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Qo'noS Here We Come

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2015 @ 12:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: USS Takei

* USS Takei *

Departure has been a frenzy of loading, arranging, and getting four passengers and a pilot settled in. It was an additional challenge since one of the passengers was only a few weeks old. However, they'd managed it and now the runabout was underway. Aros and the baby were settled in, leaving the rest to relax and leave the driving to Awf.

Having been seated comfortably at the controls for the time being, Awf was silently wishing that he -wasn't- the pilot on this mission ironically. It would have been much more fun on a Klingon ship where the boisterous sound of screeching opera would have made everything a little more lively. Of course, he was happy enough to be going to Qo'noS and he was readying himself to experience the biJ of a warrior.

The announcement that they were taking a separate craft had not pleased Q'vahn but Kh'ali hadn't much cared. The atmosphere on a Klingon ship was loud and boisterous and would likely have meant little sleep for any of them, especially D'Veidh, and that was not something she wanted to endure for the next week. So, as her cousin simmered at a low boil on the other ship, Kh'ali sat down with a mug of raktajino and propped up her feet.

"I apologize now, gentlemen. Q'Vahn is going to be in a pissy mood by the time we get there. Well, even more of one, and you two will likely bear the brunt of it." She looked from Patrick to Nick.

Nick grunted. "She can bring it whenever she wants. Hell, I want a piece of that giant she brought with her. I bet he goes down easily."

"I wouldn't joke on that." Patrick said somberly "I'm sure that woman is mad about that and I bet she's making a package of all of us as target for her sour mood." He ended looking at Kh'ali. "I don't like her."

"Welcome to my world." Kh'ali frowned. "The years out here have been the most peaceful of my life where she's concerned." She considered Nick's words a moment and nodded. "This trip, while it solves one issue, is no guarantee that it will solve all of them. Once we are married, it makes her position even less secure. You may get your chance to do just that Nick."

"Then it will give me something sporting to do while trying to forget that I was born and raised there," he said with a sneer. "No offense, Commander," he added as he reached for his beer from the table.

"None taken. I haven't been home in three years, one more thing that annoys Q'Vahn." Kh'ali turned to Patrick to explain. "Blood trumps all you see, and even though she's been there at home, it still matters little. She might be better served on a colony somewhere, just not Valhalla. Maybe whatever the Klingons develop, but not ours."

"Why not the alternate universe then..." Patrick muttered to himself before addressing Kh'ali again "The more you tell me the more I become uneasy. If there is a thing I'd never thought possible is that one day I should have watched my back, and that of my family, from relatives."

"Welcome to life as a Klingon, par'Mach'kai. You realize that once this is done, you will be an honorary one and, at least at home there, expected to act like one. Nick will be a big help."

He leaned back on the seat in discomfort. Then, casting a sidelong glance to Marcinko, Patrick took the occasion to exchange words with him: "I'm happy that you're with us Lieutenant Marcinko and at the same time I'm sorry to have involved you in this adventure which I'm the first to deem absurd."

Nick shrugged. "It's nothin' but a thang, as they used to say. This may actually be fun. 900 is a little stagnate, no real fights, no one to kill without getting in trouble..." He trailed off. "Too bad Leto couldn't come along."

"Since you bring up fighting," Kh'ali smiled. "You and I need to teach him to use a bat'leth on this trip. If you're willing Awf, you'll make a good fourth."

Having coded in numerous hyperspace coordinates designed to make a nice smooth transition, which was at least partially because Awf didn't exactly trust the computer to control the warp drive of even a vessel this small directly, the Ocampa freed himself of his duties and nodded heartily at the offer.

"I'd be happy to join in; 'IwlIj jachjaj!"

"What??" Patrick exclaimed in surprise "Oh, no no no... I've studied the ritual wedding and the bat'leths there are mentioned for a purely ceremonial function to be carried out through the rigorous callings of the Mistress. I'm not going to take into consideration any Klingon military training. Besides... Those things are bloody edged." He slouched back in the seat with the last words, prey to mixed emotions.

"And don't give me that look Kh'ali... I said no."

"Hmph," Nick said, disapproving. "Looks to me like someone marrying a Klingon would be a little more accepting of their culture, despite your own feelings toward violence. Some may be able to control it better," he said, nodding toward Kh'ali, "but violence is in our blood. You may need to make peace with it."

"There's another good reason," Kh'ali added. "Given the tense situation, you may need to defend yourself at some point during this trip. If it comes to that, whoever is causing the problem will have a bat'leth or a d'k tahg. Klingons love their blades and you need to be ready."

"Perhaps Klingons should learn accepting other cultures as well. This would save all from a great deal of bereavements..." Patrick stated sternly. "Okay, I'll undertake these lessons..." This thing worsens by the hour...

"Good." Kh'ali smiled at Patrick. "Remember, appearance counts. If you make it clear you won't take anyone's crap, they are less likely to challenge you. But you need to be able to back it up in case things go sour."

"Unfortunately, on Qo'noS, things tend to go sour rather quickly, even from something as simple as an off-hand look or failure to pay proper respects," Nick piped up. He was beginning to see that Patrick was likely the one he'd have to keep an eye on most with his refusal to even try to accept Klingon culture, despite his own words. Now he looked to both Patrick and Awf. "Just remember to be respectful but also don't back down from a challenge. A sign of weakness is enough reason for them to look down on you and, possibly, issue a challenge." He chuckled. "A catch-22 if I ever saw one."

"Of course I would not be one to back down from a challenge!" As usual, Awf looked entirely too enthusiastic about their mission and he certainly looked happy about it. That being said, that same personality would have suggested that he hadn't the slightest idea of what he was getting into either, so that could have spelled a bit of doom. In other words, the Ocampa was being himself like he always was. They'd probably started to get used to it by this point.

"Well, we have plenty of time to get ready, I'd suggest we make the most of it." Her comm badge beeped and she silenced it. "Perhaps you'd all like to get started with them Nick? That was Aros calling. I'll join you all later."

Nick nodded. "I can do that, but they may not enjoy me being their instructor."

"Maybe, but they'll be ready." Kh'ali rose and moved off to join Aros, leaving the men to their own devices.

Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Lt. Nick Marcinko
Warrant Officer Awf
Off On An Adventure


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