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Just Five More Minutes

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2015 @ 7:28pm by Ensign Aria Natinde & Commander Worth Maxwell VIII

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: The Ptolemy

* * * USS Ptolemy * * *

The chime of the computer began, soft at first as the lights in Worth’s bedroom began the slow transition from darkness, mimicking a sunrise. The chime came a little louder when neither Worth nor Aria moved. Finally he mumbled aloud.

“Just five more minutes…”

=^= Please restate your request =^= The computer apparently couldn’t understand his sleep-addled words.

Aria stirred slightly at the computer’s voice and tried again. “Five more minutes,” she said sternly for someone who still looked to be asleep.

From somewhere among the pillows, Worth’s laughter rose. “That’s telling her. Or it. Whichever. At least it shut up.” He emerged from the pillows and rolled over on his side, the sheet covering his lower half. “Good morning sunshine. Get enough sleep?”

A groan came from Aria in response to Worth’s question - she had never been a morning person. She shifted her position so she could see him, “Do we ever get enough sleep once we enter the fleet?” she asked him.

“That would be a no,” Worth answered. He looked back at her and smiled, liking her morning touseled hair, her face looking back at him, her body stretched out in his bed. It was all so good. Without a thought, he reached out to run his fingers through her hair, then pulled her in for a kiss.

Not caring about her likely morning breath, Aria kissed him back. “Mmmm, I could get used to that,” she smiled at him, enjoying seeing him in the light with no shirt on.

“I think I already am,” he answered. “And I think that’s a good thing.” There was more he wanted to say but he remained silent for the moment.

She studied him for a minute to see if he was going to say what he was thinking, but she didn’t want to push him, “it is indeedy,” she settled for as she leant in to kiss him again.

“Be careful what you ask for, Aria,” he murmured against her lips, then pressed her down into the bed with another kiss.

“Mmmmm,” she said in pleasure at him kissing her again before breaking it to ask “and why would that be?”

“You may get it.” He laughed softly. “How long before we have to be back on duty?”
“60 minutes until we’re due on the bridge so we’ve 55 minutes depending on how quick we can shower and get ready,” she replied planting another kiss on him.

“That’s it?” Worth demanded, then sighed. “Well, hell. I suppose we should get bu--” The beep of his comm badge on the table by the bed cut him off and he groaned. Reaching over Aria, he pressed the badge.

“Maxwell here.”

Warrington’s voice spoke. =^= Good morning, Commander. If you haven’t had breakfast yet, meet me in the captain’s mess, ten minutes. Warrington out. =^=

Worth fell back in the bed with a soft curse. “Are we completely sure that man doesn’t have telepathy to go along with his sadistic sense of humour?”

Leaning up on her elbow so she could see his face, Aria let out a small laugh. “He must be tracing our whereabouts, or he’s developed a 6th sense for a human.”

“Something like that. He and I will have a little talk over breakfast.” Worth reached out, lifting the vial of water on the necklace he’d given her the night before. “So now, I owe you breakfast...among other things.” He leaned in for a kiss, then rolled out of bed. “Sorry to run, but feel free to raid the kitchen, enjoy the shower..whatever you like.”

“I’d be enjoying you,” she teased him as she shifted the bed cover slightly to reveal a hint more of naked flesh.

“Oh, that’s far too tempting. Believe me your legs are much better than the Captain’s.” He laughed as he moved around the bed and to the bathroom. He rushed through the shower, stepped out just a few minutes later and crossed back to the bed for another kiss. “As for that last idea of yours, just keep that in mind, hmm?”

“I could keep that in mind... Or you could tell Warrington you’ll be 20 minutes and then say you stopped to help an old lady cross the deck,” she joked as she leaned up to kiss him back.

“Somehow, I don’t think he’d believe me. But there’s always tonight.” He reached out, resting his hand to her cheek. “See you in an hour.”

Resigning herself to the fact Worth was now in work mode, Aria slumped back down in bed as Worth left to go meet Warrington. “Computer, five more minutes,” she commanded before trying to fall back asleep.

=^= Please restate your request =^=

“Eugh, someone needs to get their computer fixed,” she grumbled to herself before pulling herself out of bed and into the shower and began to get ready for work.

Commander Worth Maxwell VIII
Warrington Interruptus

Ensign Aria Natinde
Please Restate Your Request


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