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Keep Bail Money Handy

Posted on Thu Jul 9th, 2015 @ 12:59am by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

* Admiral Wegener’s Office *

Li had finished her conference with Oz and Ensign Six and now arrived in the outer office of Rick’s office. She was surprised to see an unfamiliar face in the outer office. A moment later, she recalled that Hope had departed for home after a death in the family.

“I need to see Admiral Wegener,” she informed the young man at Hope’s desk.

It seemed that Li had caught him unaware and he flustered a bit as she spoke. “Oh, uh, Captain Hawke. Okay, one second.”

He activated the inter-office comm. “Admiral Wegener? Captain Hawke is here to see you. Should I send her in?”

Rick’s audible sigh was heard over the comm. =^= Alan, we covered this. Captain Hawke doesn’t have to wait. You only have to open the door for her. Send her in. =^=

Lieutenant Alan Young looked sheepishly at Li. “Sorry, Captain. I…” he sighed. “Sorry,” he repeated and opened the doors.

“No problem, lieutenant. Please see we are not disturbed unless Captain Blackhorse calls.” She passed him by and entered the office. When the doors closed behind her and began to laugh softly. “Where did you find him?”

Rick’s head was lightly banging on his desk. “Personnel sent him,” he said, his voice bouncing off the floor and a bit muffled behind the desk. “I specifically asked for someone--you know what? Never mind. It’s only temporary.” He finally raised his head. “Unless I kill him first.”

“I tell you what, if that urge gets to be overpowering, call me and I’ll pull him to safety..or something.” Li took a seat in front of the desk and looked around. “You know it’s so good to see this office again. And you. I’m sorry I missed your ass as target practice time but it was for a good cause.”

“Har-dee har har,” he said as he took the cane and stood. Walking around the desk he stopped beside her and gave her a hug, something he wouldn’t do to any other officers--well, except Hope, it seemed, but Li was a special case for him. “I’m glad you guys are okay. Have you seen your dad since you got back? We were all pretty damn worried.”

Li hugged him back tight and smiled. “Just briefly. I’ve been buried in catching up and keeping up with our plan in the Pit. So far, it seems things are working according to plan. Sayla is on board. Lazan...well...he’s shown up once claiming to have Suresh’s will, which I am curious about but no major problems so far.”

Easing himself down into a chair, he scowled at the cane and leaned it against the front of his desk. Just another day with it and he’d be in the clear. If he hadn’t actually promised El’Shar, he’d have broken it over Lieutenant Young’s head just so he’d be shot of it. “Do you think you can handle Lazan? Last I remember, you two were pretty tight.”

“Let’s hope that his ambitions haven’t gotten the better of him. If it’s presented right, he should agree, as long as he’s getting something he wants. There is one fly in the ointment, but Oz came to me with a proposal that will solve the problem and most likely be of great benefit.” LI looked at the cane a moment. “I’ll tell you about that but first, how long do you have to use that thing?”

“I see Earl tomorrow. That should be the last of it,” he replied. “What’s the proposal?”

Li took a deep breath and dove into the story. “Not long ago, by accident, Suresh met two ensigns down in Saturnalia. They were being harassed by some undesirables and he stepped in. To make a long story short, he walked one home, our new former Borg science officer, and they’ve hit it off. Apparently, they have become quite attached to each other. Her XO in science knows nothing of the Suresh arrangement and thinking he is the old one, has expressed strong concern for her association with a criminal and the harm that could come to her career. It’s something that will keep coming up for her, unfortunately, since we can’t reveal what he is up to. Suresh suggested that the problem might be alleviated if Ensign Six were shifted over to Security, where her department commanding officers know the score, and make use of her talents in this operation.”

“Oz is okay with this?”

“Oz is the one who presented it to me. We debated whether to move her to Security or Intel, but I think having her working directly for Darwin, given he’s in charge of the Suresh project, will be best. Intel will be involved, however. Ensign Six is going to need to get up to speed on a few things and I can assign Leto to do that since Nick is away. We’ll also be assigning a contact for her, much as Lazan did with me, to pass along whatever she may need to when Suresh is not available to do it for her.” Li paused and mentally reviewed the conversation in her office to make sure she’d covered it all. “Darwin seems willing and it’s a better alternative than Six having to keep Suresh’s secret and lose her position for it. She is considering the offer and will inform me in…” Li glanced at the time. “One hour. Oz and I gave her four, then decided to play darts at the wormhole to pass the time.”

“As long as she’s trained in security protocols, I’m fine with it. I think she’s being wasted in her current job anyway,” he said recalling what she’d been assigned when she arrived. “I don’t know what her aspirations are in the long run, but this should give her some options and would be more suited for her abilities.”

“Agreed. The one temporary catch that only you and I...and Security and Intel will know this is an undercover assignment. To the general population, even her friends, she will have effectively resigned, given the choice between her job and Suresh. She may take a little grief over appearing to give up the Fleet for a criminal but she is aware of that possibility.”

“Ah,” Rick said, now realizing the full intent. “I thought she was simply moving to security. This will actually be an undercover position. You hadn’t mentioned that.” He thought more about it for a moment. “How suited is she for this, Li? She has quite a bit of knowledge from her Borg days, but do you think she’d be able to handle the spook life? From my understanding, she’s a Not just in Fleet ways, but life in general.”

“I think Leto can cover what she needs to know, procedure-wise,” LI answered. “I’ve thought about the other and to be truthful, I think her lack of sophistication and knowledge of the world will make her more believable. After the old Suresh’s hard time with a woman he never could have, it makes sense he’d pick someone young and impressionable, if you follow my logic. He would want someone who will do as he asks and doesn’t seem to be able to outsmart him or defy him.”

“I can’t imagine that act will do wonders for their relationship. Having to bow and scrape in public and then try to be normal when alone. But I trust your judgment, Li. If you think she’s ready for it, proceed. And do everything possible to prepare her for this, or cover her ass if need be.”

Li nodded. “We will. It’s not going to be easy by any means but you’re right, she needs to do more than translate things the computer could read for her and given this Suresh is not a criminal, it didn’t seem fair that she was forced to choose between protecting him and her job. Now we wait for her answer.” She smiled and moved on to the next subject. “Any word from El’Shar and Hope?”

He shook his head. “Not yet. It’s only been two days. They’ll be another week and half before getting to Earth.” He sighed deeply. “I miss her. Hell, I miss both of them!” he said, jerking his head toward the waiting area. “I’ll hold off on my homicidal urges with the new guy for a while. He has big shoes to fill out there. I need to give him a chance, but damn, Li, I’m not the most patient man in the world.”

Li laughed again finally. “That’s why I asked about the cane. I’m not so sure leaving blunt weapons within reach is a good idea with that young man out there so close. If there's anything I can do while Hope is gone, just yell. Loudly.”

“Keep bail money handy. That oughta’ do it.”

“Will do. Since you’re a bachelor for the time being, grab that cane of yours and come home with me and have dinner. Sakkath will be happy to have you and no, my mother will not be there. I promise.” Li stood and rested her hand on the desk. “I can even persuade him to part with some of his Romulan ale.”

“Sold!” he said loudly. “I’m fresh out of the stuff. I’ll need to call in some favors to have more brought in. Oh, I was making a list of a few things for El to bring back from Earth when they return. Do you need or want anything? She won’t mind rounding it up.”

“Yes, actually. A chocolate I’ve been looking for and can’t get out here. I’ll give you the details when we get home.” She moved over to the doors and opened them. “Lt. Young, we’ll be in my quarters if either of us is needed.”

Rick did nothing to help, only waggling his eyebrows at the young man as he passed. He didn’t even tell the kid he could go home. As he walked down the corridor with Li he wondered if Lt. Young would have enough sense to close up shop at quitting time?

Li caught the thought and began to laugh once more. “You are an evil man sometimes.”

“Just sometimes?”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Evil Tyrant

Captain Li Hawke
Court Jester

Lt. Alan Young
IQ of 7


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