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Let's Get This Show On The Road

Posted on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 2:38am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Chance & Eli's Quarters

Eli did one last check of his bag and closed it. It would be enough to last him since, as he’d told Jackson, he didn’t intend to stay any longer than necessary. He and Chance would be under scrutiny and his parents might wonder at the presence of Security in the form of Eric along for the ride, but they could keep their curiosity to themselves, especially his mother.

“Chance? Iggy? You two ready? Eric will be here any minute now,” he called out.

From the bedroom came a yelp and then iggy's voice, I will not travel in the box. That is undignified.

"Come on, it'll just make it easier," Chance attempted to reason with her, "I won't have to worry about you getting squished by a bag."

No. The door opened and Iggy came out, hustling as only a tarantula can: slowly. Eli, you tell him that I am not riding in the box.

Eli looked over in her direction, his expression apologetic. “Sorry Iggs, but I’m with him on this one. There’s three of us plus you, plus our bags. Chance is right, in all the moving around you might get squished. You can get out once we are underway.”

No, I can-- she screamed when Chance dropped a bag right next to her. You did that
on purpose!

"Well, yeah, I missed you on purpose, but the point stands. This is dangerous for you." Chance set her box, open, a foot from her. "Just think of how upset Oz would be if you got hurt...."

“And then she’d kick our asses, Iggy. I really like my ass the way it is and rather not have Oz reworking it into new, decidedly less fun shapes.” Eli grinned.

.... Iggy huffed and walked to the box then slowly entered it, staring at Eli.

Once she was fully in, Chance shut it, "Yay. No Iggy riding side saddle on my head."

This is humiliating.

“I could put Chance in a box too if you’d feel better,” Eli mused. “But Eric might wonder what’s going on and it might lead to some displeasure on Chance’s part.” Unless that box is a cabin and the door is locked…. Eli winked at Chance.

"Okay, that would be... strange. Yes, Eric would be right to question what the hell was going on," Chance laughed before leaning over and kissing Eli.

Eli caught Chance’s shirt, keeping him close and drawing out the kiss. Finally he spoke. “Iggy, do you have any issues with sneaking up on people who don’t like spiders? Just because?” A wicked gleam had appeared in his eyes.

That depends. Does the person I would be sneaking up on have a weapon?

"Practical question. For once," Chance admitted.

I snuck up on the Klingon once. Just once. He had a phaser. It was not a good idea.

"The Klingon? Gilroy?"


“I doubt it,” Eli answered. “I was thinking of my mother. You should be alright as long as she isn’t in the kitchen.”

"You're encouraging her to scare your mom?" Chance stared at Eli. "Great. Good idea, just give her another reason to hate me."

Would she be providing my meals?

“No, Iggy. I can guarantee you she won’t go near a live cockroach. If we all want to live, she won’t see a live cockroach.” Eli began to laugh, then looked at Chance. “Hey, it’s worth my small satisfaction.”

She would hate me, not you Chance.

"I'm responsible for you, Iggy. She could blame me for bringing you along."

“Good point.” Eli gave an exaggerated sigh. “Oh well.”

Outside of their quarters, Eric stood in civilian clothes, a black duffel bag slung over one shoulder. Despite the casual attire, his comm badge and phaser were plainly displayed. He hoped he wasn’t going to have need of the latter, but… well, it seemed every protection detail he got put on ended up with him in sickbay. He hadn’t lost one yet, though, so there was something to be said for that.

“Nothing like taking one for the team, Eric,” he mumbled to himself, absently rubbing his wounded (now healed) buttock before he keyed the chime.

Enter! And save me! Iggy answered the chime.

"Hey, these aren't your quarters!" Chance complained, but he opened the door. "Hi, Eric. Come on in. We're just about ready."

Eric glanced around the room as the doors opened. “Save you? From what?” he asked. “I really wanted an uneventful mission, I can’t be saving people already - We’re still on the station!” the Lieutenant grumped.

“She’s just mad that we’re making her stay in her box till we get away from the station,” Eli answered. “And save your breath, Eric. We’ve already had the ‘safer for you’ speech.”

It is safer only because Chance is clumsy and already attempted to kill me!

Chance at first looked affronted, but then laughed. "See? She can be a dramatic little spider sometimes."

“Iggy, no more than a half hour.” Eli sounded a little testy now, likely a result of a bit of nervous energy. “Can we please go?” He looked from Eric to Chance. “Now?”

"Yeah, I'm ready." Chance grabbed his duffle bag, stepped towards the door then went back and grabbed Iggy's box, which had its own compartments for hissing roaches and chirping crickets. "So is Iggy."

Eric stepped across the threshold and motioned for the cadets. "You'll get no argument from me. Deck 395 gentlemen… and lady,” he added after a moment, glancing at the box. “Your chariot awaits.”

Eli flashed Eric a quick smile and started down the corridor. “Remind me to warn you about my mother,” he said. “Once we are underway.” He turned and continued on his way.

“I’m sure she’s a lovely woman,” Eric replied. “Believe me, Eli, you’re not the first young man of our persuasion to have issues with his mother. You need advice, you’ll know where to find me. Now get,” he said, nudging everyone along, “I’m actually looking forward to getting in some pilot time on a runabout.”

Our persuasion?, came a curious thought from the box.

"Don't worry, Iggs, I'll explain later," Chance told her as he hurried just ahead of Eric.

Cadet Junior Grade Eli Ziyad
Getting A Little Nervous

Lieutenant Eric Edwards
Hoping this isn’t like his last guard duty

Cadet Chance Conradi

Ignatius J. Reilly


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