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DNA Will Set You Free

Posted on Fri Jun 5th, 2015 @ 11:31pm by Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Nelvana III - The Neutral Zone

* * * Nelvana III * * *

Suresh glanced over to Darwin as they followed the guards to the medical facility. His jumpiness had returned and it was obvious in the way he ran a hand through his hair and looked around anxiously as they went.

“I want you with me, Darwin. Do not let them send you away. I don’t trust them for obvious reasons,” he said softly.

"Okay, though I do want to see Oz," Darwin said. He, unlike Suresh, was outwardly calm. He was noticing the little things, though, like how the guard leading them kept glancing back and carried his hand close to his weapon. "Just calm down, Suresh. Don't give them a reason." He nodded at the guy's weapon.

Suresh followed his gaze and sighed. When he spoke it was louder and to the guard. “Take us in to see Commander Zeferino first.” He then looked back at Darwin. “So I can see her in case this goes bad and to make sure she’s okay.”

Darwin nodded. They followed along and finally came to the medical center. He hadn't recalled the medical center being so far from the security center, but perhaps they'd come the long way around. They were taken to an exam room, "No, no, we'd like to see Commander Zeferino first."

"She's being brought here," said the guard.

"Oh, well, okay," Darwin glanced at Suresh then went over to a counter and hopped up to sit on it.

Suresh decided to stand and leaned against a wall. “So she’s up walking already? That’s good news. Very good news.” He watched the guard closely as he asked the question. He still wondered at the sudden urge to be cooperative and wondered how far it extended out of the Ambassador’s view.

Oralia showed up just then. She wasn't under her own power: an orderly was pushing her in a hoverchair. And she didn't look or sound happy. "...taking two stars off my review of this place!" She spied Darwin and Suresh, "Oh, hey! You're out of jail! How did that...? What's going on?" The orderly positioned her so she could look at both men then left the three alone.

"Ambassador Sokar arrived with the documentation from Sakkath," Darwin answered. "We're here to have Suresh tested for his uniqueness."

“And then get us out of here. The Ambassador said that Elba II has also sent his intake scans to go along with everything else. So, scans here, compare, and hit the road. I hope.” Suresh frowned a moment. “Have you seen Li? No one mentioned her in the captain’s office just now.”

"I haven't heard about her," Oz replied, "But... Darwin, you said Ambassador Sokar?" Darwin nodded and Oz laughed. "That's Sakkath's father; Li's father-in-law."

“Well, fuck me,” Suresh muttered, then broke into a big smile and looked to Darwin. “How about that?”

He, too, was laughing. "Well, Sakkath sure as hell pulled a big string. Sokar showed up with a Romulan escort."

"And now we three are here, Li is somewhere and the Ambassador?" Oz looked from Darwin to Suresh and back.

“The ambassador and his guard were still in the captain’s office when we left so I don’t know. If I were him, I’d want to go see her. But still, why keep her separate? Insurance?” Suresh looked from Darwin to Oz.

"Insurance? For us to behave?" Oz frowned. "I can barely walk. How much more do they need?"

"Well, you might be an invalid, Oz, but I'm not. Nor is Suresh," Darwin said, grinning like a wolf.

"Oh, sure, you two, no weapons, against ...what? All of this little hamlet's security people?"

“Well, it does say something about his reputation doesn’t it?” Suresh asked. “But that aside, how are you Oz?”

"I'm okay. When they came to get me, I tried to walk. That didn't work well, so I'm in a chair for the moment. Maybe the captain here realizes that 900 wouldn't interrupt an Ambassador for a false story."

"Yeah...," Darwin looked at the open door and the two guards there. "Hey! Where's the med tech? Let's get this scan done."

Almost immediately after the question, the tech entered and glanced at all the people in the room. “My, we have a crowd today.” His gaze settled on Suresh. “You, on the biobed.”

Suresh nodded, climbed up on the bed and stretched out.

“Very good.” The tech pressed the control panel and the arch circled over Suresh. “This won’t take but a minute or two.” He frowned as the scan results began to appear on the wall screen. “This should’ve been done when you were first picked up. It’s standard procedure.”

Suresh glanced over to Oz, giving her ‘the look’.

"What? I was in surgery when you were arrested. Its not like I told them...," she started, defensively.

"I'd say a few procedures were ignored here. There was a monetary price on Suresh - the old Suresh's head. One of the guards mentioned that. Perhaps someone is being sloppy, hoping to collect on that." Darwin shrugged. "It would explain why an informant would bite the hand he works with."

"Bites the hand that feeds him," Oz said.

"That doesn't make sense, Oz. No one was feeding him."

Suresh laughed in spite of the circumstances. “He bit Li and I suspect he will pay dearly for that. I wouldn’t want to cross her.”

The tech grunted, not contributing to the speculations with the guards present. He studied the scans intently, then reached out to press the panel. A second set appeared beside the first. He looked at one, then switched to the next, then the next. Finally, he shook his head.

“Amazing. One of them,” he pointed to the guards, “could’ve seen this. Clear as the nose on your face. This is not the man.” He pressed the panel once more, comparing the scans from Sokar with the scans of the corpse. “You can see here - the scans of the body are an exact match to the scans the ambassador brought.” He switched off the arch to allow Suresh to sit up. “I’ll inform the captain.”

Suresh breathed a sigh of relief. “I’d feel a lot better if you’d do it while we are here.”

“Very well.” He pulled out a padd and sent the message.

"Great! Then we can go home." Oz gestured to Darwin, indicating he should take over powering and navigating the hoverchair.

“Looks that way, yes.” The tech pocketed his padd, then looked to the guards. “Report back to Captain Roshan. And you three are free to go.”

The guards departed and the tech with them. In a flash, Suresh was off the table and swept Darwin up in his arms in a bear hug. “Home!”

Grunting from the surprise contact and the sheer strength of Suresh's hug, Darwin quickly pushed Suresh back by an arm length. "Don't do that again!", he grumbled and moved behind Oz for good measure.

Grinning, Oz said, " Home, Jeeves!", causing Darwin to roll his eyes.

Not The Bad Guy

Lt. M. Darwin
Details Man

CMDR. Oralia Zeferino
Still a Little Loopy


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