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Morning Session

Posted on Mon Aug 15th, 2011 @ 9:36am by Captain Claudia Drake & Cadet 4th Class Raxim & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: Saved By The Bell
Location: 55 -132
Timeline: Morning of Term 1, Day 1 (Prior to 'Eli's Chance')

It was 0859 when Claudia stood outside lecture room 555 - 132. She was wearing a freshly replicated uniform, and both her leopards sat at her heel. She watched as her old-fashioned watch ticked over to 0900. She walked to the door and it opened, as she entered the room she heard the voice of one of her teaching staff shout in a commanding voice, "Attention on deck!"

Claudia surprised a smile, she had never been one for protocol and all this spit-shine stuff, but she had to fulfill certain aspects of her job. She could see the young people all standing at their seats, she began to walk down the aisle towards the raised platform and lectern. She could hear a few titters and whispered conversation about her pets as she walked, her cane tapping on the decking as she did so.

She finally reached the raised platform, and walked up the steps to be facing the assembled mass of students. She stood in complete silence looking at them for several moments, the Leopards patrolling the stage, before finally settling to at either side of the lectern.

"Good morning." she said to the students, there was a mumbled response, she smiled broadly "I said Good Morning."

"Good morning" came the more enthusiastic response

"Now that's much better, you're going to have to be a little more active in the mornings" she smiled again, and placed her hands on either side of the Lectern, "Let's begin with the mandatory, and somewhat boring, aspects of this morning." she pressed a button on the lectern and behind her projected on a floor to ceiling screen appeared a the logo of the Delta Academy Satellite Programme, "I am Professor Claudia Drake, I hold the rank of Commander within Starfleet and have been a commissioned officer since stardate 516.21 in the old system." she paused, "for those of you who have worked that out, that was 2174." she winked and pressed another button, "Unlike most senior Starfleet Officer's you will come across I prefer to be addressed by my academic title and not my rank: you will find this is common amongst academics" she lent forward slightly, "I am the Dean of Education for Starfleet Academy, and I oversee the Satellite Academy Programme, so for the next four years, in effect, I am going to be your commanding officer." Ominous music began to play, "It also means that I am going to be the person you are going to love and hate within the same breath. Be under no illusion; these next 4 years are going to be the hardest of your lives. Your body will feel exhaustion beyond belief, your mind will be opened to a galaxy of new ideas, some of them you will struggle with, others you will take to like a Vulcan to mathematics." she stared at them, "You will go to bed every-night aching physically and mentally, you will doubt yourself and feel that there is nothing you can do to meet the rigours of being a Cadet...but have faith. You will end this course and receive your commission. You will be Starfleet Officers. You are the future of the Federation."

She looked around in silence, "Now the little pep-talk is over, I will open the floor to questions before we break for the second session of this morning, an Introduction to the United Federation of Planets."

On this, the first day of class, Chance Conradi didn't have a question. Instead, he had an attitude. He smirked at the Professor (a dangerous thing to do since the class wasn't very big) and thought to himself, Boy, she lays it on thick. He knew his sister and two other brothers hadn't had any problem with the Academy; he was sure he wouldn't either.

Eli was silent as he regarded Claudia. They'd had plenty of conversations that had gotten a little more personal than was comfortable for him but he knew she meant well. He also knew she had a table reserved for that evening after the formal dinner. Chance's bravado was coming off him in waves as well and Eli was just waiting for a comment on that.

Claudia focused on the person who had made a slight coughing sound, "Yes...Miss..Raxim." she said recalling the name, "You have a question?"

The Talaxian stood up and looked around, "It is not so much a question Professor Drake, but I would like to thank you for this chance to study to become a Starfleet Officer: it is a great honour."

"Why thank you Miss Raxim...but sucking up will get you no-where" added Claudia in a clipped manner, "If there are no serious questions, then you have 15 minutes. Grab a coffee and get to talking to each other." she said as she stepped away from the lectern.

Raxim felt her face flush as the woman walked out escorted by the two large cats. She turned to the others who she had walked in with.

"Wow...what's the term? Bitch?" she said in a slightly hushed tone.

Shifting in his seat to look at Raxim, Chance flashed her a smile. "Don't say that too loud. But, yeah, that's the term." He chuckled and stood, stretching (really: showing off his trim figure). "Is there a place for coffee within fifteen minutes of this classroom, though?"

Ashley raised an eyebrow, noticing that trim figure. "That's a good question. Probably a setup. She is just as my mother warned me she would be".

Raxim's emotions rolled over Eli, a mix of embarrassment and anger. He turned in his seat and regarded her a moment, then smiled. "Don't let her get to you, Raxim. It's just...." He paused and shrugged. "Part of the atmosphere? Is that the right word? To be honest, I feel the same, and being a fellow Delta Quadrant native, I understand how much it does mean. Don't let her get to you."

Raxim smiled weakly, "I won't" she said as she looked around, "I could really do with some Nala Tea, but they don't have it let's try this coffee thing you're all on about." she smiled again, "I came down here for a look early this morning, there is a large room around the corner called a 'common room' and I saw replicators in there."

"I'll join you, Raxim", Ashley smiled encouragingly.


Cadet Eli Ziyad 4th Class
Finally In Class

Cadet Ashley MacGuyver 4th Class
Feeling Prepared

Cadet Chance Conradi 4th Class
Frisky and Overconfident

Cadet Raxim 4th Class
Not Sucking Up


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