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Something In The Air - Conclusion

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 10:58pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Arboretum / Six's Quarters

* The Arboretum *

"Everything alright?" Suresh asked as he and Six reached the edge of the lake and slowed their pace.

She squeezed his hand and nodded. "A bit of a headache. It started right after we arrived at Bubba's. It got worse when we sat down to eat."

"A headache?" Suresh pulled her to a stop and faced her. "Is it your implants? Something else?"

“I don’t….” she paused and looked off into into the distance. Her pupils darted back and forth rapidly but finally she shook her head. “No. They are operating within normal parameters.” She snapped her attention back to his face and her speech returned to her more casual style. “They seem to be okay.” She leaned in closer, tilting her face up for a kiss.

He kissed her, happily, and pulled her into his arms. She fit beautifully against him and he was exceptionally aware of her curves and softness. Breathing in her perfume, he smiled, even as something flickered across his awareness. "Perhaps a visit to Piper is in order," he said.

“I don’t know, Suresh, I don’t think it’s --” She stopped and sniffed. This close to his shirt, when she breathed in, the pain increased. “Your shirt. There’s something….” She raised her hand to touch his shirt and the scent intensified. “Smell this." She raised her hand to his nose.

He watched her eyes as he sniffed her hand. He then kissed it then kissed her, deeply, passionately. His heart rate quickened; he was intensely aware of her, of her scent, and he wanted her. "Six," he whispered against her lips and fought to get a hold of himself. "Is that your perfume?"

“No. Here is mine.” She pointed to her throat. “Different.” His rising desire was coming close to overwhelming her, pulling her along with him. Somewhere in her head, a little voice whispered that they were still in public. “What is that?”

He leaned into her, nuzzling her neck as he smelled the perfume she had chosen. "You are a goddess, Six," he whispered. "Headache... Right...," he tried to derail his ardor. "So that's your chosen perfume. But this," he focused on her hand and lightly sniffed it. Wild-eyed, he glanced at her then dropped her hand and took several paces away from her. "Bloody Orion...," he grumbled.

“What’s that Suresh?” Six followed him, turning him back around to face her. His desire now seemed to be mixed with anger. “What’s wrong?”

He fought for some discipline; he wanted to kiss her, claim her as his, but he also wanted to hit someone. He recognized the signs: "Your little Orion friend. She dosed me with pheromones. You, too, Six." He saw her confusion and added, "Women get headaches from the stuff; males get... a bit ..., well, we don't get headaches." He could smell the stuff on his shirt now. "I've got to get out of this shirt."

“I think we both need to shower this stuff off,” she breathed as he kissed her once more. “And fast. Let’s go.” She took his hand and began walking at a rapid clip across the grass.

Suresh was glad for the quick pace - her mention of a shower had brought all sorts of images to mind. Every single one of them involved a naked Six with water streaming over her. He pushed himself to walk faster, lest he haul Six to the ground right here. As they reached where they'd left her shoes, he gruffly told her, "I'm going to tan the hide of that Orion."

“Are you sure it was her?” Six kept pace with Suresh with little effort. She ran back over the arrival at Bubba's in her mind. The outfit was different than earlier in the day when they had been at -- “Java!” she said. “I left her there with Seyla.”

He recalled the conversation he'd had with Seyla - the one where she had professed interest in Reva. Had Seyla taught Reva something about her body? Reva had certainly had a glow about her, but so had Riley. "Whichever one, then, there's a tanned Orion hide in my future. C'mon, I'll walk you home."

* Six’s Quarter’s *

They managed to make it to Six’s, though the empty turbolift had nearly been more than either of them could withstand. They reached her doors and her fingers fumbled as she tried to enter her code. Suresh’s hands on her bare stomach were far too distracting.

“Dammit!” she cursed and tried again.

"I should go," he said, swallowing hard as his fingers brushed along the waistband of her skirt. Skirt..., his fingers shifted and started to draw the hem of her skirt up. "Six, make me go away," he warned her.

“No.” She finally entered the correct code and when the doors parted, she pulled him inside. “Computer, lock doors,” she ordered, then turned and began to unbutton his shirt. “First, we clean up, then we’ll see where we really are.”

While she undressed him, he held her face in his hands and kissed her. Slowly, he backed her towards the bedroom. "Better make this a cold shower, and quick," he broke away from her and stripped off his shirt. He had his hands on his waistband when he looked at her and had a moment of clarity. "Yeah, how about I shower first?"

While the pheromones weren’t having the same effect on Six as Suresh, the fire roaring in him was, perhaps, even more powerful for her. She tried to think straight and it just wasn’t happening...and wouldn’t until he could think straight again.

“No, I’m coming with you. Now.” Her tone was firm and in seconds, she’d shed what she was wearing. She dropped the last of her clothes to the floor then pressed her hands to her temples. “Get the water on.”

He couldn't. He was staring at her, dumbstruck by her absolute perfection. He was acutely aware that he still had his pants on; by sheer force of will, he kept himself from taking them off. That she was in pain finally registered and he croaked, "Computer, turn on the shower, water, seventy degrees Fahrenheit." The water started, quickly chilling his skin and soaking through his pants. Thank the gods.

Six slipped in beside him, turning her face up as the water drenched her and ran down over her skin. The smell of the pheromones was beginning to lessen and the headache receded just a little. She turned slowly, making sure that all of her was rinsed off and once more, turned to face the spray, her eyes closed. A soft sigh escaped her as the pain dropped back even more.

It was his vision in real life. Suresh cursed himself even as he found his hands full of soap. He rubbed the soap into her skin, making sure every bit of her skin was clean of the pheromones. "Go on, Six," he kissed her, "Get dressed. Give me a minute here." Otherwise, he wasn't sure he wouldn't corrupt her right here and now.

She nodded, then stepped out of the shower, leaving him to wash up. After wrapping herself in a robe, she ran a brush through her wet hair and then fluffed the curls back to life. A few sniffs of her hands told her the scent was gone and so was her headache. Now, she had to deal with the desire raging in the bathroom. It still enveloped her and she leaned back against the dresser, waiting.

In the shower, Suresh stripped his pants off and stood under the chilly water trying to forget where his hands had just been. Despite the temperature of the water, he groaned and manually mastered his desire. It wasn't borne solely of the Orion's influence, so it was difficult to ease completely. Satisfied the last of the pheromones were off of him, he turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist. He left the bathroom and jumped when he saw Six waiting there. "Ah... I'm a bit more clear headed. How's your headache?"

“It’s gone, thankfully.” She flashed him a smile as she looked him up and down. “That was the lesser of the problems, Suresh.” Her voice was soft. “Everything you feel, I do too. There was so much...and....” she pushed away from the dresser and crossed to stand before him. “I don’t think the shower was enough.”

"Ah...," he hedged. "I'm okay. I've got this under control. I like you, Six, and I don't want ... I do want you, but not because an Orion was careless."

She studied him a moment, then pulled him down for a kiss. “What is within you has nothing to do with an Orion, does it? It was there before tonight.”

"It was. Is." He kissed her back. "That's not a bad thing."

“No it’s not,” she whispered. “You told me that only I know when something is right for me, remember?”

He had said that. He nodded, "Yes. It's your choice."

“I want us to be us, not us and the ghosts of Darwin and Bryce looking over our shoulders. Can you do that?” She reached up to trace his lips with her fingertip and smiled as the banked fire within him roared to life once more.

"Who are Darwin and Bryce?" He smiled slyly and kissed her then pulled back. "But I don't want this to be due to the Orion's influence, Six." He couldn't believe he was trying to talk her out of having sex with him.

“She doesn’t have that sort of effect on me,” she answered. “You do.”

"And you have that effect on me," he held her tightly, kissing her deeply. He picked her up, let his towel drop away and put her on her bed. "You're sure?"

"I am.” She kissed him once more, then ordered the lights down low.

Ensign Six of Ten
No Ghosts


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