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Hope Hurts

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 9:24pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Hope Beckman & El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Various

* * * Deck 281 -- Cravings * * *

The quick lunch that they had started out with had turned into an hour and a half lunch full of laughing, stories and hilarity between Rick, El’Shar and Hope. Being the type of establishment that Cravings was it fostered conversation between the patrons. It wasn’t long before there was a crowd gathered around the table listening to stories told by both Rick and El.

“...and he said ‘Arrgh, it’s drivin’ me nuts’,” the last bit being told in a pirate voice, Rick added his crooked finger to stand in for a hook.

The gathered crowd burst into laughter as El rolled her eyes. She’d heard that particular joke so many times already that it was quickly wearing thin. Looking around the table at the group that had gathered, El stopped as one of the bartenders whispered something into Rick’s ear. He nodded and announced to the crowd, “You’ll have to excuse me, folks. Work is calling.”

El noticed that he used a monitor behind the bar and was speaking to someone she didn’t recognize, but quickly noticed how his demeanor changed, his shoulders slumped and his face looked drained. Her perception was correct when their eyes made contact.

She didn’t wait for him to get back to the table. “Okay, everyone, it’s been fun having you all listen to our stories, and poking fun at the old man a bit, but it appears that the Admiral has some pressing matters that have just arisen.”

A few moments later the group had cleared and returned to their own tables and Rick squared the bill so that the three of them could leave for somewhere more private. El wasn’t sure what was wrong, but she took his hand to hopefully brace him for whatever he was about to face.

“Sir?” Hope asked once they were out in the Promenade. “You okay? I noticed you seemed to have gotten some bad news on the monitor back at Cravings.”

Hope had always been astute, especially when it came to anything related to Rick’s work. “We need to sit a moment,” Rick said. He found a semi-secluded bench partially hidden by some potted plants. Once seated, he turned to Hope and and took her hand.

“What’s going on?” she asked, chuckling nervously and looking between he and El’Shar, who only shrugged. “Sir?”

“That message, back at the bar?” he said, his voice breaking. “It was...about your parents. Hope, I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but,” he paused, almost afraid to break the bad news to a girl who was never anything but bright and sunny, “your parents are dead. There was an accident.”

El moved around to sit behind Hope and took hold of her shoulders to help brace her for the news. But Hope was no longer listening. Even Rick’s words began to just fade into a murmur the more he spoke.

“I--” she began to say, but stopped. Rick’s heart was breaking at the sight of her normally bright, blue eyes that were saddened and red with the tears that were beginning to flow. “I need to--”

She stopped short again, obviously in shock at the news. “Hope, my dear, don’t worry about a thing. El and I will sort everything out for you. I’ll get you cleared for a transport home and, hell, I’ll go with you if you need the support.”

It was so strange to see someone who was normally so bubbly turned mute and so full of sorrow with only a few words.

After finally starting to move, wiping tears from her eyes, Hope leaned in and hugged Rick, more tears beginning to flow as if someone had turned on a faucet. El’Shar rubbed on Hope’s back. “Come with me, Hope,” El said as she stood. “I’ll get you back to your quarters. Rick and I will do anything we can to help you through this.”

“Thank you,” Hope finally managed to squeak out as she stood and hugged El tightly.

* * * Deck 13 - Hope’s Quarters * * *

It had been two hours since they’d received the news about Hope’s parents. El’Shar took Hope back to her quarters to begin packing but finally managed to get her to lie down for a nap. Hope had started crying uncontrollably and rest was the best thing for her.

Rick met up with El and sat with her on the couch in Hope’s quarters. “It’s all sorted,” Rick said quietly. “I tracked down some of her family to make sure she had a place to stay and, potentially, with a few visitors alongside. I couldn’t find her siblings, though.”

“I suspect they’re mourning as well,” El replied. “Not surprising that they wouldn’t answer a call from someone they didn’t recognize.”

Rick nodded then lay his head on El’s shoulder. “I’m so sad for her, El,” he said. “She’s like family and…”

“I know,” El’Shar said as she put her hand in his. “She’s such a wonderful person with a wonderful spirit. This sort of thing shouldn’t happen to people like her. She should have been able to see them live to an old age and had time to prepare for their deaths.”

“I guess I’ll have to bring Sakkath back up to speed so that I can go with her,” Rick said, squeezing her hand. “I know she’s a big girl but I just kind of feel responsible for her.”

“Rick, you can’t go. She knows how much you care for her, but if you go for her what happens next?” she asked. “People might start suggesting that you’re playing favorites, not doing the same with all personnel that you do for her. It just won’t do.”

“She’s right,” Hope’s voice said from the hall just before she stepped out into the living room. “You can’t go, sir.”

He thought about arguing his point, throwing around his rank and all that, but this wasn’t the time and he knew that the girls were right.

“I would like it if you could go with me, El’Shar?” Hope asked. “If you have other things to do, I understand, but--”

“I’ll go,” El’Shar said with a smile. “It would make me happy to be able to go along with you and provide whatever support that I can.” She looked to Rick, almost asking if it were okay after the face, but with his nod she knew all was well.

Hope nodded. “When do we leave?”

“1300 hours tomorrow,” Rick said.

“I’ll be okay until then,” Hope added. “Thank you guys, so much. But you probably have more work to do, sir.”

Rick grunted a bit as he got up from the couch then helped pull El’Shar up after him. “I do have a few things to finish before end of day, but you call me if you need anything at all, Hope. And I mean that.” He hugged her briefly and turned to leave.

“I’d like to stay with you a bit longer, if that’s okay,” El said to Hope who nodded that it was okay. “I should be home in time for dinner, Rick. I just can’t leave her alone yet.”

He gave his fiancee a quick kiss and left the girls alone.

“Thank you,” Hope said. “I could have gone by myself, but it will be much easier with you coming along.”

El’Shar took both of Hope’s hands hanging by her side. “I’m happy to do it, Hope.”

The younger began crying again and El’Shar pulled her in for another hug.

“I think I should go lay down again,” Hope said. “Sleep probably isn’t the best thing for me now but I can’t think of doing anything else.”

With a nod, El let go of Hope’s hands and watched her disappear into her bedroom. As she sat back on the couch and turned on FNN real low, she looked toward the bedroom and silently wished for Hope to get some rest. It hadn’t been that long since El’Shar had been on Earth but it was always a welcome return, even in these horrible circumstances.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Captain El’Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
Lieutenant Hope Beckman


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