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Posted on Fri Jun 26th, 2015 @ 1:49am by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh
Edited on on Fri Jun 26th, 2015 @ 3:40am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh's Quarters / Six's Quarters / The Nexus Club

Suresh looked in the mirror over his dresser and, once again, was grateful that the old Suresh had built such an extensive and expensive wardrobe. He'd found the perfect thing for the Nexus and now stood in black tuxedo pants, wing-tip collared shirt with a pearly white cravat, black brocade vest and white dinner jacket. He added a pair of diamond cuff links and took one last look at his hair.

He'd decided to leave it down loose tonight. He ran his hands through it once more and the action brought to mind Six's hair and the silky feel of it. Already, he longed to touch it again, to have it falling down over his hands, then his shoulders and....he stopped the vision and cleared his throat. He had to get off that train of thought immediately - it was far too soon with someone like Six. He took a deep breath and manged to reign in his renegade mind. It was time to go.

* * *

Six had spent some time perusing the computer, looking at dresses - something she knew little about when it came to formal wear. She'd debated something more native to her species but then decided on a style more in keeping with the theme of the Nexus. She now stood before the mirror in her bedroom and turned in a slow circle, stopping to look over her shoulder. The dress was a deep burgundy velvet with a scoop neck in front, held up by thin straps, and cut low in the back, down to her waist. It was fitted through the body and flared out to a full skirt at the bottom. She ran her hands over the velvet, loving the lush softness. It was perfect.

Her hair was pulled up, tumbling in a waterfall of curls down her back. She'd decided against a necklace. She had noticed Suresh touching her hair the previous evening and sensed his pleasure in it. If he wished to do it again, it was better that there was nothing to tangle with his fingers. She added a pair of small ruby earrings and a spritz of the perfume she'd picked up at the Risan shop. She was ready.

* * *

Suresh arrived at her door and stood a moment, preparing himself. He was looking forward to the evening, but Seyla's information regarding the Halanans' mating for life practice made him cautious. Six fascinated him and excited him. But was he ready for such a commitment? He shook off the worry for now. It was just dinner, as she had told Darwin. It was likely, he surmised, that given her recent freedom from the collective and the chance to live life on her own, that she wasn't interested in something permanent just yet either. The image of her hair rose once more and his fingers twitched with the need to feel it against his skin. He rang the chime.

Moments later, the doors opened and Suresh was sure someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the corridor. Gone was the girl he'd rescued last night. In her place was a woman who made it impossible to think straight and threatened to make his self-control non-existent. He was speechless as he took her in and she smiled.

"Good evening."

" breathtaking." He couldn't look away and smiled back at her.

She stepped out of her quarters to let the doors close and moved closer to Suresh. "Thank you."

He caught a whiff of her perfume and felt the stirring deep within, a trademark reaction to Risan perfumes. He wonder if she knew, then discarded the thought. Likely not. He couldn't resist reaching for her hair, running a lock through his fingers.

"Exquisite," he murmured.

That one word brought a warm glow to life in Six that mirrored the flare of desire she sensed in Suresh. She was sure that if they stood there a moment longer, they would both melt. Her smiled returned and she slipped her hand in his arm. "Shall we?"

Anytime, was the first thought that rose in his mind but he simply smiled. "Of course."

Suddenly, it was no longer just dinner.

* * *

The Nexus was booked solid for the evening and Suresh considered himself lucky he'd managed to get a reservation. They were shown to a table and he was glad to see they would catch the early show. Camille was just taking to the stage as he held Six's chair and she sat down.

"Thank you Suresh."

"My pleasure." He sat across from her, his attention caught by the candlelight as it was reflected by the rubies in her earrings. "I'm glad you came. Have you been here before?"

Six nodded. "Just once, last week. I decided to see some of the station and so I dressed up and took myself out. Reva was here and we had a fun evening. That happens to be the night I smacked Counselor Amani's head on the bar. Completely by accident of course. I thought he was choking and can imagine how that went."

She laughed and Suresh joined in, glad to see she hadn't taken it too seriously. "I'm sure he's been through worse."

"That's what he said too."

She smiled, then looked up as a waiter appeared. He was carrying a silver ice bucket in a stand that held a bottle of champagne. He set it down by the table, passed Suresh a note, then filled their glasses. As he departed, Suresh opened the note.

Suresh, I owe you one....Jackson

He smiled and tucked the note into his dinner jacket. "That's a nice surprise. It's from Jackson, one of the owners here."

Six's eyes widened at that bit of news. "Really? That's lovely. You know him?"

Suresh nodded. "And his wife. Rather a long story but I can tell you later, I promise." He raised his glass of champagne. "To us." There was more he would like to have said but she barely knew him and he'd sworn not to rush this or frighten her away. The story of his arrival here and the other Suresh, at this point, likely would do so in a second.

"To us," Six repeated. She touched her glass to his and then drank.

* * *

Dinner had been delicious and as the last plate was cleared, she looked across to Suresh. "That was incredible. I honestly think I could eat here all the time."

"It's tempting, but there's lots more places to try." He reached across the table to take her hand in his. "Where have you been so far?"

"Just Cravings and Lao's," she answered. "The night Reva and I were here, I ended up going to Lao's for dinner with Vic."

Much like the mention of Bryce, the image of Six having dinner with Vic sent jealousy knifing through him. He tried to clamp down on it but was unsuccessful. He kept his expression neutral but Six caught it in an instant and she tilted her head as she looked at Suresh.

"Why are you jealous?"

She knew? He opened his mouth to ask how but she beat him to the punch.

"I'm an empath. That is also a story for later. I feel everything you do, Suresh." She squeezed his hand gently. "There is no need for your jealousy. It was just dinner. He's the one I told you and Darwin about last night - the one that got interrupted. By Jackson, actually. He whisked Vic away to deal with something or the other." She paused and smiled at Suresh. "I have to say, though, that I am flattered. I can say with certainty that such possessiveness is one emotion I've never raised in anyone."

"Then everyone is crazy for not seeing you as I do." He stood, still holding her hand and pulled her to her feet. "Let's dance." When she nodded, he led her out to the floor. Camille's set was over and now the orchestra was playing 'The Best Is Yet To Come', an old earth tune he'd heard here before. Finally, he held her in his arms, her body close to his as they began to dance.

She felt weightless in his arms and he was surprised at how well she danced. She laughed for a moment as she looked up at him.

"I learned while at the Academy. It was all part of the 'let's socialize the Borg' campaign. I thought their choice of activities was a little off the wall but it seems to be coming in handy." His dark eyes held hers as they glided across the floor, oblivious to anyone else in the room. His hand on her bare back was stirring her far more than she had expected and once more, she picked up on the desire he was doing his best to hold at bay. She understood why, but their closeness wasn't helping either of them. She slipped her hand up along his shoulder until her fingertips brushed his throat. "I understand."

He nodded slightly. "I know that you have a lot to learn and get used to yet. I am not going to push you into anything you are not ready for, Six, despite Darwin's concern."

Confusion clouded her expression now. "How do you know what you are ready for and when?"

Suresh sighed and shook his head. "That's always the big question, isn't it? Just remember, no one can tell you that. It's something you have to figure out for yourself."

"I will." She paused as the music faded. "The same goes for you. You are holding some strong feelings in there. Tell me."

He let go of her hand and wrapped her in his arms as they stood still on the dance floor. Her ability to read his emotions and her directness was both startling and refreshing. He was certain he would always know where she stood on things. "Maybe once we leave here." The music began once more and still they stood, lost in their own little world. "How about a walk? So we can talk without being so much on display."

"I'd like that." She slipped out of his arms, took his hand and led him away.

It had definitely turned into more than dinner.

Ensign Six of Ten
Step Two


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