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An Education

Posted on Fri Jul 3rd, 2015 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges


Blinking in disbelief, Reva blushed a darker green. Her lips parted as she reminded herself she needed to breathe, otherwise the heady feeling she had would only grow and make her head spin even more.

The boy - a man, actually - was doing as he'd been ordered. He glanced at Reva, smiled at her and turned so that when he pushed his pants to the floor, she had an unencumbered view of his backside. Standing straight again, he turned to face her.

She needed a fan as she flushed still darker. Her gaze traveled over his well-muscled arms and chest, flat abs, v-shaped torso and then moved lower. She drew in a breath as quietly as she could; he noticed anyway and laughed.

"Silence," came another order. Seyla stepped between him and Reva, assessing him coolly. She looked at Reva then. "What do you think of him?"

"Ah...," Reva looked at Seyla, who suddenly laughed and approached her.

"Oh, kitten," Seyla purred as she turned Reva's face up towards her. "Have I caused you to be embarrassed? You have been with men, so it isn't as if his equipment is surprising." She glanced at the man and admitted, "Sizeable, yes. Surprising, no." Leaning in, she kissed the girl. Her pheromones floated on the air a moment. "This is what happens when you drop in, my dear."

"I should go, then," Reva said, trying to stand without coming into full body contact with Seyla.

"Oh, don't. I'll send him away." She steadied Reva then turned to the man and with a flick of her hand, told him to dress.

He was halfway done and looking sorely disappointed when the door chime sounded. Seyla checked who her caller was then opened the door. "Darwin, darling, do come in," she said.

He did, wary of the warm welcome Seyla was giving him. He saw the man still getting dressed and then Reva, blushing furiously, by the couch. He turned on Seyla, "What the hell game are you playing? She's a Fleet Ensign! And you heard her: she doesn't.... she hasn't...," he gestured at the man and Reva, somehow communicating in his caveman way that he meant Reva hadn't had sex.

He caught the guy just looking at him and demanded, "Get dressed and get out! No one in here is using your services tonight!"

Seyla nodded but added, "You're hired. Come see Marla tonight about getting on the list." The man smiled and left her quarters. "Now, Darwin," she started with a placating tone, "did you actually think I was corrupting our little Reva by offering her a man?" If Darwin had telepathy, he'd have known she would happily do so.

"Maybe not, but you did dose her with your pheromones, Seyla--"

"Hey!," Reva protested, somewhat belatedly, "I am not a... a.... I've had sex!"

Darwin stopped in the rant he was building towards and looked at Reva. Jabbing a finger in her direction, he demanded, "Don't change the subject!" His finger came around to Seyla, though it was clear part of his brain was still thinking about that subject change. "You! You know the rules on pheromones. And what you had her do broke those rules. Gilroy wanted to go off and haul her in for -- quit that! I can smell 'em coming off you right now."

Seyla laughed and moved into his personal space. She leaned against his chest and reached up to play with a curl of hair just behind his ear. "Darwin, darling, do you think I would do something to endanger Reva?" She spoke quietly enough that Reva, ever the curious one, came closer to hear her. Now, she could smell Seyla's pheromones as well.

He grabbed her arms and pushed her an arms' length away. Not that that was enough to not get a dose of her smell, but at least he was trying to resist. "No, I think you'd do it as a lark, just for fun. I'm warning you, Sey, don't give the Ensign anymore pheromones."

"Hey, I'm standing right here! And she didn't give me any," Reva argued, making Darwin reluctantly look at her.

"I'm glad you're so innocent... um, unaware. Yeah, unaware... that Seyla put something on you, 'cause otherwise, I'd have to spa-- ah, discipline you," he shook his head to clear it and turned a glare on the older Orion. "Really, stop that. Or I'll go tell Harding."

It was Seyla's turn to glare, but at least Darwin didn't need to hold her off anymore. She crossed the room to the bar. "Fine, no more games," she nearly pouted.

Reva asked, "Wait a minute, you can control them? Turn them on and off?"

Seyla nodded. "Most of the time. Though when I was your age...," she grinned as a few good memories surfaced, "...most Orions your age, have little control. Everything runs close to the skin in young women," she looked at Darwin, "Don't you agree, Dar?"

He wrenched his eyes off of the fit of Reva's jeans and looked at Seyla. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, they do. Woo... those women," he commented, nodding.

"I am part Betazoid, Lieutenant," Reva rolled her eyes at him. "Even from here, I know you have no idea what Seyla just said."

He cleared his throat, "Whatever, Ensign, let's go." He took her arm and steered her toward the door.

"What? Where? Your place?" One thing Seyla hadn't yet told Reva about was the effect pheromones, particularly those of other Orions, had on a female Orion. Pheromones were developed, in part, to eliminate female competition. Other species were dealt pain; Orions were given a raging desire that swept away rational thought. Reva had just gotten a small dose of that.

He let go of her like she'd scalded him. "No! You should...." Who was she dating? Suresh had said Riley.... "Go see Riley. He'd probably be thrilled to see you." Looking back at Seyla, who was obviously having fun, he said, "Keep it up, Sey, and I'll have Harding put you on inhibitors, too." He pushed Reva out the door and warned her, "A good cold shower, Ensign. It'll work wonders."

Her response stopped him cold and he said, "Great... How about I just... deliver you to Riley? Lucky, lucky Riley."

Playing dirty

Ensign Reva Madhava

Lieutenant M. Darwin
Wishing for the Life of Riley


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