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Headed Home

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 12:45am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Hope Beckman & El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Various

* * * Deck 13 -- Hope’s Quarters * * *

It had been a tumultuous night for Hope as she dealt with the news of her parent’s death. El’Shar had remained in her quarters through the night, dozing off occasionally on the couch but wanting to keep close in case Hope needed to talk or wanted some comforting words. Rick had always been very fond of his aide and, as he had done with Li so many years ago, he had taken Hope under his wing as if she were his own daughter. At almost five hundred years of age with no children of his own, El thought it was very nice of him to ‘adopt’ certain people here and there and show them kindness like he did. It was one of the things she found so endearing about him.

El had let Hope sleep late but decided that she should wake up at 1000 hours so she could pack, get some food in her stomach and get ready for their departure. She’d sent a list of items she needed to Rick and he had arrived just after Hope woke up with two bags of clothing and personal items.

“How is she?” he had asked.

El hugged him and kissed his cheek when he arrived. “The sleep helped, I believe. And thank you for packing and letting me go with her. I’d feel bad just sending her on her way alone.”

“I don’t think it would have been a good idea either,” Rick replied. “No one to talk to about this for the whole ride back to Earth? No, this is the right thing to do. I just wish I could go with you.”

She held his hand loosely. “I wish you were going as well, but it just wouldn’t be right.”

He smiled wistfully. “Well, at least it’ll give you something to do. I’m pretty sure you’ve been bored playing nursemaid to me and just hanging around here with nothing to do. Maybe you could find time to go visit your family? I’m sure that once Hope is with her family she wouldn’t mind you visiting yours.” He paused and frowned. “I just hope she finds some peace in this.”

“She’s strong, honey. She’ll be fine.”

“She’s as strong as they come,” he agreed. “I still just wish I could be there for her.”

Suddenly Rick felt arms around him, hugging him tightly. He looked down and found Hope had latched onto him. He smiled at El and returned the hug, even going so far as to plant a fatherly kiss on the top of her head.

“You’ve always been so good to me, sir,” she said. “Just knowing that you want to be there is good enough.” She pulled back and wiped a few tears. “Thank you so much...Rick.”

“You’re very welcome,” he said, getting a bit misty-eyed himself. After a big exhale he added, “How about I make breakfast?” He looked around her quarters and realized she had a very tiny kitchen, but he could make do. “Chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon sound okay to you two?”

Both ladies nodded and Hope went about packing.

* * * Deck 119 - Flight Deck * * *

The trio stood outside the loading area for the USS Hidalgo, a Nebula class ship that had transported personnel and material from the Alpha Quadrant. It was heading back to Earth for another ‘grocery run’, as her captain called it, but he was more than happy to accommodate an Admiral’s request for two VIPs.

“Admiral,” Captain Caleb Schulton said as he shook Rick’s hand. “We’ll be ready to leave in forty-five minutes and the VIP rooms are set up and waiting.”

Hope looked to Rick. “VIP room? Sir?”

Schulton moved to Hope and took her hand in his, shaking it gently. “Lt. Beckman, I am so sorry for your loss. It is the least I can do to make your trip home the most comfortable it can be. You and Captain Blackhorse will be across the hall from each other. Also, it would be my honor if the both of you dined with me this evening along with my senior staff.”

“Very kind of you, Captain,” El’Shar said, now shaking his hand. “And please, just El’Shar. I am retired now.”

“Certainly.” Caleb turned back to Rick. “Do you have anything that needs returning home, or something we need to bring back for you?”

“I…” Rick stopped. “Honestly, Caleb, I hadn’t even thought about it,” he said with a laugh. “I’ll send you or El’Shar a message before you get through the wormhole if I need anything. And, again, thank you so much for this. Very precious cargo here,” he said as he put his arm around El and a hand on Hope’s shoulder. “Both of them.”

Caleb nodded and signalled to two enlisted personnel. “Lieutenant, El’Shar, if you’ll follow the Petty Officers they’ll escort you to your quarters.”

Rick had difficulty letting go of El’Shar. “I love you,” he said. “I really, really want to go with you.”

She smiled and stroked his face. “I love you as well. And we will be back before you know it.” She kissed and hugged him. “I’ll send you a message once we arrive.”

Hope now stood in front of him. “Thanks again, sir.”

He could tell she wasn’t sure what protocol was at this point. They were both in uniform, on duty, and fraternizing with personnel on duty was against protocol, not to mention that particular personnel being your boss. But Rick pulled her in for another brief hug. “You’re welcome, Hope. Take your time, be with your family and talk El’s ear off if you need to. We’ll be here when you get back.”

She nodded and walked with El’Shar into the airlock.

“I’ll get them there safely, Admiral,” Schulton said.

Rick smiled and watched as the last of the crew boarded and secured the lock. He remained there until the ship began moving away from the station.

On the way to his office he tapped his communicator. “Wegener to personnel,” he said.

=^= Lt. Barefoot here, Admiral. =^=

“Barefoot, I’m going to need someone to fill in for my aide for a while. Lt. Beckman is away on bereavement leave, effective immediately. I need someone I can trust and rely on to fill her shoes until her return.”

There was a pause before Lt. Barefoot replied. It wasn’t often someone was asked to temp for the Admiral, normally because there would be a mountain of information and protocols, not to mention the Admiral’s likes and dislikes, to get caught up on in a very brief amount of time. =^= I...will...have someone for you soon, sir. Um… =^=

“Um, Lieutenant?”

=^= It’s just that--well, sir, her position is very unique. It may take me a bit longer than usual to find someone...suitable. =^=

“Aye, unique is a very good description of what Lt. Beckman does. You have twenty four hours, Lieutenant, and then I expect to have someone reporting to my office. Wegener out.”

Entering the turbolift he muttered, “Please don’t be an idiot. Please don’t be an idiot. Please don’t be an idiot.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Captain El’Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
Lt. Hope Beckman


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