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Addressing The Question

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 7:49pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Arboretum

* The Arboretum *

The conversation with Reva had given Six plenty to think about as she made her way to the Arboretum. Their discussion of Vic left Six with some questions. Reva was right in that he seemed really nice and the dinner with him had been fun. But then...nothing. Six had sensed he had some reservations, mainly with her age. Perhaps it was just the 'getting to know you' uncertainty. Maybe. Six wasn't sure.

Reva's idea to ask Vic out, to make the first move, was also a big question. Six suspected that Suresh wouldn't be exactly thrilled with the idea, especially if she didn't tell him ahead of time. And if she did, he would likely tell her it was her decision and not stand in her way, but he still wouldn't like it. Six wasn't so sure she liked the idea either. Was it really fair to Vic to draw him in, given her current involvement? That's what worried Six, really. Then again, Vic might have seen their dinner as nothing more than being nice, in which case none of this mental rambling mattered.

When she entered the Arboretum, Suresh was already waiting by the lake. He turned to watch as she hurried across the grass towards him, dressed now in pink shorts and a white sleeveless shirt with a wide neck that left her shoulders bare. He smiled as she drew closer and when she reached him, he wrapped her in his arms.

"Sorry I am a few minutes late, I ran into Reva."

"How is she?" he asked. "Recovered from last night?"

"Not so much," Six admitted. "I told her to go home and get some sleep."

She looked up to Suresh and he leaned in for a kiss, slow but polite enough, given where they stood. A man in science blue passed several yards off to their right and Six waved. He nodded back, seeming a little surprised to see her, then hurried on.

"Who was that?" Suresh asked.

"Tess," she answered. "The science XO. I don't usually see him outside the labs. Commander Leroy is off station, so Tess has been busy overseeing all us science monkeys."

"I see." Suresh took her hand and they walked over to the lake's edge. He sat, leaning back against a large rock and settled Six in front of him, arms around her. She leaned back against him with a contented sigh. "My sentiments exactly."

Six laughed for a moment. "Especially when I've been sitting at a desk all day reading some ancient Iconian." She took his hand, lacing her fingers with his as a companionable silence fell. His emotions wrapped around her and held her close, even as his arms did. His one-word claim, just as she'd awakened that morning, came back to her and she knew in that moment that her situation was not as simple as Reva wanted to believe.

"Then I am glad to be a distraction," he answered. He was silent for a moment, looking out over the water before them. It occurred to him that he had not been this happy in years - years that had been spent on his own, then in a war zone, then making the move to another reality entirely. And then, out of the blue, Six had shot through his world like a comet burning bright and completely swept him up into her orbit. Even this soon, he couldn't imagine being without her.

"Will you stay tonight?" he murmured.

"Yes," she answered. "As long as you feed me first. I skipped lunch." She laughed once more and reached up over her shoulder, resting her hand on his cheek. "I'm kidding, I'll stay anyway." She could sense his happiness growing stronger and with it, the possessiveness returned. "We should talk about that."

"About what?"

"What you said this morning," she answered.

Suresh nodded. "I see. What about it?"

Six turned a bit so she was facing him but still in his arms. "You said you were sure. How do you know? It's only been a few days but..." She stopped, realizing that, aside from one duty shift, they'd been together almost every minute and a lot had happened in that time. She had shared things with this man, both emotional and physical that she had never expected to and it had bound them together in ways that time alone could not.

"Yes," Suresh answered, understanding the direction of her thoughts. "It hasn't been a normal few dates. It's been a lot of new things for you, and for me too. I don't know that I can put it into words exactly but when I woke beside you this morning, it seemed that I was finally where I should be."

Six took that in, mulling it over for a few moments. Logic aside, she had to admit he had a point. When she had awakened at his side, there had been no surprise, no dismay, only happiness. Finally she nodded silently.

"I've had a difficult life, Six, but here it seems that I am finally finding my place. I hadn't expected to run into someone who would sweep my off my feet so fast but life happens. I've always been the type who knows what they want when they see it. However," he held up his hand before she could answer. "The way I approach things and how I feel about us doesn't mean you have to be so sure yet. Remember my promise."

Six nodded. "I was just telling Reva that you are the only one I've gone out with, other than one blind date while I was at the Academy and it was so awful I thought time was standing still. There was also that dinner with Vic but that wasn't a date." Immediately she sensed the unease and worry that rose in Suresh and she leaned in to kiss his cheek. "No, that's not a brush-off, I promise."

"Very well, but perhaps I see what you are saying. How do you know if this is right if you've nothing else to compare it to? It's a reasonable question given your situation, though I have to admit, I don't like where it might lead." Suresh raised her hand to his lips, placing a kiss to her palm. "My first urge is to be selfish. However, is that something you think you need to do? I may not like it but I will understand. I know exactly what I want, but I also want you to be sure, not just give in because I want it."

Six's expression clouded for a moment. "Do you think I should?" As soon as she asked the question, she shook her head. "No, don't answer that. You told me I shouldn't base what I do on what others think I should do. I suppose my answer is, I don't know. It's not like anyone has asked me out or there's a crowd of men following me around falling at my feet you know."

Suresh had to laugh. "You might be surprised my darling."

She looked out across the water and Vic crossed her mind. She had no real idea if he had any interest in her. She had assumed he did not when she hadn't heard from him again. The silence stretched out as she sorted through her feelings on the matter and finally, she reached a decision. "How about this? If someone asks, I might consider it but I won't hide it from you. That way there are no surprises. I suspect this is all planning for nothing. A lot of people seem to know about us already."

"Fair enough," Suresh answered. She was right, A new worry rose in him now, however. What if that date had intentions that included getting physical? The possessiveness he felt for Six suddenly raged within him and he was uncertain how to address the issue.

She read the emotion loud and clear and shook her head. "No, that won't happen. That's off the table with anyone but you." She shifted around to sit on his lap facing him, her arms around his neck. "Promise me one thing."

"Anything, Six, and I mean that."

"That you won't worry and that you will tell me when you want me to be yours alone. I'm not that good at all this so you'll have to be very clear with me."

"I promise not to worry." Suresh paused and then nodded. "And I will tell you when I am at that point."

"Good." She leaned in for another kiss and he stopped her.

"Six? Since I promised I have to say it." He smiled gently. "I am already at that point. But you need some time and that's fine. I'll be patient, for a little while at least."

She looked into his eyes and smiled. His emotions told her that this was not easy for him and she was grateful for the effort. She also understood very well that it wouldn't be long before he claimed her completely and that left her both excited and a little nervous.

"Do I still need to feed you?" he joked to lighten the moment.

"You better believe it." She smiled back at him. "Up here or at your place?"

"Mine," he answered. "Definitely mine. Now. We'll worry about dinner later."

"Let's go then." She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Now." In that moment, she knew that no one else would stand a chance.

Ensign Six of Ten
Venturing Forward


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