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Slumber Party

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2015 @ 10:03pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Riley's Quarters

“Computer, level 18,” Reva ordered once the lift was all hers. She paced in the tiny space, wanting to hit something. That man, that arrogant, snide, irritating little Romulan, implying that she belonged to him aggravated her. That, and Lieutenant Darwin claiming they’d shown poor judgment by going to a perfectly fine bar on the Station. Right now, she’d settle for slapping either of them. But she wasn’t going to get that satisfaction. Instead,... the lift stopped and she stepped out onto Deck 18 and was soon in front of Riley’s door. She rang the bell.

It had been a long day for Riley as well. The colony construction was beginning and he’d been given the lovely assignment of figuring out that flower, given he’d experienced it firsthand. He was working on a counteragent, one among many projects where that blossom was concerned. He’d worked late and now was home relaxing. He was expecting no one so when the chime rang, it caught him in his boxer shorts with a beer in hand. He stood and since he was covered well enough, he opened the door. The beer promptly slipped from his hand, splashing the carpet and his feet.


Surprised by the sudden beer shower, Reva gasped and laughed. She’d forgotten she was dressed for Saturnalia, not for seeing Riley. Usually, her attire around him was either her uniform or something more casual like jeans and a t-shirt. A short, tight dress done with laser-cutouts in strategic places was not Riley-friendly attire. “Hi, Riley,” she smiled at him and Six’s nudge that she belonged to Riley came to mind, with it a spike of irritation. She belonged to no one. “Could I come in?”

“Oh….umm….sure….c-come in.” He was suddenly aware he was in nothing but his boxers and crossed his hands in front of himself. Why did she have to be barely dressed?? Riley cleared his throat and tried again. “You look….hot.” Oh boy, that was an understatement.

“Aww, Riley, thank you!” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. Her irritation was fading just seeing him. She bent and picked up the beer bottle. “Could I get you another? Was this replicated or the real stuff?”

“The fridge and get one for...yourself. Quick.” Or her near-undress would be the end of him. His expression was grateful as she picked up the bottle but seeing her bent over, gratitude burst into a flame of a different sort. God help him, he thought.

She carried the foaming leftover of his bottle into the kitchen and dropped it into the sink. She pulled one from the fridge and brought it back to him. “I’m not really up for beer tonight. You would not believe the night I’ve had...,” she paused, looking him over and then around the room. “Were you heading to bed? Am I interrupting?”

“” He opened the beer and took a long drink. The warmth pooled in his gut, loosening his tongue as well as his inhibitions. One more drink and Riley was approaching Casanova. He slipped his arm around her, pulling her close against him.

“Just relaxing after a long day.”

“Oh, good,” she looked up at him. “That’s just what I need to do, too. Can we do it together?”

His eyes widened, but he nodded. “When you say relax...what do you mean exactly?” He realized his fingers were creeping lower down her back.

“Sit and talk? I’ve just come from meeting a guy who...,” she balled a fist and showed it to Riley, “Ooo... he made me so angry! He barged in on me and Six and then had the gall to make it look like we ‘belonged’ to him! He said he’s going to make sure people know that about us.” She stepped away from him and paced as she ranted. “As if we’re property.”

Riley took another long drink of the beer, then set it aside. A belch rumbled within but he silenced it. Now, he watched Reva pace and her hips moving beneath the skin tight dress were not helping him think clearly.

“Where were you Reva?”

She stopped, midstride, facing away from him, and grimaced. She didn’t really want to tell him..., “Ah... just a bar. You know, one that started with an ‘S’.” She faced him and shrugged, “But that doesn’t matter, right? Just the fact that he’d be so... obnoxious!”

He looked her over a moment, then nodded. “Saturnalia. I get it.” He closed the distance between them, hooking his finger in the low v-neck of her dress. “Tell me what happened and maybe I can make some sense of it. Or would you prefer I just read it in your head?”

Forgetting that he might read about Seyla as well, Reva edged even closer to him and said, “How about just reading it? Telling you might just make me mad all over again.”

“Sure.” He slipped into her thoughts and in seconds saw a complete replay of her evening. Anger rose in Riley, easily passed back to Reva but it wasn’t directed at the mystery man. The target was the two who’d harassed Reva and Six. “I think maybe you misunderstood his intentions, Reva. Maybe he just wanted to scare them off and letting them believe it was the quickest way.”

“Fine, he could have scared them off - he did, but then he kept on and was humiliating. Now Six and I can’t go back there and just have fun.” Spoken like a young woman not entirely out of her young adult years.

“That may be a good thing, at least if you go without me. I don’t really want you disappearing from there without a trace. Believe me, it’s happened before.” He backed out of her thoughts but not before his own had mixed with hers. Knowing she’d see the drift of his thoughts, he flushed a bit.

“Sorry, it’s just you….this”

She, too, flushed, turning a darker green along her cheeks and neck. “Oh, Riley, I’m sorry. I should go. I didn’t mean to... ah....” Though they’d been dating for weeks now, he and she hadn’t yet gone to bed together and that was totally on her: she kept asking him for patience. And now she was here, definitely testing the limits of that patience.

“I’d rather you stayed,” he whispered and kissed her. “If you really want to go back to Saturnalia, I’ll go with you.” His hands moved down over her hips, pulling her close once more. “I have to admit, I’m glad he stepped in. I’d hate to have to hunt those men down and rip them into little pieces.”

“Mmm, you’re sweet, babe,” she laughed and kissed him before moving his hands off her hips. “I don’t want to go back there now. Too many people saw what he did. How about a movie and a sleepover? I could replicate pajamas.”

Oh, the fates were capricious bitches, in Riley’s opinion. She was absolutely killing him. He smiled down at her and nodded.

“Of course, I’d love it.” Belatedly a thought occurred to him. “What happened to Six?”

“That foul old man walked her home. She seems to like him! As in like, like. She got all starry-eyed. So did he.” She kissed him lightly and went to his replicator to request jammies. “Lieutenant Darwin told us to go with him, so she trusted him.”

“Well, there’s that at least. I don’t expect he trusts many people, being in his line of work. You can catch up with her tomorrow.” Riley watched as she moved off towards the bedroom to change. “You on shift in the morning Reva?”

“No, I have the afternoon shift,” she called back. “You?”

“The same. I stayed so late today that Tess told me not to worry about showing up till later when I felt like it.” Hearing her voice come from his bedroom short-circuited him just a little. Reva was in his bedroom. As close as they were, they still weren’t that close. Not from lack of desire on his part, that was for sure. And now, she’d seen him in his skivvies and he had little doubt she had noticed his...state. Movie...and a blanket. That would be good cover. But the blankets were in..the bedroom. So was Reva and she was undressing and --

“Here I come!” She bounded out of his bedroom, dressed in silky green pajamas that matched her skin coloring; the pajamas were long-sleeved, long-legged and boxy. She’d also let her hair down and dropped her sullen attitude. She bounced up to Riley and kissed him. “This’ll be fun! A movie, just us on the couch....,” she smiled, all but oblivious to his dilemma. Her bounciness came down a few notches and she gave him a sheepish look. But they were Betazoids - her: half; him: full. Sex wasn’t embarrassing. I’m not ready to go all the way, Riley. But... I could help your desire.

That brought up a mental image that was almost more than he could handle and remain coherent. He kissed her once more and shook his head.

“I’m waiting for you,” he whispered.

Not many men would have declined what she’d just offered; that he had made her like him even more. “What movie? And can I grab a blanket and pillows from your bed?”

“Please. I’ll pick one while you do that.” He checked the computer, then ordered up something entertaining and not overly romantic. Even Riley had his limits after all. Once that was done, he replicated a large bowl of popcorn and settled on the sofa.

She came back carrying pillows and dragging his blanket. Putting the pillows on one side of Riley, she settled in and snuggled against him on the other side then draped the blanket over them both. “You know the thing I have the biggest problem with in space?” She barely paused to let him ask. “The temperatures. It’s always cold. And dry. I can’t imagine how Seyla goes around in some of the outfits she wears without freezing,” she said that as if she hadn’t just been wearing far less than what Seyla had been wearing this same night.

“It’s okay, Reva, I’ll keep you warm enough,” he murmured. Those weren’t the exact words he wanted to say to her but they would do for now. He brushed a kiss to her temple, then leaned into the pillows, holding her close as the movie began to play.

She caught his underlying thought and smiled. Halfway through the movie, she was asleep, cradled in the security of Riley’s arms.

He sensed the moment she dozed off and after a few minutes, he lifted her easily, then moved to the bedroom to tuck her in. He returned to the sofa and finished the movie, though his thoughts were elsewhere. He intended to find this Suresh and thank him.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
It’s All About The Dress

Ensign Reva Madhava
It’s All Fun and Games


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