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Posted on Wed Jul 1st, 2015 @ 7:48pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Six's Quarters / Seyla's Quarters

* Six’s Quarters *

Suresh awoke as the computer began to raise the lights, simulating morning. He stretched, then gathered the warm figure of Six in close. The previous evening had seen an interesting start and a glorious finish. When he picked up Six for dinner, he had no clue that events would take the turn they did but he had no regrets. Six had none either and that relieved him greatly. He had sworn not to rush her, but neither would he refuse her once she had decided.

They had talked late into the night and then she had wanted him again. He realized now that he wanted her for far longer than just one night, and wanted more than just her physical attention. He couldn’t get enough of her...all of her. She made him think, made him laugh, pushed him to open up as a result of her own directness, and she just seemed to fit him in a way he couldn’t put into words. It was completely unexpected and he was thrilled.

A smile settled on his face as he reached over, touching the navel ring she still wore. The morning light made the deep green stones on it glimmer and that pleased him in another, more primitive fashion.

“Mine,” he whispered.

Six stirred and snuggled in closer. “You sure?” she asked, echoing his words of the previous night.


“We’ll see about that.” She smiled and kissed his shoulder. “Tonight, after I finish work. The lake.”

“As you wish.” Deep inside, the caveman was jumping for joy.

* Seyla’s Quarters *

Seyla was still having adjustment issues: adjusting to actually sleeping in a bed with a man was taking more effort than she had realized it would. Last night, she had kissed Will during the pre-dawn hours and told his sleepy self that she was going back to her quarters for the rest of the night. She'd had two reasons: one, to see a few of her employees as they turned in for the ends of their days; two, to sleep an hour or three in her own bed.

It was this latter activity that the pounding on her door interrupted. Swearing unhappily, the Orion kicked her sheets off and stormed toward the door. Opening it, she was already growling, "This had better be an emergency!"

“Oh it is.” Suresh stood, dressed casually. He looked put together but there was a feeling of disarray about him and a hint of Risan perfume. “We need to talk. Now.”

"You," she said, looking him up and down contemptuously. "Come in if you must, then." She walked away from the door and went to the bar. Her early morning drink was a violet liquid that smoked lightly. She didn't offer him anything. "Just what do you think we need to talk about at this hour?"

“Let’s start with a young and very impressionable Orion engineer.” Suresh rested his hands on the back of a chair and leaned forward a bit. “A young Orion that showed up in a public place, two actually, with her date and Six and I, reeking of pheromones. Now, Fleeties are normally on inhibitors aren’t they? So why was it she was in such a state?”

"I wouldn't know," she lied. "Perhaps she bought some and wanted to test how it feels to be an Orion. She wouldn't be the first female to do so. Though she might be the only one to do so without getting a headache."

“I know she was with you yesterday afternoon before we met her. Do you have any idea what sort of wide-spread trouble that could have caused? We were in a restaurant full of people, then the Arboretum surrounded by even more. She spread it to her date who is an officer, to Six and to me. Before we got out of the public eye, Six’s head was splitting and I almost ravished her in the middle of the arboretum!” Suresh was fuming as he looked back at her. “What am I saying? Of course you know.”

Humor infused her expression. "Sounds like she got hold of a potent Orion's pheromones. And you, I'm surprised by how much you sound like Zeferino right now. So goody-two-shoes, worrying about the other Station patrons." She had closed the distance between them as she spoke and now tapped his nose with a finger. "Aren't you adorable?"

“Kiss my ass, Seyla.”

"Bare it. Though, be aware, sometimes I bite."

“I’d rather be bitten by someone else, thanks though.” Her comeback broke his anger and he laughed, shaking his head. He was really in too good a mood to stay mad. “I was concerned that I was a millisecond away from an indecent exposure charge and likely scarring a few young children for life.”

"Mmm... yes, the Arboretum would use a few more private spaces. My clients who want the 'natural setting' have to settle for a holosuite experience. They claim they can tell the difference." She smiled at him, regarding him carefully this time. "Perhaps you shouldn't complain about what little Reva got herself into. It got you laid, didn't it?"

He raised his eyebrows. “Oh? How do you --” He stopped, realizing he was asking Seyla of all people how she knew he’d had sex. “Well, yes but not because of her.”

"Can you really be sure of that?" She didn't really care; she was distracting him from where Reva might have gotten pheromones.

“I can. We scrubbed down after the Arboretum to get rid of the scent and her headache. As for me...well….I wanted that before we ever ran into Reva so….” Suresh shrugged. “Sue me.”

She sniffed the air around him. "Of course you did. You're male. And this is her perfume on you? A Risa blend, I'd guess."

He nodded. “She has several from there sitting on her dresser.” A smile crossed his face as he thought about Six’s dresser...and the room which held it. “We stopped in at Suraya yesterday, actually. What’s your point?”

"Oh, I don't have one. Did you? In coming here? Or did you just wish to thank me?"

“Reva was my point. If you are going to wind her up and send her out into the world, you need to teach her a few more don’t blast everyone in public. Security will get involved and it could cause disciplinary issues with the Fleet if they think she’s dosing half the station,” Suresh pointed out. “She doesn’t have your experience or wisdom, Sey, and has no clue when she should and when she shouldn’t.”

"I didn't wind her up. I gave her a dress. And you really are sounding so.... unlike Suresh." Her contempt for him was back. "If she was off inhibitors, I could teach her when and how to use them. But Starfleet believes Orions can't be trusted. No other species is so blatantly restricted."

"I can think of one,” he replied. “Try Six. She’s stuck translating she said, because Starfleet still has this vague fear she will assimilate the entire station.”

"She has her implants. She has the universal translator. And that isn't a natural ability anyway," Seyla shrugged. "Not quite the same thing, Suresh."

“It’s her natural life,” he answered. “Even so, all I am saying is be careful. Frankly, I don’t care what you do with Reva. It’s not my business unless it affects me but Six seems to like her. I also don’t want trouble finding its way back to your door.”

"If it does, I can handle it. And if the Fleet doesn't like Reva discovering her culture, then I'll be happy to take her in when they kick her out."

“Your choice, Sey.” Suresh paused a moment, considering his next words and how best to phrase his question. “I could use your advice on something though.” He moved around the chair and sat down.

"Again? Worried about being tied to just one girl for the rest of your life? You can use Marabeth whenever you need. Or I could send you a different girl each week. I have some boys who'd love to be in your bed."

“I can imagine they would.” He smirked at her for a moment. “Marabeth and I already had this conversation. She came to visit the night I took Six to the Nexus and I politely turned down her offer. Six may not be wise in the ways of the world, but she would figure that out in a second and it would hurt. She doesn’t need that from me; the world tries to kick her enough as it is.”

"Not that you need relief from her now anyway. But when you get bored, you'll appreciate the offer," she said, her cynicism regarding men unhidden. "What advice do you want?"

“It concerns this area of the station. I’ve told her not to be down here wandering alone. If you see her, call me and I’ll handle it. But…” He paused a moment. “My quarters are better furnished and more comfortable than those of the junior officers. It’s likely she will be down here. No one messes with your girls and I want to make sure no one bothers Six either.”

"I could make it known she's one of mine. Which would add to your story and explain why she's always going to you. Having you hang out in the Fleet's area will cause an issue for this plan Darwin has of getting you installed as the old Suresh."

“The old one did it too, as I understand it but if she is seen down here with me, it will make some sense why I may take her up above at times.” He nodded. “As long as they know she is hands off or I’ll kill them.” He didn’t crack a smile this time, leaving it unclear if he was serious or not.

"No worries there, Suresh. I'll extend my network to cover her. I've already done that for Reva. If you hadn't stepped in the other night, someone would have before those two got in too deep. I expected Darwin would hop up, not you, though." She frowned at him then laughed. "Still, you kicked a hornets' nest that night, in more ways than one. Rumors are already spinning and I'm getting requests for those two now."

“You know my answer to that where Six is concerned and you can quote me.” Finally, he did smile. “And next time Reva complains at me about people thinking she is owned, I’ll send her to you.” He changed subjects now, needing to ask her one other thing. “Have you seen Lazan since I got home?”

"No. Lazan and I don't cross paths very often." By her choice, they never would. He creeped her out. "I don't own my girls, Suresh. I simply make life easier for them by arranging their appointments and providing protection."

Suresh shrugged. “Your girls are wise enough to know they need it. Thank you for you help though.This has been a most interesting few days and I suspect the days to come will be even more so.”

"Indeed. You said Reva was with her boyfriend last night?"

“Yes, his name is Riley. Science officer...why?” Suresh asked.

"Just wondering," she smiled. "I might check on her, see if she can walk today."

Suresh laughed once more. “Judging by what I saw last night? I’d guess no. I think our dinner by the lake was an interlude so he could build his strength back up.”

She smiled and finally laughed. "Then I might offer some comfort," she said before pausing to look at Suresh. "Is there something else you need before you leave?"

“No,” he answered. “I’ll be at Saturnalia for a while if you need me and my place all evening. Later Sey.” He gave her a mock salute and left her quarters.

Deny Deny Deny

Not Fooled


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