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From Beach To Beach

Posted on Sat Jul 11th, 2015 @ 2:55pm by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Solis & Julisa's Quarters / Holodeck

"That jackass Earl! I can't believe he'd transport me without my bikini," Julisa griped at Solis.

Solis sat down on the shuttle’s transported pad and laughed until he had to wipe his eyes. “Oh…..I...can…..” He managed to catch his breath. “I’m just sorry I didn’t think of it first.”

"At least give me your shirt!" She shivered.

Solis stripped off his shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders. “A pity this shuttle is and not private. I’d be happy to keep you occupied till we get home.” He glanced over his shoulder to the cockpit. “Stop looking Earl.”

"Nothin' I haven't seen before," Earl called back.

His shirt hung on her like a short dress. "If I could, I'd have you blinded, Earl!" Julisa shouted. To Solis, she said quietly, "Too bad we can't blindfold him, give him earplugs. I'd like to get started on what Niro just showed us."

“Just a few more minutes and we’ll be in transporter range,” Solis whispered in her ear. “Believe me, I intend to jet out of here the moment we can. I’ll leave the driving to Earl.”

"Oh, sure, just leave your wingman hanging out alone!" The old man complained from the cockpit.

"That's what a wingman does!" Julisa said, "Helps his friend pick up the girl and ends up alone."

“Not like you’ll be alone when you get home,” Solis commented. “Ehl might take issue with that and no, I don’t want to know what you have planned when you get there. Really, Earl. Unless you want to hear just what I plan to do when I get Jules --”

"I have enough ideas of what to do with Ehlana, thanks!" Earl pushed the shuttle a bit faster and then announced, "Transporter range. Off you go!"

Solis tapped his badge and ordered transport directly to his quarters for two. Moments later, they materialized in their living room. He wrapped Julisa in his arms and held her tight.

“Welcome home.”

"Thanks, Solis," she kissed him. "That certificate? It just requires our signatures to be valid, right?"

“According to Ray, yes, though the Admiral would be happy to oblige if you want,” he replied. He smiled gently at her, pulled her in for another kiss, then a tight hug. His happiness at having her back home surged through them both and she could feel him linked to her thoughts.

She opened up her mind to him, let him see what she felt, even the bits she'd kept hidden before. "We can sign it later," she said, leading him to the bedroom and shedding his shirt.

* * *

Solis stirred and pulled Julisa closer. “Now, things feel right,” he murmured. “I am off tomorrow, can you stretch your away time one more day? We’ll make it a short honeymoon and no one will see us all day.”

"Considering how ad hoc my time away has been, I don't see why not. Do you have a holoprogram of Vesta?"

“I do.” He grinned back at her. “Including my house, the beach, all of it. Brilliant suggestion. Let’s do it!” His excitement was catching and it zoomed along the mental link to Julisa.

Her pupils dilated as his emotion lit her on fire. "Yes, let's! In the hammock, under the peach trees." She pushed him back and straddled him. "This time, there'll be no higher officers interrupting us on the beach," she smiled as they shared the memory of that day.

Solis began to laugh again. “Lev arrived a few days ago. I’m sure he’d love to say hello.” He pulled her down for a slow kiss. “I don’t expect any reminiscing about that day though.”

"He's here? Are they just transferring everyone from DS-15 over to here? Should we expect Elis next?" She was a touch panicked at that thought. Last she'd seen Elis, the woman had threatened her.

“No, only the good ones.” Solis smiled up at her. “No worries. But you know….I’d like to start this honeymoon with dinner but I seem to be held down by a most single-minded woman. What do you say? Want to make this formal, then get dinner and take it to the holodeck and disappear till sometime tomorrow night?”

"I'll make it official," she said, moving to do so. She didn't mean the certificate. It was nearly another hour before they left the bed and started getting ready for dinner. "Formal with lots to take off or casual?"

“Casual,” he answered immediately. “If I could get you there in nothing I would but such is life. Can’t have the officers parading nude through the corridors.” He pulled on shorts and a shirt, then strolled out to the living room. “I’ll have dinner delivered here, then we’re off.”

"Oh, then I'm going to shower real quick," she kissed him on her way there.

By the time the food was delivered, Julisa was clean and wearing a dress much like the one she'd worn when she left these quarters with Niro. She had also found and slipped on her blue pendant. "Time to go," she said.

“I have dinner, and enough extra to last us till we decide to crawl out.” Solis reached out to touch the blue stone that hung around her neck. His relief at having her home passed to her in an instant and he pulled her close with his free hand for one more kiss. Finally, he spoke. “Our house awaits.”

"Can't wait," she said, and pulled him to the door. A short walk and turbolift ride took them to the holosuite and then the sands of the beach outside Solis' colony house. "I do love this spot, Solis."

“It’s the only thing I miss about that part of space,” he answered. In a second he had his shoes off and stepped into the warm sand. A sigh of pure contentment came from him. “Do you still have the sea urchin?”

"Yup, its in that box by the bed. I think I've worn down some of the spines because I handled it so much while we were separated. She went one farther than shoes: she slipped her dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the sand. She'd pick it up before they left later. " I'm glad I met your mother that night."

Solis nodded as he watched her dress flutter to the ground. “She always asks about you. Sometimes I think she likes you better than me.” He grinned at her, then shed his shorts and shirt. Taking her hand, he began the short stroll to the water. “So much has happened since we were on this beach for real, hasn’t it?”

"Why wouldn't she like me better? I'm prettier," she joked.

“You are,” Solis agreed. “Though she did say that from the back it’s hard to tell us apart.” He grinned and ducked out of her reach. “Some of us are just lucky I guess.” Solis’ ego was showing just a bit. “In a lot of ways.”

"Yup. We have each other," she said, bumping him with her shoulder.

"Oh, now you’re asking for it.” He scooped her up with no effort and took off into the water. When he was about waist deep, he swung his arms and tossed her in. “Let the honeymoon begin. And maybe I should get out of reach.”

She'd been ready for that. Splashing into the water, she held her breath, went under and grabbed his ankles, pulling them out from under him. She came up for air, laughing.

Solis emerged from beneath the water moments later, brushing back his long hair. “Okay I had that coming.” He swam over to meet her, pulling her close. “You know….the beach is just right over there…. we can recreate our last visit but this time with one hundred percent less XO.”

"I was hoping we'd get around to that," she kissed and reminded him of the position they'd been in that day. "Or the hammock. Or take a walk into the town?"

“Or all of the above. I prefer that order. Town can wait and yes, I am reserving the right to be selfish.” A slow smile spread over his face. “We could always start here and work our way up to the beach?”

"No argument there," she said, "Watch your step, babe." As they approached the water's edge, she deliberately tripped him.

As he went down, he caught her hand, pulling her down with him. “See what I did there?” He rolled her beneath him as the edge of the wave flowed around them. “Exactly where I want you. Always,” he murmured at her ear.

"That worked rather nicely," she laughed.

Lt. Bajun Julisa

Lt. Solis

Lt.Commander Earl Crane


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