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Dancing With Demons - Part II

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2015 @ 11:37am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Ensign Reva Madhava & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters / The Cherry Pit

* Seyla’s Quarters *

"A drink, Niro?" Reva asked as she led him into Seyla's quarters. "Or, if you'd rather... We could just skip to the bedroom?" She smiled, already anticipating that touch of his.

He laughed once more and pulled her tight against him. “Drinks later, you’ll need it once you’ve enjoyed me.” He scooped her up over his shoulder and carried her off to the bedroom. Already, he was in her mind, stirring her desire and sending her pleasure spiralling off the charts.

Laughing and wriggling in his grasp, she managed to say, "Let me at least undress!" She needn't have worried, though, as Niro let her down, he stripped the garment from her and tossed it aside. "Right, then," she breathed and that was her last coherent thought as he flooded her mind with pleasure.


Niro rolled to his side, settling Reva in against him. As she dozed, he took a leisurely stroll through her mind, picking through the interesting parts and ignoring the rest. Memories of very intimate moments with a Betazoid were plentiful and Nico suppressed a laugh. That poor sap didn’t stand a chance, given Reva’s current inclinations. She had surpassed his expectations, however, and he was glad. He was in need of a new toy and she would do nicely, once he decided it was time to leave. In the meantime, he left a little urge in her mind, a strong desire to seek him out again, once the after-effects of tonight were gone. Gently, he backed out of her thoughts and roused her with a kiss.

"Hmm?" She woke slowly then smiled. "I don't think I've ever been so completely exhausted." She laughed and pulled herself closer to him. "Are you leaving me now or looking to exhaust me again?"

“Are we likely to be interrupted?” Niro smiled indulgently. “If not, then you’re all mine.”

"The owner of this place spends her nights somewhere else. We should be uninterrupted till morning," she replied, tracing the lines of his muscles along his shoulder. She reached out with her mind and tested out what she thought he'd done to her. "So, it looks like I'm all yours."

“Not a bad attempt.” He winked at her and then pressed her down into the bed. “There’s more, Reva. It all depends on what you can handle.” He closed his eyes and entered her thoughts once more and this time he gave her a much stronger shot, enough to make her completely lose track of her surroundings.

His mental nudge was enough that even when the bedroom door opened, Reva didn't react to it. Nor did she react when Seyla laughed and asked, "Oh, kitten, who is this you've brought home?" Seyla came to the edge of the bed and looked down on Reva and her lover. Her demeanor changed when Reva didn't respond. "What have you done to her?"

“Nothing dangerous,” NIro responded. He slipped off the bed and to his feet. “Hello, Seyla.” He glanced at Reva for a moment. “She’s just...enjoying herself.”

Seyla threw a pillow at him and grabbed the sheet to cover Reva then carefully lifted her eyelid and looked her over. "You have me at a disadvantage. You know my name; who're you?" She glanced at him.

“My name is Niro. I found your girl here alone in Saturnalia. Actually, she was being kicked out for dumping a drink on Suresh’s head. I thought she looked interesting.” He smiled at Seyla. “She one of yours? And do I owe you?”

"She is not one of mine. Yet," Seyla pinched Reva's arm. "Can she hear us?"

“Do you want her to?” Niro shrugged. “Or is there something you and I need to discuss?”

"I don't know," she eyed him. She had gotten to where she was by being careful about trusting others. For years, she hadn't trusted anyone on this Station; the one she had chosen to finally trust had promptly gone insane and gotten himself killed. "You're a telepath obviously. Is there more to your telepathy than what a Betazoid might do?"

“I’m Enaran,” he replied. He took a moment to look down at Reva. “What’s the deal with her? She keeps going at this rate, she’ll burn out soon. Not that I mind. I’d get a lot of use out of her until that happens.”

"She's a young Orion who has recently been released from her overseer's control," Seyla said, meaning Reva's Betazoid grandmother as well as the Academy's rules. "She is Darwin said, sowing her wild oats." At his puzzled look, she sighed and shrugged, "A human saying. I've given her some leeway she's never had before."

“You know what they say about giving someone enough rope,” Niro commented. “But again, not my problem. She’s got all this freedom and a friend who just told the Fleet to shove it, I think it’s more buck wild than wild oats. But I don’t mind. However, you want her, maybe you should make her an offer. There’s plenty that would be happy to run off with her. Iapetus is full of them.” He didn’t bother to mention he was one of them.

"She's Fleet and still in love with her job. Plus, the way she's been raised, being one of mine goes against everything she knows. I'm simply broadening her world, trying to show her that Orions have other options. Much more lucrative options," Seyla said, brushing a lock of hair from Reva's sweaty brow. "Not that she needs to know about the money. I just need to control her. It'll take a bit of work, but she'll be an asset soon enough."

She straightened up and looked at him. "As for people trying to cart her off, they'd have to go through my security first."

Niro began to laugh. “I got her out of Saturnalia, and then out of Iapetus without even a curious look from anyone and she had never laid eyes on me before. You might want to talk to your security.” He looked back to Reva and smiled. “But I’m not the one you need to worry about.” At least that’s what he intended for Seyla to believe. “I’m just abit of fun for her.”

"I imagine you are," she commented as she picked up her dress from the corner of the room. She shook it out and rehung it as she spoke. "You might not have seen them, but then you were busy with Reva, but you were followed here. If she'd have gone somewhere else... well, that's why I've given her the use of my quarters, so she doesn't. She's safe, even while she thinks she's being risky."

“You are a smart woman.” He smiled, watching her at the closet. “Wise enough that she thinks she’s being bad and on her own and no idea just how many people are watching out for her. I promise I won’t give away your secret.”

She turned to look at him. "I'm glad to hear that. Otherwise the very charming and very large man with a weapon just outside my door would have to kill you." She smiled sweetly. "Since you're just a bit of fun, Niro, bring her out of this and then get out."

He laughed once more, but didn’t contradict her. What Seyla didn’t know would make his life easier. He glanced at Reva and gave her a mental nudge. Wake up. Then he moved closer to Seyla, looking down into her eyes. “Perhaps you’ll arrive earlier next time.” An image of the two of them, bodies entangled, flashed in her mind along with a wave of desire that flooded through her, then was gone in moments. “Take care Seyla.”

She sucked in a breath but he was gone before she could either grab him or slap him, she wasn't sure which she wanted to do. Instead, she was left with Reva, moaning on her bed.

"Niro...?" Reva woke and reached for her lover. When she didn't encounter him, she opened her eyes and sat up with a jerk. "Seyla! What...?"

"It is my bedroom, dear," Seyla said, moving over to smooth Reva's hair back. "Your friend felt the need to leave. You seem to be enjoying your free time."

Reva grinned and laughed, falling back on the pillows. "I am."

"Do be careful. Pissing off Suresh might not, never mind. This version is such a pansy," Seyla said venomously, "He probably just wiped his face off and walked away, didn't he?"

Blinking at the subject change, Reva had to dig for the memory of Suresh's reaction. "Yeah. He warned me that I already have a target on me, but otherwise walked away."

Sighing, Seyla rose and shook her head. The old Suresh... if he'd ever met Reva, would have had a slave collar around her neck in a short minute, Fleet or not. If she'd argued with him - or, Gods forbid, dumped a drink on him, he'd have had her beaten within an inch of her life. She wondered how his failure to react was playing out in the Pit. "Get dressed, you should spend at least one night in your own bed this week." She leaned in and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom.

Back in her casual jeans and T-shirt, Reva had cleaned up Seyla's bedroom and thanked her before heading home. The neighborhood around Seyla's quarters was still busy, despite the late hour. She detoured through the Pit's night market - a place that had fascinated her ever since she'd learned of its existence because of the goods and services being sold there - and then finally headed for a turbolift.

"Little Ensign Madhava," a voice sneered behind her.

She turned and had barely a moment to register the mask and the weapon in the man's hand when he struck her. She went down and scrambled to move away from him. A second man grabbed her arm and hauled her up before grabbing her hair and holding her for the one with the spanner. She screamed as the two laid into her, breaking her arm and several ribs and blackening an eye as one broke her cheekbone. When she passed out, it was a mercy.

The two men looked down at her and the one holding the spanner held out his free hand. His companion slipped a glass into it.

“Maybe this will teach you some manners,” the first man growled. He tilted the glass, letting the drink pour over Reva. Once it was empty, he dropped it beside her and nodded. “Let’s go. Someone will find her.”

Someone did find her: Bella and her last date of the night, a fellow who had been at Saturnalia earlier in the night and who frequented the place. She screamed; he stared and then said, "Hey, she's that Orion who argued with Suresh." He didn't sound entirely sober. He was sober enough, though, to hail Security. He then hauled Bella away from the scene before Security showed up.

Ensign Reva Madhava




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