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Loran And The Circle

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 1:27am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Enara Prime

* Enara Prime *

Dinner had ended several hours earlier. Eli had taken Eric, Chance, and Iggy out to see some of the city and according to him, Iggy had attracted a lot of attention. Loran had no doubt that the fact Iggy was telepathic would be a big mark in her favor and make her something of a minor celebrity. He had to admit the idea of a spider who was sentient was fascinating.

Once they had returned, the family had spent some time catching up and one by one they had all retired. Loran was supposed to be sharing Eli’s room but he’d stayed downstairs and several minutes later, heard Eli’s stealthy footsteps as he slipped down the hall to the room Chance inhabited. Loran wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He didn’t share his parents’ misgivings about the relationship. Loren’s issue concerned something much bigger. It was that problem which had him on the move a few minutes later once the house has settled down. He left by the kitchen door, locking it behind him.

* * *

His trip through the city had been rapid and the route limited to back streets. He finally arrived at a nondescript house at the end of a small alcove. He rang once, then entered a dark foyer. He was stopped by a tall man who held out his hand. Loran reached into his pocket, withdrew a coin and pressed it into the man’s hand.

“You shall know me as thy brother in darkness.”

The guard ran his fingers over the coin’s surface, passed it back to Loran, and stood aside. Moving on past him, Loran entered a large room where a group sat around a table. The sole light was a candle in the table’s center. The halo of light around it was small, leaving the faces of the group in shadow, just as it shadowed Loran’s face. He took the lone empty seat and waited for the figure at the head of the table to address him.

Several matters were discussed, the head of the table calling upon various individuals. Finally, she addressed Loran, "And you, our latecomer, what do you have to add to our knowledge tonight?"

Loran sat up straighter in his chair and cleared his throat. “He has arrived. Eli. He’s home, along with his companions. One is a sentient spider, one is a Starfleet security officer and the third is his...lover, a young man by the name of Chance.”

There were several gasps around the table but they fell silent as the leader spoke once more. "A sentient spider? And a male lover?" The woman sounded both fascinated and disgusted. "This is the filth the Federation brings to our planet. Eli was already a corruption, now he's even worse. We must act or this will spread."

Tag“His crusade has already spread too far.” A male from the leader’s right spoke up. “We were successful in luring him here, the plan has been arranged.”

“It falls to Loran now,” said another. “Unless he is having misgivings? Family ties do run deep.”

Loran slammed his hand on the table and half rose. “That is an insult to me! I gave my word a year ago when I joined The Circle!” He stood completely and started to move towards his compatriot.

"Loran, sit!" The woman ordered then waited a moment while he obeyed. "Questioning your loyalty, considering the family ties involved, is necessary. There is no insult. We simply need to verify that you'll have no last minute waverings that might spoil our plans. We have put too much planning and spent too much money on this to have it go wrong." She stood and walked around the table to stand behind Loran. "You will permit me to read you."

Loran nodded, knowing he had no choice. “Very well. You will see the events of tonight.” He fell silent as she placed her hands on his back. The temptation to turn his head and look up, see her face was strong but he managed to resist. Moments later he could feel her in his mind.

She sorted through his mind, looking not only at the evening's events, but also seeking out any doubts he might have about the Circle. Breaking contact with him, she started back to her seat. "This Chance, Eli's lover, should be dealt with as we deal with Eli himself. The creature they brought with them... It is interesting. Perhaps we should keep it, see what use it might be."

There were murmurs of agreement around the table. “And the security officer?” The question came from the man to Loran’s right.

"Their ship is located at Faraman's Landings. A public shipyard. For the Federation, it will look as if there were a ship malfunction that incinerated their officer and the spider." The leader decreed then looked around the table. "Any dissent?"

Her question was met with silence, including Loran.

"Good. I will privately contact those expected to put in the work to make our plans happen. If you do not hear from me, know that you will be called upon when your expertise, time or money is needed. Meeting adjourned."

Those around the table rose and departed one by one. When Loran’s turn came, a silent message was passed to him. Remain seated. He did, watching as the rest left. Finally he was alone with the leader.

“What is it?” he asked.

"I did sense a sliver of doubt in you, Loran. Remember that this is best for Enara and her people. The greater good must be served. In this case, it requires the sacrifice of your brother and, now that he has brought his male lover here to flaunt our traditions, of his friend, Chance. They will be made examples of so that our society and culture remain pure." Her voice was softer than it had been when the others were present.

“Have you ever been faced with deciding between your principles and someone you love?” Loran asked. “I mean...he’s Eli. He never really meant any harm. He just didn’t know when to shut up and let things lie. He’s an idealist. I think he’s only gotten worse about that while he was away.” Loran paused, hoping his next question wouldn’t be taken wrong. “How do you intend to keep this from starting a conflict with Starfleet?”

"I have no intentions regarding that. The deaths of their officer and this... sentient spider will be accidental. Eli has long flouted our laws and principles; by engaging in this affair with a man, he only worsens his crimes. He and his friend will be tried and sentenced under Enara Prime's laws regarding their behavior. Even the Federation cannot expect us to allow their citizen to violate our laws."

Loran nodded finally. “Tomorrow, he is supposed to appear at the magistrate’s office to finalize his pardon, 1100 hours. You can find him there and I think it likely Chance will be with him.”

"Thank you, Loran. You are doing a great service to our people," she said, "Go home before you are missed."

He rose without another word and soon he was running blindly through the darkened streets.

The Circle


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