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Might As Well Jump!

Posted on Fri Jun 5th, 2015 @ 8:26pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

* * * Archadia III * * *

The past two days had been a delicious blur of sun, sand, surf, and above all, Dru. Through it all she’d overwhelmed him, her passion limitless and for the first time he could remember, he felt warmed completely through. She loved him for who he was now and wasn’t afraid of what had happened to him in his past. She didn’t see him as broken, but as simply the man she loved. She had fought for him when everything seemed to be falling apart, had brought him back from the edge. It was an amazing thing for him and the more time he had with her, the more he wanted. He felt as if he’d somehow come back to life and could not fathom the idea of a minute without her.

Now she lay asleep as he looked into the bedroom. A warm breeze wafted in through the open windows, stirring her curls gently where they lay scattered over the pillow. The urge to cross the room, to touch her skin that glowed from the days in the sun was all but overwhelming. He would give her a few minutes, he decided and retreated to the kitchen. There, he pulled out the mystery box from Mamu and finally opened it. The instant he saw what was within, he sucked in a breath and closed his eyes. What she had said in her shop now came back to him. She was right….as usual.

He closed the box, hid it away, then returned to the bedroom. He’d changed his mind about waking Dru. Settling gently on the edge of the bed, he leaned over, leaving a soft kiss on her lips.


She slowly opened her eyes and smiled, then pulled him back down for another kiss. “Now that’s how I should wake up every morning,” she said groggily. She didn’t sit up yet as she was enjoying the comfort of the bed a bit too much. “How long have you been awake?”

“A little while. I took a walk and got something for you.” He reached to the table by the bed and picked up a shell, which he held out on his hand. It was perfectly round and had a mother-of-pearl shimmer. The color was a faint pink in the middle and gradually shifted to a dark fuchsia around the outer edge.

Propping herself up on one elbow she took the shell in her other hand and examined it. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Turning it over a few times she really did like it.

“We can take it to Mamu and have her put it on a chain if you want, once we’re back.” He took the shell and put it back on the table. “Want to hit the beach? There’s something I want to show you.” He reached out and tugged on a curl that draped over her bare shoulder. “No need to dress. In anything.”

She chuckled and stretched under the sheet that barely covered her. Despite his request she just couldn’t see going down on the beach with nothing on so she opted for a sheer robe he had gotten her the day prior from a vendor several miles down the beach. “This will have to do,” she winked. “Don’t want sand everywhere.”

He looked her up and down, his blue eyes finally burning into hers, and he smiled. reaching out he tugged at the robe. “You’ll lose this soon enough. I need to get something from the kitchen and I’ll be ready.”

“Someone woke up randy, didn’t they?” She stopped in the bathroom and picked up the large blanket they had been using to lie in the sand with and walked out to meet him on the deck. It was a beautiful morning with a gentle breeze. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, enjoying the feeling of not being at work and having this time to themselves.

Nico took her hand and led her off the deck and down the path to the beach. Once they reached the sand, he took the blanket and dropped it to the sand. He then pulled something from his pocket and tucked it into the folded blanket. Finally, led her down to the water’s edge where the waves broke and flowed in.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.” He pulled her in close, his kiss deep and hungry.

She wanted to reply but didn’t bother. She enjoyed his kisses more than speaking. Finally, however, he stopped and looked so serious, but in an earnest manner as if his words were to be taken as gospel and nothing else.

“You’ve made me very happy, Nico,” she finally said. “This thing we have, I’ve never had this before. Ever.”

He laughed for a moment and it felt wonderful. “I should hope not, I don’t think you could live through two like me.”

She playfully hit his chest. “You know what I mean. This is all new to me but it’s just so amazing how close we are to each other. It’s not just sex or making out like some teenagers messing about. We have so much more and that’s what attracts me to you.” She tilted her head to the side. “Well, and the sex.”

Nico laughed again. “Yes, there is that.” He tugged at her robe. “And speaking of which…” He swept her up in his arms, then knelt down, lowering her to the sand. The edge of the wave slid beneath them as he kissed her once more. “I’ll never get enough of you, Dru.”

Her arms were around his neck and they were face to face as another wave came in and washed out ignoring the two humanoids holding and kissing and paying the wave no mind at all. “I love you, Nico.”

“I love you, too, more than I can find the words to express,” he whispered. “I was thinking about what you said at the Nexus the other night. ‘We could be crazy and do everything now’. Remember?”

With a smile that he even remembered it, she nodded. “I remember.”

“I want to,” he said simply. “Everything. If you’ll have me.”

“I--what?” She had a curious look on her face and replied, “Of course I’d have you, Nico! I do have you!”

“Then marry me. Now. While we’re here. If I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s that time is precious. I won’t waste another minute without you, Dru.” He smiled as he looked down at her. “It may be crazy but I don’t care.”

Her mouth was open in surprise but it crept into a smile quickly. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She pulled him to her and squeezed tightly. “Yes!” she said again as she kissed his face repeatedly.

His smile mirrored her own and moments later the robe was, indeed, lost.

* * *

Nico stretched, then sat up and wrung the water from his hair. He fluffed it out, then nudged Dru with his toe. “I have something for you, and a story to go with it.”

“A gift?” she asked as she rolled over on her side. “Nico, you don’t have to get me things.”

“It’s in a small box tucked into the blanket.” He smiled at Dru, knowing her curiosity would get to her. “Bring it back here.”

She stood and walked the few yards to the blanket, dug around and found the box. She wanted to open it but didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Walking back to Nico she handed him the box and sat in the surf next to him.

“Before we left I stopped in to see Mamu. You may have seen her shop? She’s been a lot of things to me over the past year or so as you know. So, we were talking about you and me and she gave me this box and some good advice.” He looked from the box to Dru. “She said, in short, to jump.” He opened the box and held it out for Dru to see. Inside was a wide band of clear stones that seemed to catch fire in the sunlight, glashing a rainbow of colors over Nico’s hand. In the center was a blue stone in a rough oval, its surface textured as it was when discovered. The blue was the same as Nico’s larger blue stone. “Enaran stones,” he said. “The blue you recognize. It’s smaller but I think you can figure out the purpose of it.”

Dru was instantly awestruck at the beauty of the ring. She reached for it but pulled her hand back, covering her mouth. “Nico,” she said, her hand now touching his cheek, “it’s breathtaking. It’s beautiful!”

Finally, she gently pulled it from the box and held it up. In an instant she could feel more of Nicolao’s emotions and could almost read his thoughts. “The blue stone,” she said, sliding the ring onto her finger, “I’ll be able to connect with you easier. I’ll be able to hear you all the time, won’t I?”

“I believe so, yes. And this one hasn’t been tainted by things past.” He leaned in to kiss her gently. “It will attune to you I suspect. As it should be.” Finally he smiled. “We have some things to arrange, yes? And I am betting that shopping is on your list?”

She was beaming and almost found it hard to breathe with the emotion flooding her. Finally she grabbed him and hugged him tightly. She just couldn’t put into words how much she loved him and how happy she was right now. Pulling back she kissed him and rested her forehead on his. “I might need a few things, yes, unless you were planning a Betazoid wedding for non-Betazoids?” She laughed at that and crinkled her nose.

“I wouldn’t mind but I’m not so sure you’d want Robin to see that.” Nico laughed and snuggled her in close. “Or Dae, though he is Betazoid. I’m sure he’d be willing.”

She pulled back from him, her hands holding both sides of his head. “There are many, many things that I share with Robin. My naked body isn’t one of them. I’m sure he isn’t interested in the female form, though, but still…”

“I saw Robin just before we left. He doesn’t know about this but he did agree to come down if I needed him. I think this counts, don’t you?”

“I think it would qualify, yes,” she said. “Who would perform the ceremony, though? One of the locals?”

Nico nodded. “I can round up someone I think. I’ll need something decent to wear too. My naked self is something I’m sure Robin doesn’t want me sharing.” He stopped and laughed. “Think tomorrow is good?”

“Plenty of time,” she smiled and let her hand caress his face again. She felt so close to him now, likely from the blue stone, but she just couldn’t help herself wanting that physical contact with him. “We’ll have all day today to find something decent. But I want it to be simple. No elaborate dresses or stuffy tuxedos or suits. We’re on a glorious beach and our wedding should reflect that.”

“And no shoes.” He caught her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing her palm. Dinner here or do you want to go into the city? He purposely didn’t push the thought to Dru, interested to see if the ring did, indeed, have an effect.

“Let’s go out,” she said aloud, then realized she’d heard him in her head. “Hmmm, I guess I need to try and get in the habit of doing that, or practicing how to go back and forth as easily as you can.” She slid her arms around his neck and kissed him again. “But we have all the time in the world to practice together now, don’t we?”

“That we do. Dinner out, but first….shower time. I should look presentable, hmm?”

“Eh, somewhat. The beach bum look only goes so far here, I think.” Nico stood first and helped her stand with him. They walked back to the cabin with their arms around each other. Dru held out her ring hand to admire it while the other hand slid down to his bottom. “This is so nice,” she said, not really indicating if it was the ring or his ass that had her attention.

He laughed aloud once more. “Why thank you, Dru. Having a beautiful woman admire your ass is most flattering.”

“What?” she said with an extra pat and squeeze. “Oh, yeah. But I was talking about the ring.” She added a wink as they walked up to the deck.

“Women,” he muttered. “Let’s get cleaned up, then I’ll call Robin, but I’ll make it short, I promise. I’m starving. I’m also ready for dinner.” He winked at Dru, then dashed into the house ahead of her.

Standing alone on the deck she held out her ring hand again. She closed her eyes and listened to the waves on the beach, felt the gentle breeze blowing against her naked body and opened her eyes to focus on the stone. I love you, Nico. she thought, testing her potentially new ability.

And I get in here while the water’s hot…

She giggled, jumped up and down excitedly and clapped her hands. This is so awesome!

Jumped He Did

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Jumping Excitedly


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