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Face Off

Posted on Thu Jul 16th, 2015 @ 9:52pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Edited on on Thu Jul 16th, 2015 @ 9:53pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Enara Prime

* Enara Prime *

Maran hurried down the stairs, carrying a small bag into which he'd thrown a few things he wanted to keep with him. "Irina, are you ready? We should leave quickly."

Irina met him at the bottom of the stairs. She had a bag over her shoulder and she patted it. “All the important papers, and a few pictures of the boys...and a padd with all our credits. We have just enough time to get to the transport station. It doesn’t matter where that one’s going, it’ll take us away from here.”

"Good. Well, not good, but...," he stopped and pulled her to him, worry for both their sons overwhelming him.

She nodded her understanding, then tried unsuccessfully to blink back tears. “How could Loran do this? I thought it was all over but it was….a trap. And his own brother….”

He nodded, only slightly more successful than his wife at holding back tears. "I don't understand either. Let's go," he urged, kissing her forehead and turning towards the back door.

Irina took a deep breath to try and settle her nerves. Maran was right, they had to go. If those who wanted Eli arrived before they escaped his chances, and those of Eric and Chance and Iggy, were dim. They crossed through the kitchen and just as she reached for the door, it flew open. Behind them, they could hear the front door being breached as well.

“Stop right there.” A man stepped in, his weapon leveled at them.

Irina knew him - he was the son of a long-time friend of the family. She reached behind her for Maran.

He caught her hand and stepped in front of her. "Reed! What is wrong with you? Coming into our home, with a weapon? Lower that thing!" He knew there was no way the man would, but perhaps he would.

“You know why we are here Maran,” Reed answered. “Give us Eli and this will all be over.” He frowned and looks past them a moment. “As it would have been a long time ago if not for the Federation.”

"No, we won't hand our son over to you," Maran faced off with Reed. "Doing so would kill us." He glanced at Irina to make sure his words were accurate. "Besides, we haven't a clue where they are."

“Now why don’t I believe you?” Reed stepped closer to Maran and Irina. “Especially you.” He pointed the weapon at Irina. “Do you two really want to risk being branded as traitors like your son?”

“He didn’t tell us where---” Irina started to speak but the familiar voice of Loran behind them cut her off.

"No, Mother, you told him where to go, didn't you? I'd guess the catacombs," Loran glanced at his compatriot and commented, "She used to take us there when we were kids."

Maran took a step forward, "Loran! Why? He's your brother. He loves you but you're betraying him."

"He has betrayed our way of life! In more than one way! How can you stand by and let him do that?" Loran glared at his parents.

“It was a very difficult choice, Loran,” Irina answered as she turned to face Loran. “You know that. But it’s Eli. He is a grown man now and entitled to choose his own way, just as you are. Considering current circumstances, I find his choices far less objectionable. He, at least, is not betraying the family.”

Behind them, Reed began to laugh. “Now noble.” He pressed his weapon into Maran’s back. “But here’s the thing. If we have you, Loran can find them and tell them so. You’ll make a perfect lure to get him to give himself up.”

Angry, Maran twisted and knocked the weapon away from his back. "No, Loran! You can't do such a --" He was cut off by a quick blast from Reed's weapon and he went down.

Loran couldn't help himself, he yelled, "Dad!" But stopped himself before he bent to check Maran.

“Remember who you are, Loran,” Reed ordered. He looked down at the stunned body of Maran. “He will awaken in an hour or so but now, you see we are serious.” His eyes were on Irina but when he spoke, it was directed to Loran. “You, get to the catacombs and find them. You know what to do from there.”

"I do. I'll see you in a few hours." He glanced at Irina then headed out the back door. He avoided thinking of his orders till he was clear of the house. He didn't want his mother knowing that those orders were to capture Eli and the spider and kill the other two.

She watched him go, her expression stony. Finally she looked at Reed. “What would your mother say?”

The question brought a smile to his face. “Didn’t you know? She’s the one in charge of the Circle. These are her orders.” He pulled out a communicator and pressed the button. “Ready. Three to transport.”

Moments later Reed, Irina and Maran vanished, leaving the house empty.

Irina Ziyad
Maran Ziyad
Loran Ziyad


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