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Something In The Water

Posted on Mon Jun 15th, 2015 @ 5:12pm by Falasin & Mamu B'yaga

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Mamu's Shop - The Promenade

Falasin strolled along the Promenade in the direction of Mamu’s shop, a large yellow flower in her hand. It was a nice contrast to the electric green dress and neon pink leggings she wore. It smelled delicious, however, and had been an unexpected gift from a young man who worked at the Nexus as she was having her coffee. Just like that, out of the blue, he’d given her a flower, then continued on. There had been an awful lot of happy couples at Java this particular day, too. Falasin wondered if it had something to do with the new year. Mamu would know, she knew everything.

Pushing the door of the shop open, she called out, “Mamu, I’m here!”

"So I hear!" Mamu called back. She had been working in the back; now she shuffled toward the front of the shop. "Bright, you are today. Wishing for a job as a beacon?"

“Just making people happy,” Falasin replied. “It must be working, look at this flower. A fellow from the Nexus just gave it to me as he was walking by.” She offered the large flower to Mamu. “It matches your...dress...or whatever that is you’re wearing.”

Mamu waved it away. "Rigellan mating flower. He wishes to copulate with you. Be careful, Falasin, it will make you want to."

She yelped and dropped the flower on the counter. “What? I’ve been sniffing this thing for the past…” she glanced at the time and frowned. “Half hour!” Her frown shifted to a smile. “He’s very handsome though.”

"Lame for him to use that to catch your attention," Mamu clucked her tongue. "You'll be fine; there are no men here now."

“Pity.” Falasin hopped up on a stool behind the counter. “But I have a question. Have you been out much lately? On the Promenade?” Something weird’s going on. Lots of people getting cozy. Why?”

"Too many flowers?"

“I don’t know. This is the first one of these I’ve seen but maybe the flower shop got in a shipment? It’s weird. Ever since the new year and….OH! That reminds me. I heard it from Ophelia, who heard it from a doctor...Nico got married!” She smiled ear to ear as if she’d just shared the world’s best secret. “Down on Archadia.”

Smiling broadly, Mamu nodded. "It is good. As for the sexual shenanigans on the Station: more than half the residents have a penis, that's more than enough to make them want to 'get cozy' as you call it."

Falasin blushed a deeper shade of blue. “Mamu! Do you kiss...well...anyone with that mouth? Umm...maybe not.” The idea made Falasin shudder inwardly. “Your language!”

"Too clean?" Mamu's eyes gleamed with humor and mischief. "Perhaps I should say that --"

Falasin covered her ears. “No! You’ve said enough already.” She glared at Mamu even as her fingers inched across the counter towards the flower.

Mamu reached out and smacked Falasin's hand away from the flower. She then picked the flower and began eating it. "They taste a bit like pears," she remarked. "Does the desire to get cozy worry you?"

Fal shrugged. “It’s just everywhere.” She sidestepped the question. “Remind me not to drink the water.” Reaching out, she picked up a petal that had dropped on the counter and held it to her nose. “But they all look so happy. What about you? Why aren’t you out strolling with some gentleman? I heard Nico’s brother is on the station. What about him?”

Rumbling in her throat, Mamu grew a little larger. "Niro," she sneered and sharply said, "He is here. Stay away from him. He is not one to dally with. And I do not require a companion."

“Huh.” That puzzled Falasin. Then again, she had no real idea exactly what Mamu was, perhaps it was true and she didn’t need anyone. Falasin didn’t ponder it too long, however. Perhaps it was her exposure to the flower that brought forth her next words. “Why not?”

"I am old, little one. I have had my babies and raised them." Mamu shrugged. "Now, I simply watch. And, really, there are none here who interest me. What of you? There are other Andorians here. Have you contacted any?"

Babies? Fal wasn’t sure if she found the idea of little Mamus sweet or just a little frightening. In answer to the question, she shook her head. “No. Too busy.” She also wondered what exactly was wrong with Niro but kept that question to herself. “Besides, they are all too serious. And boring. Maybe I’ll go find the man with the flower.” Or maybe…… a thought passed through her head and she smiled.

"Time off, I could give you," she offered. "That, you want?"

“No need.” Falasin smiled and stepped out from behind the counter. She picked up the broom from the corner and began her opening sweep around the shop. “I’m good and I'm keeping my wits about me. Someone on this station has to.”

"Good girl. And away from Niro, you'll stay," she nodded, shaking a finger at her young employee.

Maybe..maybe not. The thought wound its way through Falasin’s mind. Mamu had made her curious and a curious Andorian was a determined Andorian. She kept that thought to herself, however, as the door opened and a customer came in. She left Mamu to do business and continued her sweeping.

Mamu B'yaga
Cryptic, as Usual

Curious, as Usual


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