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The Pied Piper

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2015 @ 11:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Reva's Quarters


"Stop." Reva muttered, biting her bottom lip. She brushed her little AI away and kept at her current task. The spider came right back and blocked her view, causing her to shock herself. "Ah! Shit!" She picked up the robot and stuffed it in her bra - the one she was wearing.

While it beeped, complaining that it was stuck, she attacked the bracelet on her ankle again. Why Darwin had ever thought that a simple ankle bracelet would keep her in one place, she couldn't fathom. But he had and in the finest of engineering traditions, Reva was using her skills to get some freedom. "Got it!", she breathed as the second lock popped open. She had just one more, the one that'd alert Security if she did it wrong.

She was just about to start on that when her door chime sounded. "Damn," she cursed and pulled a leg warmer up over the device then checked who it was. "Hey!" She grinned and opened the door, "You! I would never have expected this!"

“I’m glad to see I am welcome.” Niro smiled as he stepped in and held out a white box. “Chocolates for the home-bound. How are you surviving so far?”

"Yay! Chocolate!" She pulled him farther into the room then hugged and kissed him. "And even better, you! I'll survive a whole lot better with you here." Her AI, still tucked in her bra, beeped to remind her it was there and getting crushed.

“Proximity alarm?” he joked, then reached into her bra and disentangled the AI. “Interesting. Lucky little robot.”

"It kept getting in my way, so I just stuck it there." She watched as it clambered over his fingers and started up his sleeve. Catching it, she smiled, pleased that it had such dexterity. "It's just a little project I cobbled together."

“Something to keep you occupied? At least until I arrived?” He stepped around her and slipped his hand across her ass in passing. “I overheard a fascinating conversation today down in Saturnalia.”

"Yeah, I built it yesterday. Today's project is a little more... difficult," she grimaced. "So tell me what you heard? And have a seat. Do you want a drink? Some chocolate?"

“I”m good for now.” Niro settled his tall frame onto the sofa and relaxed. “Well, I was sitting there having a drink and minding my own business when a young woman entered. Former Borg judging by the leftover implants--"

"Oo! That's my friend, Six!" Reva smiled and sat in his lap.

“Okay, Six. She sat at a table with two men who seem to know you.” He described Marcus and Owain. “It’s because of them that I discovered you were trapped at home. What’s the deal there? The Betazoid was trying to make a move and not getting very far.”

"Owain, he's the Betazoid. Six is dating Suresh, a bastard of a Romulan, who tends to get possessive. Six can't show interest in anyone or Suresh will...," she paused. She wasn't quite sure what Suresh would do. Would he send someone to beat on Owain like he had her? She swallowed, uncomfortably recalling her beating. "Do something," she finished lamely.

“Ahh, one of those. I can see his point. I might be the same if it was you in question.” Niro gave her a lazy smile. “They also mentioned your boyfriend? He’s not planning to appear here anytime soon is he?”

She frowned, disappointed, "He's on Alpha shift, so... Usually that runs till four." She grinned slyly at him. "Do you have plans to run off right away?"

“Only if he’s planning to be here, otherwise, you are all mine.” Niro pulled her close against him. And if he does show, you’ll send him home.

"Of course," she answered, a touch blankly. Then she kissed him and said, "Computer, lock door." When it complied, she told him, "What I have in mind... requires we strip. Interested?"

“Always.” He lifted her off his lap and to the floor. “You first.”

She didn't have much to remove, but she removed it in a way Seyla had taught her. Her leg warmers went last, exposing her lovely, sexy ankle bracelet. "Your turn, Niro," she leaned in and kissed him.

He stood and a slight mental nudge pulled her to him and she began to unfasten his clothes. “Much more fun, don’t you think?”

"Hmm, anything done with no clothes is more fun, though I wouldn't want to work around the engines in the buff," Reva murmured, kissing his chest as she bared it. In short order, driven by her own desire and Niro's nudge, she had him as bare as she was. "Come here," she pulled him into her bedroom.


"I know, it's annoying. Sorry, did I scratch you with it?" She held her leg up, showing off the bracelet. She knew she shouldn't tell anyone what she was up to with it.

“A little but that’s part of the fun.” He grinned at her. “Take it off and I’ll sneak you out of here. You shouldn’t be cooped up like this. You need to be out enjoying yourself... with me.”

In a quick move, she swung her leg over him and sat up. "I rather like being here, enjoying you." She brought her leg up, where both of them could see the bracelet. "But... I'm just one lock away from having this off. Of course, it's not as if I could go anywhere. I'm a touch noticeable, you know."

“Who knows you’re locked up? Security? They can’t be everywhere. The men in Saturnalia? I can’t see them reporting you. The one named Marcus would give his right arm to be where I am right now.” Niro laughed for a moment. “Besides, just because we’re not here doesn’t mean the fun stops.”

"Oh, I know. Security knows I'm here, of course. I bet Suresh would report me. He knows I'm stuck here. He came to see me yesterday." She curled to the side and flopped back on the pillows beside him. "Grr! He aggravates me!"

“Then ignore him and worry about yourself. Your friend seems to know what she’s gotten herself into, so why worry about it?” He ran his fingertip over the curve of her hip. “You don’t want to end up stuck under house arrest again, do you? We have too much to do.”

"We do, Niro," she sighed, feeling suddenly less... something about Suresh and Six. "Where would you take me if I left?"

“Anywhere I can, to be blunt. There’s lots of places where we won’t be discovered, especially if your bracelet and comm badge are here.” He smiled and poked her playfully. “Including my quarters….a holosuite….my ship...the possibilities are endless.”

She burst out laughing, "None of those places require clothes! That would make staying under Darwin's radar easier!"

Niro inclined his head. “As you say. So what are you waiting for? It will be 1600 hours soon.”

"Yeah, I should shower before Riley gets here," she said, then realized Niro's meaning. "Oh, I can't do that! Not now! Riley will worry; I can't do that to him." She sat up and leaned towards him, "Come back tomorrow? I'll have it off by the time you get here... Then we'll have the whole day."

“Will do.” He kissed her, just once, and rose. “Till tomorrow.”

She followed him to the living room and helped him dress. "Tomorrow," she kissed him.

“Tomorrow.” He slipped into her thoughts and gave her a quick pleasurable push. “Riley can thank me later.” With that, he turned, stepped through the doors, and was gone.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Tinkerer at Heart

Bad Influence


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