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Say Yes

Posted on Thu Jul 9th, 2015 @ 5:47pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh's Quarters

Six left the XO's office with her head spinning. So much had happened in the last two hours that she wasn't sure what to think about first. It had started with Tess, who had made it clear that she had to choose. She left Galileo early to try and figure all this out, which had included informing Darwin of the situation. She had barely changed out of her uniform when a message had come through requesting her presence in the XO's office. Then had come an offer from Captain Hawke and Commander Zeferino that, if Six agreed, would solve her problem instantly.

That offer came with problems of its own, however. She would have to appear to resign from Starfleet. Only Intel and Security would know the truth. Even her friends would be told that story, which included Reva and Riley. It also meant Vic. It was with some shock that Six realized that, aside from Bryce and Darwin who were Security, that was about all the friends she had. Where Vic was concerned, it meant their date for tonight had to be canceled. Suresh had described the old, criminal Suresh as obsessive, especially where the XO had been concerned. If Suresh was going to play that part, he would never agree to 'his woman' seeing someone else. She'd have to call Vic immediately.

Then there was Suresh. Six knew she was happy with him and she also knew that he already considered her his, end of story. This operation would essentially make their relationship full-time and permanent and Six hoped that they were ready for it. Deep down, she felt that they were and a wave of excitement ran through her at the idea. It also meant packing up her things to move down below and keeping her current quarters simply to house the regeneration alcove.

But before she decided any of this, she needed to see Suresh. The lift continued its way down and finally reached his deck. She stepped off and made her way along the corridor, her heart racing. She passed a few people who greeted her politely. One man, who wore a hat, tipped it to her and informed her that Suresh was home as he'd just left him. She thanked the man and continued on. When she reached his door, she entered the code to unlock and open the doors, knowing that would be expected by anyone watching.

She stepped in and as soon as the doors closed behind her Suresh was there, sweeping her up into his arms. He kissed her deeply, cutting off any conversation for several moments. Finally, he pulled back and smiled.

"So, did they ask you?"

Six tried not to smile but she just couldn't hide it. "Yes. I was called to the XO's office and the Chief of Security was there also and they presented the idea. It's a lot to consider so I went for a walk to think about it all. I have to give them my answer in an hour but I wanted to see you first. This is a big step for a lot of reasons."

Suresh nodded and drew her over to the sofa. Once they were seated, he settled her in close against him. "It is but it solves so many problems. I can't have you losing your position because you are keeping my secret. I have to confess, too, that I'm thrilled about what it means for us. But that's one of your questions, isn't it?"

Six nodded. "It will mean moving down here, living with you, yes? We will be what people think we are. Not that we aren't already but you know what I mean."

"Yes." Suresh turned to kiss her forehead. "To an extent. Do you understand what the old Suresh was like? He was obsessed with Li when she was undercover down here. He didn't allow anyone to touch her, ever. They even had to be careful what they said to her. People never gave her trouble because they knew that to do so meant he would likely kill them. It's not that bad now, of course. They think I've leveled off but even so, they will view you as mine, no questions asked. You will be expected to behave as if you are. If someone violates that, there may be times that I have to act like that obsessive man. As long as you know it's an act, we'll be fine. I will keep you safe but make no mistake, it might be dangerous at times."

"I understand," Six answered. "Are we ready for me to be down here, living here, with you all the time? The public act aside, at the end of the day it will be just us, real life, real emotions. It also will mean no one else for either of us. Both for the sake of appearances and for real. It's a big commitment and I want to hear it from you."

Suresh smiled and hugged her tight. "Yes," he whispered. "You are what I want, you've known that from the beginning. Having you here will be amazing. Say yes."

His joy was almost overwhelming this close. Overlaying it was his deep, fiery desire for her and the two together were a powerful combination. She thought briefly of the date with Vic and realized that, as nice as he was, here was where she wanted to be. Finally she nodded.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Welcome home, my darling. We have an hour," he whispered back and there was no mistaking his meaning.

"Yes," she whispered once more.

* * *

Six kissed the dozing Suresh gently, then slipped out of bed. She moved silently out to his terminal and first sent messages to Oz and Li, informing them that she would be making the move. Then she sent a text message off to Vic, canceling the date due to something that had suddenly arisen regarding her position. She promised to see him tomorrow and explain. Once that was done, she sent a message to Reva, wanting to meet her at the Wormhole tomorrow as well. As she was finishing the message, Suresh rested his hands on her shoulders.

"She will be the toughest one to explain this to."

Six nodded and leaned back against him. "She is uncertain about our relationship as it is. I don't know how she will react when I tell her that I am having to choose between you and the Fleet and therefore am resigning. But she is my friend, I hope she will learn to accept it in time." She placed her hands over Suresh's. "It's done. I have notified Captain Hawke and Commander Zeferino. All I have left to do is finish up one thing in science, then inform the XO."

Suresh bent down to kiss the top of her head. "I hope Vic isn't too disappointed."

Six grew still, then shook her head. "Me too. He is one of my few friends, Suresh. I hope you don't mind that I will see him, as I do Bryce and Reva and Riley. But it can never be more than that." She slipped out from beneath Suresh's hands and stood to wrap her arms around him.

"That's all I want," he answered. "Why don't we get dressed and go out to celebrate? To Lao's."

"That sounds wonderful. I skipped lunch." She laughed now, her mood lightening. "I suppose this is my first night out as a civvie, at least as far as everyone else knows."

Suresh nodded. "After dinner we'll take a walk, stop in at Saturnalia to be seen, and then I'll bring you home. To our home."

"Yes," she answered. "And likely find Darwin waiting for us."

Ensign Six of Ten
Moving South

Happy, Happy Man


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