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Something In The Wine

Posted on Wed Jul 15th, 2015 @ 9:41pm by Commander Ehlana Winter & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Earl & Ehlana's Quarters

* Earl & Ehlana’s Quarters *

“I’m so glad you could join us for lunch, dear.” Ehlana looked up from the counter in the kitchen to smile at Julian. “I’m even more glad you’ve decided to stay for a bit since it’s been so long between visits. Granted, we’re rather far out.” She stirred the contents of the pot before her, then dipped in a spoon and tasted it. “Perfect.”

"I know the cook is," Earl wandered into the kitchen and hugged Ehlana from behind. He bent slightly and kissed her neck.

"Dad, dad! Come on! Lunch is about ready, leave mom alone!" Julian used a kitchen towel to swat at Earl. "Go on, set the table."

"Well look at our little man, Ehl, he thinks he gives the orders around here!" Earl let go of Ehlana, grabbed another kitchen towel and swatted back. The two ended up very playfully dueling with the towels.

Ehlana looked from one to the other and just laughed. “Something in the DNA,” she quipped. “We all know I give the orders around here. Earl, set the table and you Julian, open that bottle of wine.”

Both stopped their play, turned towards Ehlana, bowed and said, "As you wish." Only Earl added, "Buttercup." He disappeared into the dining room. Julian stayed with Ehlana to find the corkscrew and open the wine. "It's good to be here, Mom.”

“So will they extend your time off or could we lure you into relocating perhaps?” She turned off the burner and moved the pot to a cool one. Reaching for a small jar next to her, she sprinkled some of the herbs from it into the pot.

"Lure me here? To the ass end of the known universe?" Julian shook his head. "I don't know, Mom, for now, I've extended my time off."

Earl came back in and asked, "Are we ready? Table's all set."

Jules picked up the wine and glasses, "I'll start pouring." He left the kitchen.

Earl watched Ehl for a moment as she plated the food. He picked up the two plates, kissed her quickly and went to the dining room. "Come on, Ehl. I'll do the dishes later." He set the plates down and took his usual seat - the one that put Ehlana to his left side. He started pouring the wine.

“You’ll spoil me,” she said as she sat and reached for her wine glass. “It’s been a nice day, Earl. I’m glad that mess with Solis is all cleared up. Everything is finally as it should be.”

He reached for his wine as well and caught his reflection in it. He looked... old. Much older than he usually looked. And sad. "Solis will probably find some other trouble now. I read a report from Piper today that an Ensign was attacked below the equator. Tsk... These young people. They have no sense." He was bothered by something but couldn't put a finger on it.

“Attacked? That’s horrible!” Ehlana put down her fork and reached for her glass again. “Why do criminals always want to target the young? She lived I take it? Not like…..” She stopped just short of her glass. “What is it Earl?”

"Jules." Confused, he recalled Julian being here with them. But he also knew what Ehlana was referring to. Frowning, his bushy brows knitting together in the center, he said, "It's wrong."

“The dinner?” She shook her head. ”No, that’s not what you mean. It’s the wine. That’s what’s wrong.” She looked down into her wine glass, recalling now a faint image of Julian carrying the wine to the table but also knowing he’d been gone for years. She shook her head. “It’s all wrong.” Her breathing was growing rapid and she dropped the glass. Red wine began to spread across the snowy tablecloth.

"The wine is fine, dear," Earl said, jumping up to mop up the spill. "Are you all right? What's wrong?" He dashed, slower than he thought he should be, for his medkit and came back with a tricorder. He scanned Ehlana.

“I’m fine Earl……” she shook her head. “No, I’m not. Am I crazy? He was here, wasn’t he? Just now? But I know that he couldn’t have been...because….”

"Because he was killed." Earl sat back down next to her. "He left the kitchen to pour the wine, though." He shook his head, not in negation, but in confusion. "The timeline is messed up, Ehl."

She nodded slowly. “But that means...someone just did it….he was here just minutes ago.” Ehlana seemed to be caught up in her panic. “Earl?” She reached for him, almost blindly. “Who……” And then the memory finally caught up to the present. “Oh my god.”

"Woo...," Earl, too, was speechless. Suddenly he rallied and said, "You have to go back. That can't happen. That's just not right."

“We have to see Tomas,” she answered. “Call him. Now!”

Earl hurried to the terminal and opened the comm. Several minutes later, he let Tomas into the quarters. "Julian, they killed Julian."

Tomas’ expression was grave as he listened to Earl, then he nodded. “I know, it just came through.” He gripped Earl by the shoulders for a moment, then moved over to hug Ehlana. “I know this is easier said than done, but we will get to the bottom of this. Or rather you two will. I’ll need to be here to monitor things while you are case something else happens.” He looked from one to the other. “How soon can you leave?”

“Now,” Ehlana answered. “Earl?”

"Um... Let me pee first," he said and disappeared into the bedroom. He came back a few moments later, carrying a jacket for Ehlana and wearing his own. "As I recall, that was a chilly time of year, dear."

“I should change into something more practical. Earl, call Will and Solis, let them know. I’ll be right back.” She hurried off to the bedroom.

Tomas watched her go and frowned. “I don’t know yet who is responsible, Earl. So you may be looking for a needle in a haystack. If I discover more, I’ll find a way to get word to you.”

"You know when to find us," Earl said. "Excuse me while I call Solis and Harding." He went to the terminal to do just that.

Ehlana emerged in jeans, hiking boots, v-necked sweater and jacket. When Tomas raised his eyebrow at her, she nodded and patted a zipped pocket. “Look for messages, the usual protocol,” she informed him.

“Be careful, Ehl.” Tomas hugged her tight for a moment. “This whole thing smells bad.”

“It does.” She smiled at Tomas a moment, then called out for Earl. “Ready my dearest?”

"When you are," Earl replied and hurried to her side. "Let's go."

“See you on the other side,” Tomas commented, then entered a command in the device he carried. Moments later, Earl and Ehlana were gone.

Earl D. Crane
Julian Crane
Ehlana Winter-Crane
Admiral Tomas Cruzado


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