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Asking For Advice In All The Wrong Places

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 11:14pm by Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters

* Seyla’s Quarters *

After the long trip home and the late night, Suresh had slept in, then had a late breakfast. He dressed in something from the closet, the old Suresh’s wardrobe. He had to admit, the man had excellent and expensive taste in clothes. Once he was ready, he departed and made his way to Seyla’s and rang the chime.

The door opened, revealing Seyla's least intelligent employee, Bella. When she saw Suresh, she screamed and closed the door again.

Suresh stared at the door, then began to laugh. And wondered just why Seyla kept her but then he figured some men weren’t into the experience for the conversation. He managed to get control and pressed the chime again.

“Open up!” he called out, mostly for Bella’s benefit.

"No! You're not supposed to be here! You were put in prison!", came through the door.

From Suresh's right side came a laugh. "Did you frighten Bella?" Seyla playfully slapped his arm. "You awful man." She keyed open the door and strolled in, snapping at Bella to be silent. Bella, cowed by Seyla, did just that.

Crooking a finger at Suresh, Seyla said, "Come in, dear. A drink?"

“Thank you.” Suresh moved on into the living room to settle on the sofa, giving Bella an intent stare as he passed. “Nice to see you again, Bella.”

"Seyla!" Bella hissed a stage whisper at the Orion, "He's not supposed to be here!"

Laughing, Seyla crossed to Bella, kissed her forehead and said, "Don't worry your pretty head about it. Go on and scoot home, Bell." Bella didn't wait for another dismissal; she dashed for the door and disappeared.

"Now, that drink, Suresh. Would you like the same as what my Suresh drank?"

He watched Bella run away and laughed. “Why not?” He motioned to the closing doors. “There’s a woman who’ll have nightmares tonight.”

She poured a thick blood red liquid into a glass and brought it to Suresh. "Darwin delivered my message last night?"

“He did.” He took the glass and had a sip. “I am glad to hear it. I think we’ll all be better off. You’ve done a lot for me, as has Marabeth. You all are happy and I want to see that continue.”

She eyed him warily. "Good. In exchange, I'll help you get back into Suresh's businesses, as a figurehead."

Suresh nodded. “If the rest react as Bella did, it shouldn’t be too difficult. All they have to believe is that I am out of prison. We don’t need to elaborate; let them assume the worst and it will only help us.”

"Exactly. I'm so glad you're just as smart as my Suresh. Explaining your stupidity would have been difficult." She walked to the far end of the living area, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“Some things don’t change from one universe to the other Sey.” Suresh watched her for a moment and wondered what the old Suresh had really thought of her. “Things here should work far better now since my judgment isn't clouded by obsession.”

"Are you so sure of that?" She looked back at him, assessing him. "You were looking thunderstruck last night."

“You think so?” he asked, making the effort to keep his tone even. “I was simply doing a good deed.”

"Mmhmm." She sounded doubtful. "You and Darwin looked eager to do a good deed or three with those two Ensigns," she said.

That got a laugh from Suresh. “And he was eager to lecture me last night about how she is too innocent for the likes of me or him. Should I be offended?”

"I know very little of the Borg girl, but the other one is hardly innocent. As for whether she's too innocent for you...," her gaze swept over him again. "Judging by the standards of my Suresh, you are too corrupt for such a young girl. I could assign a girl, or boy, to ease your desires if you wish. Gratis, of course."

“I'm sure Marabeth would jump at the chance.” The journal that Marabeth had returned to him came to mind and he decided to address that. “She did a good turn for me that allowed me to do one in turn for another.”

"Marabeth, then. I'll inform her."

“No, not yet.” He shook his head. “I want to ask you something, Sey. I need some advice.”

Wary of him, she frowned. "Sexual? See Doctor Harding. He has a dozen medications that can help you keep up with a young Borg girl."

“That’s not the question. As I told Darwin, I’m young for my species, I can keep up with anyone.” He smirked at her a moment. “But I want to know what you know about Halanans. You know something about just about everything.”

She sneered. "Worthless species. Once they choose a mate, that's it - it's for life and they won't stray. Talk about dumb," she scoffed and played with her long red hair. "Oh... The Borg girl, she's Halanan, isn't she? I should have recognized the big, pointy ears. You know, maybe if you're lucky, the whole mating for life thing might be cultural, not ingrained."

Suresh had been about to drink but his glass stopped halfway to his mouth. “For life? Oh.” He lowered the glass to the table. “We’re having dinner tonight.”

"She's young for you," she needled him.

“Does that matter? Do you know the age difference between some on this station? Li is married to a Vulcan so it’s likely he’s much older.” Suresh frowned. “I don’t need ribbing, I need advice. Where should I take her? If this mating thing is true, it’s going to be an evening out only, not in.”

"There's dancing, at Nexus with Jackson's love for old Earth music, Paola's, with a mix of ...," she smiled, "Romulan and old Earth salsa or Latin beats, ...just eating would be Portin. There's the bar-b-que place Darwin introduced you to last night. You could take her someplace youthful like the laser-tag place."

“I don’t think laser-tag is on my list,” Suresh laughed. “Perhaps dancing, I think she’d like that.” A thought occurred to him, however. “Would it make you feel better if you were there to keep an eye on things? Everyone seems to be so concerned that I am too old or too jaded for her.”

"You are jaded, Suresh. But, no, I do not wish to be there. Unless she's bringing her friend, Reva. Then I'll go. I can take the little Orion off your hands."

Suresh raised an eyebrow. “Explain, Seyla. I didn’t think women were your thing.”

"They can be. Oralia Zeferino, for example," she dropped a vague reference. "This girl was raised on Betazed, with no Orion to teach her the ways of her own body. That's a crime against her," Seyla argued.

“It doesn’t seem to bother her since she had yet to explore that part of her body, according to what she said to Darwin last night.” Suresh shrugged and finished his drink. “However, I think you might have the same effect on her that Darwin fears in Six’s case - corruption of mind, body, and reputation. Why the sudden interest in her? You normally are not so benevolent except where that young Enaran is concerned.”

Her grey eyes glittered as she turned a glare on him. "She is Orion, she is meant for more. I know of her mother and know that she'd be greatly disappointed to see where her daughter is and how she lives without the power of a female Orion," Seyla's speech adopted an urgency and cadence almost like that of a snake oil salesman. "I can show her that power and let her decide whether she wants it."

“And her Fleet position? Everything she’s worked so hard for? What about that?”

"What of it? What I offer her could give her so much more."

“She is happy, Seyla. This life down here is no place for her.” It occurred to him that the same could be said for Six but he was in a much different position. Wasn’t he?

"She doesn't know she has the choice, though." Seyla stood and refilled her glass. "I just think she should be given all the facts. Right now, she looks on her Orion heritage with disdain and hate. But, I know she's as curious as a cat; I'll be able to turn that around."

“Promise me you won’t ruin her, or you might have Darwin breathing down your neck,” Suresh warned. “You know he would, too. I'll be watching my step, that’s for sure.”

"With the Borg girl? I can see why you would. Darwin, though, would likely be thrilled to see Reva on my roster. You missed how he looked at her last night."

“I also heard him insist she was too young and innocent.” Suresh sighed and rubbed his eyes. “And it’s worse for Six. She’s only been out of the collective for three years. What if she decides I am the one?”

"You better hope you don't get bored with just the one... Though, you could cat around, it's just her that couldn't. You'd be her one and only, forever." Seyla gave him a sappy, romantic smile and batted her lashes at him.

“That’s no real relationship, Seyla, that’s slavery. I doubt it will come to that yet. She seems more interested in seeing life now that she’s on this side of the cube, so I’ll cross that gorge when I come to it.”

"Be careful, that first step across is a doozy. Did you need more advice? If so, I hear there's a crooked little creature on the Promenade who gives advice."

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He rose and carried his glass back to the bar. “I’m going to Saturnalia, you want to come along? I can’t stay long, I have to get ready for my dinner.”

"No, I'm here to do a few things and then I have a client to see," she was vague with him, discovering that she didn't particularly want him knowing about Will Harding. "Enjoy your trip down under."

“It’s just to see and be seen. I’ll be at the Nexus this evening with Six if you need me.” With a wave, he departed her quarters and the doors closed behind him.

With him gone, Seyla set about doing some work - first order of business: she sent Reva Madhava a message. She then turned to balancing the books and checking her stable's numbers.

Looking To The Future


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