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Tor Meets The Dendrian Order

Posted on Sun Jun 28th, 2015 @ 2:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor & Chordata

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Diplomatic Offices

* Diplomatic Offices *

Lt. Commander Tor had arranged to make use of one of the diplomatic offices to meet with Ambassador Chordata following the staff meeting. She had also asked Ensign Aure’l to sit in to take notes and now everything was ready. Tor checked the padd she held, then placed it on the table. She had arrived just in time and moments later, heard the doors slide open.

A tall saurian entered the room followed by two others. His black raiment glittered strangely reacting to the light in the locale. Seeing the women close to the table he stepped forward watching them in turn with his reptilian eyes.

“I’m Chordata ambassador of the Dendrian order and this is my retinue,” he gestured to the other two saurians that had positioned themselves to his side albeit remaining a step behind him
“My aide Squamata and my personal guard Varanus.” He ended with a slight bow of the head.

“Welcome, Ambassador Chordata, Envoy Squamata and Captain Veranus.” She bowed her head to each in turn. “I am Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor. I will be the Chief Diplomatic Officer on the new colony. I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to you and your Order for such a generous gift.”

“A pleasure to meet you Commander Tor. The Order is indeed glad that Federation has accepted this gift and that is already improving it. I’m impressed by the celerity with which this is happening.”

“As am I,” she replied, then motioned to the seats around the table. “Please have a seat. Today, I wanted to introduce myself, since I will be out there and working closely with your government, and update you on the colony developments.”

“These are good news indeed.” Chordata nodded with satisfaction as his nostrils registered Gaelan Tor scent committing it to memory, then he looked to Aure’l “We already met I think, Ensign Aure’l. Will you be aiding Commander Tor as you did with Commander Kh’ali? By the way would you let her have my greetings?”

Aurel’ gave Chordata a polite nod. “I am assisting Commander Tor while she is here on the station. As for Commander Kh’ali, I will send your greetings, of course. She is en route to Qo’nos but is expected back in two weeks.”

“I see. Thank you ensign.” Chordata nodding to Aure’l’s address, then returned his attention to Tor. “I would take this occasion to bring up the rebels matter for, even if I don’t think that will be much of a threat for the colony, their activity in the sector is on the rise. It would be also convenient if the colony could be considered a possible port for Dendrian Order ships should they need resupply or support. Is that agreeable?”

“I met with Commander Nalas yesterday on that very issue,” Tor answered. “He was of much the same opinion, that given the colony isn’t in the direct path, the threat would be low. He did, however, supply me me with a list of the few times that area was affected, though the intrusions seemed almost accidental. Would you agree with that?”

“Armed groups’ activities can hardly be accidental… Still I agree to the fact that the planet is at the moment somewhat removed from the rebel theatre of operations.” Chordata replied calmly.

A bright smile lit Tor’s face. “That’s always a relief to hear, though the crew that will be the first on the ground has lived through worse and we are all anxious to get there. As for the resupply needs, that is agreeable. The agreement that Commander Kh’ali helped establish assures humanitarian aid as needed and I believe that a port where those in the area can come and go will be essential to the success of the colony. Its location is somewhat remote from 900, so ships coming through here could be a boon to us as well.”

“You can expect that half of the rogue traders of the Tynusian Empire are already biding their time to come to the new market of great potential. I don’t know if all of them can be considered a boon though. If I were you I would establish clear customs rules sooner rather than later. many profitable commodities are not legal in the Empire. The colony could be considered a delicious morsel for these scoundrels.”

Tor nodded. “Captain Olex has already predicted that I will be a very busy woman.” She laughed for a moment, then grew serious. “That is another thing on my list. In establishing such legalities, I will need your assistance, given your great knowledge of the legalities of the Order and the Empire. Such a job isn’t something that can be dashed off in a day, either, but will be a careful melding of the laws of the area and Starfleet regulations as well.”

“I agree to your remark. I will have you sent a complete list of all the commodities and merchandise currently monitored by the Dendrian Order and the Empire. Also a list of all the ones considered illegal in the sector along with all specifications.” Chordata leaned back on the seat and gave quick instructions to Squamata at his side who took due note on a padd-like device.

“The colony is to be considered Federation territory .” Chordata reprised “And as such there’s no need to integrate Empire’s or Dendrian’s laws even if, for a full mutual respect of that same laws and regulations, I’ll appoint a team from my staff to work as closely as possible with you to this end.”

“Thank you.” Tor nodded. “It has been said many times that we are making history here but that history includes the Order, not just the Federation. It’s an exciting time, Ambassador. Commander Gunnar, the colony CO, Lt. Ayo our chief engineer, and I will be going out there in a few days to see the construction site as well as the general area, including Ozum. I would be most grateful if I could meet with one of your associates there.”
“Indeed a history page is being written by the work of all of us. And I look forward for this page to be one about greatness and friendship. I’ll arrange to have done as you ask.”

“Thank you, Ambassador. I will give you our travel dates, as well as when we’ll be arriving at Ruined Station, as soon as I have them.” Tor smiled once more. “Is there anything I may do for you in the meantime?”

“Yes indeed, Commander Tor,” Chordata smiled “Would you direct us to a good out-of-the-way place for dinner? I’m not a hatchling anymore the trip has been tiresome and I would like a place away from all the formalities of these occasions.”

“I can certainly understand that. You should try Ha’Dara on the Promenade, Deck 272. It’s Bajoran and I think you’ll find plenty there to whet your appetite. It’s also smaller, casual….a good place to relax. I will make the arrangements if you wish.”

“Very kind of you. I’m sure that we will be completely satisfied by the choice.”

“Consider it done then.” Tor rose and this time offered her hand. “Thank you and I am looking forward to working with you. Enjoy your dinner.” She watched as Chordata and his envoy departed, then she had a seat and began to go over Aure’l’s notes.

Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Smoothing The Way

Self-made Chronicler



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