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Moving at Light Speed

Posted on Fri Jun 26th, 2015 @ 3:58am by Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree & Niall Sala Ph.D.

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Counselor Swift's Office

* Counselor’s Office *

The morning had been a busy one but as it neared lunch time for Robin, the office was quiet once more. Dru was reaching for the comm panel to call Nico when it beeped with an incoming transmission. A man’s face appeared that she recognized instantly and she smiled. When he asked for Robin, she pressed the panel.

“Robin? It’s him. Putting it through now,” she called out.

He raced back to his office, took a moment to compose himself and then answered the message. “Niall!” he said, a bit too excitedly. “How’s work?”

“It’s good. I’m taking a little break now, however. I’ve been holed up with their Chief Engineer all morning going over the nuts and bolts and tweaking a few things. No major changes though and we’ve worked out a few kinks that needed his expertise. What about you? Busy today?”

“Not really, regular workload. Light workload today, actually, but Dru is back and looking absolutely marvelous after her wedding.”

“So I see. She was beaming enough to light my office over the comm.” Niall laughed for a minute. “Let’s hope you come back from your vacation the same way. A break is always a good thing.”

“I think so as well,” Robin replied, then touched his console to remotely close his office door. “Niall, listen, I need to confess something. Remember how I told you that Dru and I are very close and we tell each other pretty much everything?”

“I do. I sense an ‘and’ looming.”

“I told her.” Robin looked a bit sheepish. “I couldn’t help it. I told her how you had visited before heading out to the colony and she picked up on it, so, I just came out with it. But I did swear her to secrecy.” He waited a moment before adding, “I hope you’re not upset.”

Niall began to laugh once more and shook his head. “Not at all.” Once his laughter settled he continued. “Lani knows too. I have a feeling I may need advice along this road and she’s one of the smartest people I know. Everyone needs someone to confide in and ask for advice. Often, that’s you in your professional position but in this case...Dru counsels the counselor, yes?”

After a quick sigh of relief, Robin nodded his head. “That she does. And she gave me a pretty good session this morning with a suggestion that I’d like to run past you.” He didn’t wait for a response. “So, my trip to Archadia…” he began. “The first three days I have trips booked around the planet to see their holiday hot spots. After that, the next week and a half will be part hiking and camping and part staying in a cabin. Um,” he paused, hoping he wasn’t making a fool of himself asking, or going much faster than he said he wanted, “would you be interested in coming along?” He suddenly felt the need to add more information. “I mean, I know you’re busy with the new construction and all that, so you wouldn’t have to come the entire time, maybe just the first bit, or the hiking bit, or the cabin bit--whatever. I just remember that you said you liked the outdoors as much as I and thought you might like to get away for a bit as well.” He realized he’d spoken way too fast for the last part, but there was no taking it back now.

Niall’s smile widened and he relaxed back in his chair. “Actually, you couldn’t have asked at a better time. The designs are all complete. Lt. Ayo and the CO and CDO are taking a trip out that way to see the site and visit Ozum, which means they will be gone about eight days. The construction is proceeding well and I’ve told the staff they can take a little time off before the real heavy lifting begins. I intend to as well. At this point, the initial foundations are going in so Lt. Ayo can handle anything that comes up. I suppose if a dire emergency happens they can call me but I doubt it will.” He paused a moment, realizing he hadn’t really answered the question. “So, yes.”

Robin fought to keep his excitement under control and suddenly realized that he was much happier than he thought he would be going into this relationship. “Excellent! Only eight days, though? So you will be coming at the start of the trip, or do you think you could get more time?”

“I could be convinced to stretch it out and take a few more days. Lani and the guys would likely jump for joy, to be honest.” Niall’s smile returned, lighting up his face. “Does that mean you’re going to do some arm twisting?”

“I...might?” Robin replied playfully. “Oh, that reminds me, I was thinking of making dinner tonight. Feel like joining me? We can talk about the trip and go over what I have on the itinerary already.”

“That sounds wonderful. Maybe, while you are cooking, I can convince Freya that I’m a nice guy. Maybe.” Niall could be seen reaching for a padd on his desk. “What time do you want me there?”

“Is seven too early?”

“Not at all,” Niall answered as he entered the time in his schedule. “That will actually give me time to go home and get out of this suit before I come over. The idea of all that time on Archadia without a tie really clinched the deal.” He was obviously teasing Robin now.

“As for Freya, a word of advice: take it slow. She’ll get used to you eventually, like she did Dru, but I don’t want to chance her scratching you up. She can get pretty vicious.”

“So noted.” Niall paused a moment, looking back at Robin. “You’re going to spoil me. Not that I’m complaining.”

“Let’s hold that comment until after you’ve tried my cooking,” Robin replied. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Till tonight. I’ll bring the wine.” Niall smiled once more and closed the channel.

Once the channel closed, Robin almost bounced up and down in his chair. Once again he calmed himself before opening the door again. Dru almost burst into the room and had to have been only millimeters from the door during the entire conversation.

“So?” he asked. “What all did you hear?”

“Not enough.” She stopped before the desk and rested her hands on it. “You were talking too soft. So? What’s up? Is he going?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked back at him. “You’re too calm so either he said no or you just want to keep me in suspense.”

Robin’s face was straining, trying to remain stoic, but it failed miserably. He started clapping and smiling. “He’s going! Eight days for sure, but maybe a bit more. I’m making him dinner tonight so we can talk about what all I had planned--well, that’s the boring bit--but he’s going!”

Robin’s excitement was catching and she reached across the desk to squeeze his hand. “That’s wonderful!” Seeing him so happy really did warm her through and through. “So….what are you making tonight?”

“I have no idea! I panicked and offered. Help me pick something!”

Now it was Dru who was laughing. “Alright. Your last patient is at 1500. In the meantime, I’ll figure something out. That gives you an hour to do your shopping and get home, put on anything besides that uniform, and get busy. Cooking I mean.”

“I’ll have to clean up, too. I’m pretty sure Freya has spread her fur everywhere.” A million things were running through his mind but he heard Dru clear her throat. “Oh, yes,” he said. “Head in the game, work at work, play off duty. How long until my patient--” He heard the outer doors swoosh and recognized his patient’s voice. “Never mind. Ask him to be seated. I think I need a minute.”

She laughed under her breath and turned to go out. “Will do. And don’t worry, everything will be just fine.” After she passed on to the outer office he could hear her greeting the new arrival. The doors closed, leaving Robin in the quiet office.

His door closed and after a beat he found himself more excited than he had been in a long, long time. A few cleansing breaths later, he stood still. “Okay, easy tiger. Don’t act like an idiot and screw this up. Getting overly excited won’t go well.” A few more cleansing breaths. “Damn, I may be worthless as a counselor today,” he said with a giggle.

Opening the door he stepped into the threshold. “Ensign Wares? Come on in.”

“Heya, doc,” the ensign said. “Boy, you look really happy today.”

“I am, thank you. But we’re here to talk about you, so let’s get to it.”

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Desperately Seeking Julia Child

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Party Planner

Niall Sala, Ph.D.


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