fun. When do we leave?”

“Well, now sounds good I think.” He held her close, soaking in her excitement. “As soon as we can pack that is. What do you think?”

She blinked. “Like right now?” She jumped up and clapped. “Okay! Give me a second and I can be packed lickety-split!”

“Sure. Then we can swing by my quarters so I can get a few things.” Mamu’s face rose in his mind. “I don’t think I’ll need much though. I don’t expect you will either.”

She scoffed from the bedroom. “It’s a beach! A few swimsuits and maybe three changes of clothes would do it.” Moments later she came bounding back out with a very small bag. “I pack light,” she said with a wink. “Where are we going to stay?”

“I found a small house on a private beach. I figured if we’re going to get away from it all, I wanted to really be able to unwind and enjoy ourselves without prying eyes. I’ve had enough of that to last me a while.” He looked at the small bag and laughed. “ I did do a good deed today though, for someone here on the station which is why I was on the promenade getting decorated.”

“I’m sure they’re happy to have received your good deed,” she said, opening the door to the corridor. “I’m excited, so let’s go. Tell me about it on the way.”

* * * Somewhere On Archadia * * *

Nico had taken only a few minutes to pack and get the box from Mamu. An hour later, he and Dru stood hand in hand on the deck of a small house that overlooked the surf as it crashed ashore. The sun was just setting as they watched. Nico’s description had been accurate - it seemed there was no one around for miles.

“So, what do you think?” He pulled his gaze from the shore and looked down at Dru.

The view was breathtaking, and she told him so. The sound of the water and a few native birds were all the noise they could hear. “This is perfect, Nico. The only thing that would make it better would be drinks around a firepit and your arms around me.”

“We can do both you know.” He smiled and settled against him, wrapping her in his arms as they looked out to sea. “This stretch is private so we won’t be bothered. At all.” Laughter rose up in him once more. “Alone time, as Robin put it. I left it at that.”

“Mmm, I like that idea.” She turned to face him, still in his arms, and lay her head on his chest. “Thank you for this,” she said. “We both needed it but after our discussion, I think we needed this--deserved it, actually.”

“Me too - a little time to adjust and figure out everything...or nothing...and us.” He smiled once more. “No bad memories, no worries about what next. Robin also said that if my intent is to let you unwind, I have to as well. Also right.”

As she listened to him, her fingers were working their way down the few buttons of his shirt. “Did you say undress?” She shrugged. “I heard undress.”

“I definitely said that.” He grinned down at her. “Loud and clear.”

It was the last thing he said for some time to come.

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Beach Bunny

Getting Back To Nature


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