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A Pink Flower And Hope

Posted on Mon Jul 13th, 2015 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor & Lieutenant Tobin Ayo

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Tor's Quarters

Tobin rushed through his shower, then dressed casually in loose pants and a short sleeved v-neck shirt, both in a deep blue. Now, standing before the mirror in his bedroom, he pulled the brush through his hair for one last stroke and laid it aside on the dresser. He ran his hands through his hair, closing his eyes as he imagined it was Gaelan's fingers, not his own. He'd always worn his hair long and playing with it had been a favorite habit of hers. He wondered if it would ever happen again or if it was, thanks to a vile and twisted officer with no morals, a relic of the past to be pondered with a bittersweet nostalgia once in a while.

She seemed so wary around everyone these days. He could understand that, however, given what she had lived through. She was always so careful with her emotions, so hesitant to open up. When she finally did, however, she loved deeply and without reservation. The pain of the past months had rebuilt that wall he'd so painstakingly torn down.

So what now? He had to get through somehow. This was them, it should be easier. Shouldn't it? He wanted to stick to his promise not to push her but he suspected that if he didn't, at least a little, they'd dance around each other forever - him afraid to push, her afraid to open up. Maybe Ayo and Adara were right. Sometimes you just had to go for it and see what happened. It would fly or it wouldn't, but at least they wouldn't be stuck in no man's land. It would be better for them both. If it worked, they could get back to what they once had. If it didn't? They could get on with their lives and be friends at least. They had meant too much to each other to lose that.

It was time to go, so he took one last look in the mirror, then gathered up the large pink flower he’d bought earlier. He had to admit, as he stepped out into the corridor, that he was nervous. This was the first step and he hoped he'd get it right.

* * *

Tor stood before her closet debating, then decided on a tank top and lightweight flowing skirt, no shoes. She was home and hated wearing shoes unless she had to. Besides this was Tobin. He knew all there was to know about her, even the crushing events she’d kept hidden from him until a few nights ago in the Arboretum. Now, thanks to Adara’s behind-the-scenes arrangements, she and Tobin were back together for the foreseeable future with nothing standing in their way - if she didn’t let the past ruin it for them.

How many nights since she had fled DS15, and Fritz, had she dreamed of getting the usual before bed call from Tobin when he was away? Or of turning over to whisper in his ear when he was home and stirring from sleep? She searched unsuccessfully for the fear that had been her constant companion for the last few months. It was simply gone, burned away by his tight embrace beneath the trees of the Arboretum.

She sighed aloud and ran her hands through her hair, fluffing it up. Satisfied, she turned away from the mirror and her door chime rang. Her heart flip-flopped over, then began to hammer away at light speed. Get a grip she admonished. It was just Tobin. Just? That was a vast understatement. The door chimed once more as she reached it and it slid open. It was suddenly too hard to breath seeing him standing there. He stepped in, letting the door close behind him, then offered her the large pink blossom. It was the same flower he’d given her on their first date when they were little more than kids.

"It seemed fitting," he said with a soft smile. "You look incredible."

Warmth rushed through her as she took the flower and inhaled its heady perfume. Incredible didn't come even close to describing how he looked to her. He still wore that dark, spicy scent that had always drawn her in and stirred her senses, among other things. She gave in to the urge to touch his hair, running her fingers gently through it.

"Thank you. I could say the same of you.”

It was Tobin's turn to take a deep breath. The touch of her hand instantly threatened the control he was so carefully maintaining. He'd convinced himself to take it slow and see how things went but this was something that had always lit him up in an instant.

"Gae," he said, his voice husky.

She knew that tone and what it meant. Reluctantly, she withdrew her hand and nodded. "I know."

He caught her hand and held it to his chest. "I promised myself I wouldn't rush this but you make it damned hard to be good."

She nodded, understanding that sentiment all too well. The contact between their hands sent liquid fire skimming along her arm. He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was light, then deepened, demanded more, became utterly possessive. Tor stiffened at the first touch of his lips and pure panic set in. This was not what she'd expected. Her thoughts raced as his kiss lingered and she fought the urge to push away and run. This wasn’t Marsh….it was Tobin. Her brain lost logical thought, replaced it with a fireworks display that flashed behind her eyelids. He felt so good, so familiar. Her body softened, responding to him and leaving the panic far behind. The moment seemed to last forever and then suddenly Tobin pulled back, leaving her breathless. He was smiling now, seeming satisfied with her reaction.

"Are you alright?"

She flashed him a bright smile. "Of course." Her voice wobbled and he caught it, his gaze growing intent.

“I meant it, Gae. I'm not pushing, okay?" He smiled and reached for her hand.

She nodded, then raised his hand to her lips. “Maybe you should, just a little. I’m afraid if you don’t I’ll be stuck, forever unable to move on and be what I want us to be.”

Tobin nodded. “And what I want us to be again, too.” He tugged on her hand, pulling her close against him and once more, his lips met hers. Happiness blossomed within him, almost blinding. Finally, he pulled back and smiled. “Let’s go out for dinner, okay?”

"When I can feel my feet again, yes."

She began to laugh and with her laughter came hope for the future...their future.

Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Lt. Tobin Ayo
Moving Back To The Future


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