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I've Got A Theory

Posted on Sun Jun 14th, 2015 @ 11:52am by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

Piper Medical Center

Julisa kissed Solis then smiled at him. "Thanks, Solis. I think Niro gave me that headache."

"Niro? Oh...Niro. Yeah.” He rubbed his eyes. “What was he doing in your head?” His tone had shifted just slightly with the question.

"Looking. I think he just likes to see from others' perspectives." She shrugged, though she wasn't happy about Niro's intrusion. "That, and he might have nudged me to make dinner arrangements at the Nexus. He wants to meet you."

“He does?” That surprised Solis but it might be a good thing. He’d get a chance to talk to Niro, especially about poking around in Julisa’s head. Anyone that wasn’t him or Dae doing that right now was a dangerous thing. "I could do with the Nexus. It’s been a while. I have a few things to do here before I can leave, though.”

"That's okay, I have some work to finish, too. Dinner's at seven." She took his hands and went on, "Niro might try to read your memories, too. He's... a voyeur."

“Interesting company you’re keeping there, my love.” The corners of Solis’ mouth twitched a bit as he fought back a smile. “That mean he’s looking at you or me?”

Her eyes widened slightly and she laughed. "From your memories, he'd be looking at me, experiencing what you have experienced. When he was in my head, I doubt he was looking for my memories of sex with you. He's never struck me as a switch."

“Ugh.” Solis shook his head and shuddered. “Sounds like an interesting evening.” He ran his tricorder around her head once more and then closed it. “Everything looks fine now. Hopefully he’ll be too busy trying to pick my brain to worry about yours.”

"Thanks, love. I picked the Nexus because Niro wants to talk with Jackson Banning, so maybe he'll be too busy to pick your brain." She put her hands on his shoulders to play with his ponytail and kissed him. "Of course, we could create a whole new memory for him to read right here."

“I would but unless we want to give Earl a free show….” Solis laughed. “He’s already asked what I have in my pants when….well..never mind about that. It’s a long story.”

"Right, then I'll get back to work and let you get back to work." She hopped off his desk. "See you at seven." She passed Earl as she headed out.

"Date night?" Earl asked Solis as he came into the man's office. "Always a good thing to keep the romance alive. Not that you really need that, what with whatever magical wand you carry around with you."

Solis rolled his eyes and laughed. “It is a magic wand.” He winked at Earl. “And now I have Nico’s twin brother wanting to meet me. The magic never stops I guess.”

"Nico has a twin brother? Interesting. Why does he want to meet you?"

“He and Julisa worked together once I gather. He was down on Archadia for Nico’s wedding and is staying over a few days.” Solis’ mouth dropped open. “Oh. Did you know Nico and Dru got married? Last night.”

"Wow. Snap decision there!" Earl was surprised. "Does anyone send out wedding invitations anymore? Have a long build up to the event, time for friends and family to gather and join them in their celebration?" He shook his head, "I miss going to big weddings."

“Based on his life up to now? I can understand why he would.” Solis held up a hand. “And don’t start on why I’ve waited so long. It’s complicated and now, it’s even more so with Nikki turning up.” He perched on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. “So what’s happening there?”

"Jules is on his way. He said he knows where Nikki's parents might be. At the moment, Nikki is showing no signs of improvement on the delusional front. She's convinced that you two made up and got married. Have you talked to Ops or JAG about getting the marriage nullified?"

“I sent messages to Ray and to Norval but it’s been so busy here I haven’t spoken to Norval yet. Ray is looking into it though. The thing is, how do I prove I didn’t and how does she prove I did, other than some code in a computer?” Solis’ brow furrowed. “And what’s really wrong with her?” He stopped suddenly and blinked at Earl. “Oh. Oh hell. We’ve been looking for some organic cause. My conversation with Julisa ...why didn’t I think of that before? It makes perfect sense!”

Bewildered by Solis' sudden leaps of logic, Earl said, "What the hell are you talking about? What was your conversation with Julisa?"

“We were talking about poking around in peoples’ heads and reading what is there. And you’ve seen first hand how people’s memories can be altered with Julisa, right? So what if someone planted that memory? Then nothing would show up on our scans!”

"Far as I know, Enarans are the only ones who can implant or alter memories. What Enaran would want to screw with you to this extent?" Skeptical, Earl puzzled over the idea. "I have another theory: that somewhere along the line, if Nikki really does have a Vulcan ancestor in the mix, there might be some faulty wiring in her logic center. The computer doesn't pick it up as abnormal because her entire physiology is off, thanks to being a mix of species."

Earl’s words sent a chill through Solis and he cleared his throat before he spoke. He really didn’t want to say it but it made sense. “Umm, Earl? She does have some Vulcan in her….from Ehlana.”

"I know. She's the Vulcan ancestor I mean. I just keep hoping that... that she isn't a blood relative. But Jules is... a quarter Vulcan, the rest El Aurian. Hey, your ex-wife didn't have mental manipulation powers, did she? I could see her screwing with you this way."

“No ...but my replacement with her did.” Solis snapped his fingers. “Remember? He was Enaran.”

Earl frowned as a sense of betrayal overcame him. "I recall him. Tolbiac, right? He was part of the group I knew in New York City. He was a friend."

“Yes.” The possibility that they might be on to something gave Solis some hope that there might be a way out of this. “At least it gives us something to go on, once Jules or Nikki’s parents arrive.”

"Maybe Nico or his brother could read her and see if the memories hold up?"

“If Nikki will agree to it. It can’t hurt.” It wasn’t a definite answer but at least it was a small ray of hope in a real tangle of a problem. It gave them a place to start. “I don’t think I should visit Nikki, though. I don’t want to keep this delusion fresh, if that makes sense.”

"Definitely a good idea. Okay, I'm off to check on her. I'll ask about whether she'll let someone read her. If there's any progress, I'll let you know, Sol." He paused before leaving, "Oh, and Harding is back as CMO. He returns to full duty tomorrow. I'm back to being a man of leisure!"

“I hardly consider your position leisure but at least you’re free of most of the administrative stuff. You still have your share….and I don’t,” Solis teased. “And on that note, my magic wand and I are off to dinner. If anything strange happens, call but I’m not in surgery till 0900 hours tomorrow.” Once his terminal was off, he strolled out the door.

Lt. Commander Earl D. Crane
Lt. Solis
Lt. Bajun Julisa


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