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The Adventure Begins

Posted on Wed Jul 1st, 2015 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly
Edited on on Thu Jul 2nd, 2015 @ 12:41am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Enara Prime

* Enara Prime *

“Welcome to the delegation from Starfleet. You are cleared for docking in bay thirty-nine,” came the voice over the comm.

“Acknowledged,” Eli replied. He closed the channel and disengaged the auto-pilot as they began the final approach into the main docking station of Sanlii, the capital city of Enara Prime.

“Hey gang!” he called back to Eric, Chance, and Iggy. “We’re cleared for docking and we’ll be ready to get off this boat in about ten minutes.”

Eric stretched out in his bunk, sitting up shirtless in his Starfleet Academy gym shorts. He'd been grateful for the relief in navigating, and grabbed the sleep where he was able. He wasn't sure he'd get much while tasked with protecting Eli.

Even so, he hadn't realized how long he'd been out. He reached for his security gold turtleneck and zipped it up the front, his pips still in place, and then stood into his black pants and then boots. The duty tunic could wait until they were disembarking, but he did check his phaser next to his duffel.

Peeking his head into the cockpit, he regarded Eli. "Automated approach?" he asked, already suspecting.

“Exactly. Leave the driving to us is their motto.” Eli grinned. “Well, that and it keeps the crazies from buzzing the station.” He moved to a storage locker to remove his bag. “I got a message that my brother is meeting us. Apparently my parents are getting a big dinner ready.”

Chance appeared, yawning; his hair stuck up in random directions, a look that wasn't helped by his passenger: Iggy. She had the tarsi of three legs wrapped around chunks of his hair and had somehow gotten bits of webbing snarled in other chunks of hair. Ooo. Dinner. I hope they have interesting insects here. Perhaps a rodent as well.

Chance grimaced and tried not to look sick. "I'm going to brush my teeth, again." He moved into the back of the shuttle, taking Iggy with him.

“Chance, tell me we brought enough for her to eat while we’re here!” Eli called back to him.

"I'm sure we could replicate some gagh," Eric offered. Norval had never recounted that particular tale to him, of Iggy and her first experience with the Klingon delicacy, or else he might have thought better of suggesting it. But then, Norval never really spoke of events on the Berkeley or early 900 where Rhys was concerned.

“This is going to be an interesting homecoming,” Eli muttered, then raised his voice to normal. “Ready when you all are. Loran’s meeting us at the dock.”

It was a few minutes before Chance returned. "Bring enough for Iggs to eat? No. We can replicate stuff. Or she can go hungry for a day or two. Wouldn't hurt her to lose an ounce or three," he said, bravely. Bravely because the subject of his diet comment was still tangled in his hair, with fangs inconveniently close to his ear. He'd made some effort to straighten what he could of his hair, but Iggs had a good grip on the rest.

Brat, Iggy griped, Perhaps I should just eat off your plate from now on. You weigh more than I do. Her logic was obvious and she didn't see the need to belabor it.

“Iggy, you might want to shift down to his shoulder and let go of his hair.” Eli considered where they were and frowned. “Actually, the carrier will be better or we’ll have a stampede on our hands when we leave here. Just till we get home, I promise.”

"That's why she won't let go, Eli. I told her she had to go in the box," Chance admitted. "And I can't quite wrestle with her at this angle."

No! I do not like the box! I wish to meet your parents on equal footing. I cannot do that if I am behind bars, like a prisoner!

Chance gave Eli a look then bent so Eli could grab the spider.

“You won’t meet anyone if you’re beaten to death on the platform,” Eli commented. He stepped close to Chance and spoke softly. “I apologize for this now, Iggy.” He placed his hands on her and stood still as a memory of Jerry in the box was passed to her.

Eric watched, both mildly amused and annoyed as he realized this was exactly like watching Norval delve into memories of his previous hosts with Tigan. Still, he figured Iggy could hitch a ride on his phaser if it came to it. Anyone touched that, they were getting shot.

Iggy complained the whole while that Eli had hold of her and for a little bit more once she was in her traveling box. Chance, though, grinned widely, kissed Eli for rescuing him and went to comb his hair properly.

When he came back, he asked, "Okay, we're ready then? Eric, do we have a safe word? Something to say if things go wrong?"

The Security Officer laughed aloud at the mention of a safe word. "Oh, you boys get into some stuff, huh?" he wondered before lifting his hands to stop them from commenting. "Never mind, I don't want to know. If you want a code word, let's go with something innocuous." He glanced around, trying to think of something that wasn't going to be part of everyday conversation either.

Iggy had tuned into the conversation, despite now being incarcerated unfairly. She also recalled something Eric had mentioned: Gagh is a delicious, though dangerous, dinner. Your mate gave me some in lieu of letting me have his worm. They tried to eat me when I was distracted.

"His worm?" Eric blanched, not even considering Norval's symbiote. "I... Err... How about 'persuasion,'" he offered, a chance to change the topic of conversation, knowing how often that had come up since he used the idiom in front of Iggy and she seemed hung up on it...

Which actually made him realize, as he laughed again. "You mean Tigan!" he exclaimed with a smile.

Eli had caught Eric’s confusion and tried not to laugh but finally it took him over. A few seconds later, he managed to get a grip on himself and wiped his eyes. “Oh yeah, this is going to be a night to remember.” He nodded to Eric. “Persuasion it is. Let’s get out of here.”

He opened the hatch and led the way out. Once they stepped out onto the platform, a man in his late twenties who looked like an older carbon copy of Eli waved and called his name. Moments later, he reached them and threw his arms around Eli, who hugged the man tight.

“Everyone, this is my brother Loran. Loran...Chance, Eric, and Iggy.” Eli disentangled himself from his brother, who offered his hand to Eric and Chance, who seemed to hold his attention until he realized he was staring.

“Nice to meet all of you.” Loran smiled at the group.

"You too," Eric replied after having grabbed his duty tunic and the rest of his things in his free hand. "Thanks for having us. It's been a long road getting the Cadet back here." He clapped a hand on Eli's back and smiled. "I'll get the shuttle arrangements handled," he added, beginning to step away. "Take some time with your brother, I'll be right back."

"Nice to meet you, Loran," Chance smiled his most charming smile as he shook the man's hand. In her box, which he was holding in his other hand, Iggy poked a tarsi out. Chance touched it, quickly telling her to keep to herself for a few minutes.

Interesting group, little brother. Loran glanced to Eric as he moved away, then to the carrier. But we’ll talk when we get home. The thoughts were passed to Eli, then Loran spoke. “As soon as he’s back we’ll get out of here. The tram will catch us in just a few minutes.”

Eli nodded. He’d picked up on quite a few curious looks from those passing and getting out of the station was what he wanted to do, and fast. “Sounds good. Besides, I’m ready for some real food and some real outdoors.”

"Ahh, don't sound like we never let you off the station," Eric said as he sauntered back. He had to admit, he was impressed with Enaran efficiency so far. "We're all set, so lead on, locals." He made a gesture that was, perhaps, more like Norval in its grandiosity. The Trill was clearly rubbing off on him. Still, Eric was keenly glancing all around the station, even if he wasn't expecting immediate trouble. That would be sloppy and far too obvious. The truth he wasn't about to tell Eli was that every minute made his stay more and more dangerous.

Cadet Junior Grade Eli Ziyad
Back On The Home Front

Cadet Junior Grade Chance Conradi
Prince Charming

Lieutenant Eric Edwards
On a Quiet Front… for now

Ignatius J. Reilly
A Quiet Ass


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