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Marianna's Thoughtful Spot

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2015 @ 9:30pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Admiral Cruzado's Quarters

VIP Quarters

Tomas tied the sash of his robe then adjusted the lapels. His hair was still damp from the shower and he ran his fingers through the short curls before having a good stretch. Finally, he turned away from the closet.

"So does Lucius know yet?"

"No, not yet. There's just been so much happening it didn't seem to be the right time," Marianna answered. She sat on the end of the bed, slowly brushing her long dark hair. She paused to consider the question a bit more. "I suppose, though, that since everything is wrapped up with that horrid business there's nothing standing in the way now." She resumed brushing her hair and smiled. "I know it's silly to worry about his feelings on the matter, Tomas. He's been remarried how long now? Three years? And we divorced twelve years ago? Almost thirteen?"

Tomas laughed gently and crossed to sit down on the bed beside her. "If you two had not remained so close as friends, perhaps it would be easier. I suspect it's harder, too, because he and I are old friends and colleagues. For you, Aia wasn't someone you saw or worked with on a regular basis."

"No, she was someone Lucius saw and worked with on a regular basis." Marianna sighed as she laid the brush aside. "And that sounded far more catty than I intended. Their twenty-two year age difference was a little hard to swallow at first but to be honest, she's lovely and I adore her. Their daughter too. It's funny how all of us have become one big extended family, not two different ones. I thought it would be nice, after all the trouble Lucius had from Eria, if he and Aia had a few days to go down to the planet, enjoy some time alone. Saye can stay here with us."

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Tomas rested his hand on her thigh and gave it a familiar squeeze. "I can clear my calendar for a few days and we'll have a grand old time. But that brings us back to the first question."

Marianna nodded. "I think tonight will be good. Lucius and I are having dinner so I can get it out of the way. Besides, I'm sure he'll be thrilled. He and I may have parted ways but even so, he's been rather picky over the years about those I chose to see and few measured up to what he thought was a proper standard for me." She laughed at that. "Imagine...having your potential dates evaluated by your ex-husband."

"Well, he does have good taste. He likes me after all." Tomas grinned and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Try not to worry, it will be fine. He's a good man and he cares about you."

"He does, though I know at times I've not made it easy." Marianna shrugged. "Times change but even so, I consider myself a very lucky woman. I had the love of a great man for a lot of years, and now I have the love of another great man. Some never have it at all."

"That is true. Once Li and Oz are home, we'll make it official. I don't want them to miss it."

"Thank you," Marianna answered. "I hope it's soon. I'm worried about the girls but if anyone can sneak about the Neutral Zone and get out, it's them."

Tomas merely smiled. He'd seen the report on the arrest of Li, Oz, Darwin and Suresh but he and Lucius had decided to keep that to themselves. Finally, he rose.

"I need to get dressed. I have a meeting with Commander Winter shortly. I'll see you back here after dinner?"

"Absolutely." Marianna rose and left the brush on the dresser. "And Tomas? Have you forgotten what I am? I know about the arrest. It fairly leaped out of your thoughts you know."

Tomas hung his head for a moment. "I'm sorry Mar, it's just that we thought --"

"We being you and Lucius? Didn't want to worry me?" She laughed once more. "It's alright darling. Go to your meeting. I'll see you later on." She crossed the room to hook her finger in the neck of his robe. "But you owe me."

"I'm sure we can work something out." Tomas smiled as he watched her vanish into the bathroom.

Admiral Tomas Cruzado
In Debt....And Loving It

Marianna Hawke
In A Happy Place


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