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Shopping Of One Kind And Another

Posted on Tue Jun 16th, 2015 @ 3:13pm by Falasin & Niro & Mamu B'yaga
Edited on on Mon Aug 16th, 2021 @ 10:31am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Mamu's Shop - The Promenade

Sniffing the air the way a prairie dog alert to danger might sniff the breeze, Mamu growled and shuffled into the back of her shop. When she reemerged, she had a long-handled broom with her and looked as if she might be bristling with anger under her ever-present cloak. She brandished the broom and shouted, "Out! Out! Foul beast!"

Mamu made a beeline for a male who had just entered her shop and whacked at him with the broomhandle. "Out!"

Niro grabbed the broom handle, stopping it before it struck him again. “That the best you’ve got old woman?” He looked down at Mamu, whose head was just about waist-level for him and laughed. “The last time I was called a foul beast was by a young woman on Risa, but she wasn’t waving a broom at least.”

Glaring up at him, Mamu grumbled, "No Risan women here. I don't sell those anymore. You go somewhere else for your dirty needs!" She pulled at the broom, but he had a good grip on it; so, instead, she stomped on his toes. "Out!"

Niro cursed aloud, then took hold of Mamu, lifting her by the scruff of her neck. “Stop that!” He glared at her and resisted the urge to spit in her face. “I’m not here for a Risan woman.”

She screamed, opening her mouth wide enough that Niro could see her forked tongue, pointy teeth and tonsil stones. Her scream segued into a shouted demand, "Put me down!" She batted at him with arms that were too short to reach him. "If not for that, then why are you here? You cannot play with my brain." Her tongue came out, wagging at him like a taunt.

“Ewww!” He dropped her immediately. “That’s disgusting. How does my brother put up with you?”

"Hmmph," she dusted herself off and straightened her cloak, looking down while she did so. When she looked up again, she had a slightly different face, a prettier one. Still old and wrinkled, but less angry reptilian, more aged grandmother pretty. "Why would he not put up with me? Rough road, he has traveled. You, you're foul, use your telepathy for bad things," she said, backing away from him. He'd taken a weapon from her, but if he came after her, she had others hidden in the folds of her cloak.

“That’s all a matter of opinion, you old lizard. I don’t get any complaints.” Not that those he messed with could complain when he was done. “I just came in to do a little shopping and already something caught my fancy. Or should I say someone? How often do you let her out?” He looked around the small shop for a moment. “I also need a wedding present. It would be rude not to give something to the happy new couple.”

"From Falasin, you stay far away! She is an innocent child! You no take advantage of her!" In her anger, her language skills slipped. "Go away!"

Niro leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. His smile was good indication that he was thoroughly enjoying Mamu’s discomfort. She was so cute when she was mad.

“I’m serious. I need a present for them. I was at the wedding but arrived last minute. I notice you, however, were not.”

"In spirit, Niro, all in spirit. Not for me, wedding not happen." She had backed away enough that she felt okay half turning away from him. She kept a mental tab on him and wandered through her shop. "You go away, leave Falasin alone, and I will find you a gift." She peered at him from between a set of shelves.

“You wound me Mamu.” He laughed aloud, though he was watching her closely as well. “We’ve not spoken in over a year. Perhaps you are wrong about me. I may be a nice guy now. I did get Nico out, that has to count for something.”

"Spotted toads do not change spots," she hissed. "I found what you must give," she said but stayed where she was. She was looking up at a high shelf and a box, covered in dust, sitting there. "Come, get it."

“Why don’t you just ride that broom up and get it yourself?” But Niro moved around the shelves to stand beside Mamu. Seeing the box, he reached up and pulled it off the shelf. It looked as if it might be as old as she was, which was saying a lot. He blew the dust off the top and opened it.

"Two-fiddy latinum," Mamu said, holding out a hand.

“Is that all? No conditions?” Niro eyed her warily. He’d known her a long time and was well-versed in how she did business.

"Already listed those: corrupt Falasin not," she stared up at him, returning his wary glare.

“Very well.” Niro set the box down, opened the pouch at his side, and paid Mamu. “I won’t corrupt her.” He didn’t promise not to do anything else with her but that was his business.

She took his money and pocketed it. "Hung in an ancient place on Earth, it did. They called it the White House. It was white. Important people lived there."

“Earth,” Niro repeated. “Interesting, if not a little primitive.” He closed the box and regarded Mamu once more with a smile. “I’m sure he’ll like it, as will his lovely bride.”

"Drusilla is lovely. She is on my level." Mamu backed away from him again. He was being awfully nice and it was weirding her out. "Go, before Falasin returns."

“Very well, I --”

The door chime cut him off as the small blue tornado entered the shop. “Mamu, I’m back!”

“You were saying?” Niro smiled down at Mamu.

Mamu grumbled as she shuffled back to the counter, calling, "Falasin! This way! Back here!"

“Lunch was great I had...oh hello Nico.” She smiled as she moved towards the counter. She got exactly two steps and stopped. Slowly, she turned to face Niro, her antennae tilted in his direction. “Not Nico. You are the brother.”

“I am. And you are Falasin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Niro smiled but behaved for the moment, given eagle-eye Mamu was watching.

Mamu reversed course and headed straight for Niro. "Shoo!" She stomped on his foot again. "Out with you. Give me my broom!"

Niro grumbled and rubbed his foot. “Stop doing that!” He took hold of his box, smiled at Falasin, then made his way out the door. Wormhole. Later. The thought was passed effortlessly back to Falasin, and then he was gone.

"No Wormhole, later or not," Mamu wagged a finger at Falasin before heading back to the Shop's counter, grumbling about Niro the whole way.

Falasin had been watching Niro depart through the shop window but she turned as Mamu spoke. “Why not? He seems nice enough. And he is Nico’s brother.” So handsome…. The thought rose immediately in her mind.

"He is..," Mamu sought an adequate comparison then declared, "...a fly in the soup of life! Something to be avoided as it spoils all it touches. Do not be fooled by his appearance."

That got Falasin’s attention and she turned away from the window. Niro was out of sight anyway, sadly. “Oh? What’s he done?”

"A Risan, for one," Mamu harrumphed as she climbed onto her stool and came into sight behind the counter.

“Who hasn’t?” was Falasin’s innocent question. She pulled her duster out from behind the counter and set to work. The box Niro had carried showed signs that the upper shelves needed some attention.

"Hmmph," Mamu grumbled and sat staring out the shop's front window.

Mamu B'yaga
Poorly Armed

Stars In Her Eyes

Doing The Backstroke In The Soup Of LIfe


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