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Edwards, We Have A Problem - Part I

Posted on Sun Jul 12th, 2015 @ 8:33pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Enara Prime

* Enara Prime *

Eli bounded up the stairs, yelling for Eric. He had no reason to worry but panic swelled within him anyway. If they had only said Chance left, then perhaps he might be wandering the city to see the sights. But they has been specific, mentioning Loran, and they would know that Loran was not there. He suspected that the one who had relayed the message was simply passing along what they were told by someone higher up who might not have known Loran had the day off. It all added up to a very bad feeling. He dashed into Eric’s room and stopped to take a breath.

“I don’t know where Chance is. He was supposed to be here and no one has seen him. Loran wasn’t even there today to walk him home. He’s downstairs!”

Eric blinked at all of the ruckus until Eli came barreling into the guest bedroom, only to find the security officer tensed with a hand on his phaser. As he listened to Eli’s tale, he visibly relaxed, removing his hand from his weapon and instead lifting it to his chest where - even in civilian attire - he still wore his comm badge.

“All right, calm down, for all we know he went for a walk.” He opened a channel with a tap to the gold and silver symbol. “Edwards to Conradi,” he attempted, pausing a moment to give the Cadet a chance to respond, glancing sideways at Eli as he did so.

“I told him not to be out wandering around alone.” Eli began to pace as they waited for a response. “I mean, things have seemed okay since we got here but I am not relying on that and he would be a good….” Eli stopped short of saying ‘target’. He didn’t even want to let his thoughts go there.

Eli, you left me!, came a cry from Iggy, still down in the kitchen with Eli's bewildered parents. I cannot keep up with you without Chance here. She could have asked Irina to carry her but, like a grumpy grandmother, Iggy had her favorite caregivers: Chance and Eli, upon whom she relied. Come get me!

In a minute. We’re waiting on Chance to reply. Eli looked to Eric, his expression worried. “Try him again?”

Eric gave a nod. “Chance, come in,” he repeated the request, reaching for a tricorder even as he did and beginning to enter commands. “I’ll try to uplink with the shuttle computer,” he explained for Eli’s benefit. “The transporter should be able to locate his communicator, if he brought it with him.”

“Thank you.” Eli ran a hand through his hair and then took a deep breath, trying to settle himself down. “I can send Loran out to see if he’s just out strolling around. Be right back.” Eli bounded back down the stairs to find Loran.

He’s already out looking, Eli’s mother informed him. Try not to panic, son.

I’m trying but not doing too well. Eli scooped up Iggy and returned to the guest room and Eric. “Any luck?”

The Lieutenant shook his head. “No response. But,” he added, regarding his tricorder intently, “I do have a lock.” He held up the screen to show Eli the positive indicator that was Chance’s comm badge. “Care to take a walk?”

“Absolutely. Let me get my badge, just in case.” Eli hurried out of the room with Iggy perched on his shoulder. “I’m ready, Eric,” he called out and started downstairs.

Be careful son. Irina stepped out to the front door and opened it for them. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” she said aloud. “We’ll see you all soon.”

“I’m sure everything’s fine,” Eric agreed as he descended the stairs, a small black backpack slung over his shoulder, tricorder in hand and open. “It’s not too far, at any rate. Let’s get going.” He slid past Eli to exit the house first, glancing around with a trained eye before waving for the cadet to follow.

Eli fell in step with Eric and glanced at the tricorder. “Residential area. It’s an older area and the streets are kind of twisty. If he were to get lost, that would be the place to do it.” They crossed the street and soon were in a maze-like neighborhood, the streets line with older houses and low-hanging trees. “Wealthy neighborhood,” Eli commented. “We used to get in trouble as kids for running through these streets. They said we were causing a disturbance.” He smiled a moment. “Apparently I continued to do so. How far?”

“Well, getting lost is one thing, not answering us is another,” the Lieutenant admitted. As he listened to Eli recount his childhood, he couldn’t help but smile. “I remember running through the streets of San Francisco as a kid... You haven’t seen a disturbance until you’ve grabbed a maglev and taken a ride down Lombard Street,” he chuckled, engaging in just a moment of reverie before returning his attention to the tricorder. With a lift of his head ahead of them, he indicated their direction. “Another 100 meters or so, this way.”

They continued on to the end of the street and rounded the corner. Before them, the street ended in a small alcove with a house surrounded by trees. Eli looked from the house to Eric. "I can’t see him coming down this far. What’s the scan show now?”

“No,” Eric admitted as he looked around, “this doesn’t make a lot of sense.” The scan showed they were close, and he lifted a hand to his own communicator once more. “Cadet Conradi,” he spoke, listening for an echo of his own voice from anywhere nearby.

No echo came but now, Eli could sense Chance. He sent a mental message to Chance but no answer came and he shook his head. “I can feel him, Eric. He’s inside that house but I don’t think he’s awake, which I don’t like. We can always let Iggy crawl up the wall and see what she can see.”

I can climb, yes. Iggy, who'd been uncharacteristically quiet during the walk here, perked up at the idea. May I, Eric?, she asked.

“I’m sensing him up on the second floor,” Eli added. He, too, waited for Eric’s answer.

Eric frowned, but gave a nod of assent. "Do it," he said, "but be careful," he stressed. In the meantime he exchanged his tricorder for his phaser and watched the second floor windows intently.

Eli checked the area, then slipped silently through the trees to the side of the house, taking care to avoid the windows. Gently, he pulled Iggy from his shoulder and settled her against the shutter of the downstairs window, staying out of sight.

Carefully, knowing the outcome of a slip and fall, Iggy climbed, ensuring each tarsi was secured by a bit of sticky webbing. At the second floor level, she peered into the first window she came to. A biped, eating something. Not Chance.

She moved on, slowly, and came to another. Here, she paused and shifted her position a few times. Hmmm. Three bipeds, Eli, doing... I don't understand. Why would three bipeds be needed for sex?

Eli muttered and glanced over to Eric, choosing to communicate with him silently. I did not need to know that.

Eric smirked, but chose not to say anything with regard to the ménage-à-trois taking place above them. She had taken to persuasion with a singular mind, and he doubted Oralia would appreciate some French euphemisms added to her vocabulary.

At any rate, Eric thought, hoping Eli was helping Iggy monitor him, not what we’re looking for. Keep moving.

At Eric's urging, she took one last look then moved on, stepping around the corner of the building carefully. At the next window, she commented, Oh, so that is how three bipeds have sex.... At the next two windows, she made no comment but on peering into the third, she crowed, Loran! Eli, it is okay! Chance is here and Loran is with him. She tapped at the window and called, Chance! Chance? Answer me!

Loran was inside? Something about that seemed wrong. How would Loran get there before they did? And really, how would Loran have found him unless….he knew where Chance was already. Iggy, quiet and get out of sight! Eli motioned Eric over. “You get all that from Iggy?” He then voiced his suspicions to Eric.

The Lieutenant had to nod, looking none too happy as he grabbed Eli and forced him against the wall of the building, hoping to keep the two of them out of sight should someone approach the window Iggy had tapped. Is it just Chance and Loran? he wondered, and is Chance still unconscious?

Chance is out like a lightbulb, came Iggy's answer. Loran was in the room, but he just ran out. Perhaps he is coming to let you in? Will... Oh, someone else is in the room now. I do not know this person. She checked on Chance. Iggy was keeping up a running commentary. Here she comes to the window.

There was the noise of the window opening and then a woman's voice, "Come here, spider."

Is Chance okay? Iggy asked the woman then suddenly screamed, Augh!! No, not the box! Please, no! Not the boxxxx! Several loud bangs resounded in the darkness, the woman yelped and Iggy was again shouting, Eli! Eric! Catch me! A spider-bomb came sailing out of the open window, trailing a tiny thread of silk behind her. The thread was tethered to the windowsill and stopped the spider's outward arc, swinging her back toward the building's wall. Iggy was screaming the whole way.

“Iggy!” Eli looked up just in time to catch a face full of spider. “At least I broke your fall,” came his muffled observation.

Oralia will not be pleased when she hears about this, Iggy said as she quickly checked her limbs and used Eli's hair to move herself to his shoulder.

Eric took a moment to ensure that Iggy was safe and leapt back out into the alley, reaching into his black backpack as he did. Planting his feet, he took hold of something within and lobbed it into the now-open window. He counted down from 5 as it left his hand, and waited until the characteristic blast sound and flash of light ensured that his photon grenade had detonated within. He turned his attention back to the pair.

“Minimum yield,” he said before anyone could protest. “It’s basically a stun grenade. Come on, and stay behind me,” he ordered as he moved forward, drawing his sidearm and moving forward to try the door that stood between them and the home that held Chance.

Lt. Eric Edwards
Cadet Junior Class Eli Ziyad
Cadet Junior Class Chance Conradi
Ignatius J. Reilly
Loran Ziyad
Irina Ziyad
Maran Ziyad


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