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Chances Are

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2011 @ 8:53pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Chance's Temporary Quarters

* * *Chance's Temporary Quarters* * *

The quarters Chance had scored for his first few nights on the Starbase were fairly sweet, which they should be; they were, after all, provided at the request of an Admiral. Chance knew, though, that he would have to move to the standard Cadet housing later in the day. At the moment, though, he was enjoying the amenities available to him, namely: the king-sized bed and the guest in said bed.

Smiling, he plopped down on the bed, intentionally waking Eli, and announced, "Coffee! It's a beautiful thing. Do you drink coffee or ...what is it that Enarans wake up and smell in the morning?"

Eli struggled up from the depths of sleep at the cheery voice. Who was in his quarters? Slowly it seeped in that he was not in his own room but Chance's. A pleasurable ache had settled in his muscles overnight, a clear reminder of the previous evening. He lay still as the memory drifted back to the surface and his brain began to clear. He didn't speak aloud, choosing instead to take a moment to mess around with Chance's head.

Smell? This morning, apparently, it's eau de Cadet. He grinned and finally opened his eyes.

"Uh-huh. You didn't complain last night," Chance shot back, mentally sticking his tongue out at Eli. Despite their late night, the wine he'd had and the man he'd seduced - all of which meant he'd had little sleep, Chance was amazingly energetic. "C'mon," he prodded Eli into sitting up, "Unless it's your intention that I take advantage of you again?" He wouldn't mind - last night had given him a new definition for 'mind blowing'. He could definitively say that sex with an Enaran was vastly different from that with a Betazoid.

Eli groaned aloud and fell back into the pillows. "How can you be so bloody cheerful so early?"

"Oh..., well...," Chance rubbed his chin and admitted, "I've already had a cup of coffee, extra caffeine and all." He followed Eli on to the pillows and ran a hand down Eli's chest.

Eli closed his eyes at the touch, already feeling the pull of temptation. Heat raced along his skin in the wake of Chance's hand. "What time is it?"

"We've got," Chance lifted his head to look at the clock, "thirty minutes or so before breakfast? Plenty of time." He kissed Eli's cheek.

"And when we get there? Act casual?" He draped an arm around Chance, settling him in against his side. He was torn between wanting to give in and resisting, in case this was a one time thing. If it was, it would be easier to deal with the lack of it if he didn't get a second helping.

Bemused, Chance went quiet for a moment. He could get a sense of what Eli was feeling - he'd had enough practice during the night - and the ability to stand back and feel the emotions without actually being caught up in them was... unique. He shrugged, smiling slightly. "Second day of class, my friend. Plus, if we 'volunteer' to live together - or just get assigned outright - do you want everyone knowing? Not to be mean, but... until we're in a 'this is something more' space, I'd rather keep it quiet."

Eli nodded. "Yes. I don't think it's any of the dragon lady's business. We'll agree to be housemates or whatever it is, and go our own way." He ran his hand along Chance's shoulder and up into his short hair. "Do you think she'll make me cut my hair short like yours?"

Chance didn't particularly care for the phrase 'go our own way', mostly because he wasn't entirely sure how Eli meant it. He nodded in agreement anyway before touching Eli's hair. "If Professor Dragon doesn't, watch out for my sister - she'll wrestle ya down and trim it herself. She hates long hair on men. As for the Professor? I don't see why she would - Klingon cadets don't have to cut their hair short."

"Good point, and she didn't mention it, thankfully. Remind me to avoid your sister, she doesn't like telepaths or men with long hair. She won't give me the time of day. And what would she say about this? Us?"

Chance didn't recall telling Eli about Oz's distaste for telepaths.... Right, that would be one of the side effects of letting one into one's head. "Eh, she's not so bad. Just don't put your hair in a ponytail. As for us, this," he chuckled and kissed Eli, "Oz wouldn't care. She's about as free-spirited as I am."

"That's good." Eli fell silent as he gently stroked Chance's back. Closing his eyes once more, he withdrew from Chance's mind. Images from the night before rose within him, playing out again in vivid detail, the sensations strong enough that they might have overwhelmed his friend.

Eli's withdrawal left Chance feeling more alone than he'd ever felt before." He hadn't noticed Eli's presence, but his absence was notable. He shifted to look at Eli's face then settled back down, his head on Eli's shoulder.

"You know we have more time after breakfast."

"Yeah? And what will we do to fill that time?"

"Knowing you, you'll think of something, Chance." And make it harder to resist. Eli was glad that thought went no further than his own head.

"Hmm...," Chance laughed, "Letting me be your social director? Trust me, I can figure out something for us to do."

"I've no doubt about that. What the hell am I going to do with you?" His voice softened, and finally, he laughed. "I'd like to...." he stopped and shook his head. "Never mind."

Not realizing that Eli could still read him even though he couldn't sense Eli at all, Chance didn't quash the disappointment that rose up. Playing it off like he would with a non-telepath, he smiled and shook his head, "Oh, now wait, that's no fair! Don't start a statement like that, then stop."

"You are...sad. Why?" Eli rose up on one elbow, looking down at Chance now.

"Oh... um...," Chance started to answer, then his eyes narrowed. Eli had just tried to use Oralia's trick on him: change the subject in order to avoid a question. "Hey, don't change the topic! Finish your sentence first."

"I like being in your thoughts but I don't know that you want me there constantly." The truth was that the desire to be back in Chance's thoughts was so alluring it was hard to resist. He had no idea, however, if the Professor had any telepathic abilities, but if she did, he'd prefer she not pick up on any of this.

"I was disappointed when you withdrew," Chance, attempting to be casual, shrugged. Suddenly he grinned, a playful light in his eyes. "So, just because I can't sense you doesn't mean the opposite? If I get a thought, you could pick up on it?"

"I can, yes. What are you up to? I'm not sure I trust that look."

"Oh, I'm just wondering if I could get you worked up during class...," his grin widened as he formed an image from last night.

"In a heartbeat." He grinned down at Chance. "And if the professor is on my wavelength, her too. Think about that for a second."

"Bleh!" The idea had much the same effect that a bucket of ice water would have had. "Oh, gosh. El Aurian... she has that telepathic link to her little kitties. Oh jeez." He looked up at Eli, stricken, "I appreciate the warning on that one!"

"Sure. Besides, I'd rather not have her knowing, not yet." Eli glanced to the clock and groaned again. "We'd better hurry. We can continue this after breakfast. That is supposed to be study time but since we don't have anything to study yet..."

"We have plenty to study, Eli. Alien anatomy. Telepath to non-telepath communications," Chance smiled and winked. "I'm sure we could develop a couple of other courses in there, too."

"A little PT while we're at it? Sounds good, I always wanted to meet an alien, you'll do nicely. Or did you mean me?"

"I'll be the alien for you; you can be the alien for me." Chance ran a finger along Eli's chest. "Doing an all-nighter studying this alien anatomy? Sign me up."

Eli rolled his eyes. "Lame." He smiled back at Chance, gave him the briefest mental zap, then withdrew again. "As for you, you'll just have see how good your willpower is because we have ten minutes to get to breakfast. You'll have to hold out till after." Without another word, he bolted from the bed and towards the bathroom.

Chance lay in the bed and spent two of those ten minutes talking himself back down from arousal and the next five scrambling to shower, dress and be presentable. As he and Eli left his quarters, he muttered to Eli, "Remember what payback is, my friend," and smiled charmingly.

Eli gave a sly smile in answer.

I'm counting on it...

Cadet 4th Class Eli Ziyad
Learning That No Man Is An Island

Cadet 4th Class Chance Conradi
Contemplating the Mechanics of Bridge Building


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