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Testing The Waters

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2015 @ 11:14pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Jackson Banning V & Suresh & Vic

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club

* The Nexus Club *

It was almost closing time and Vic was busy shutting down the bar. Since last call had gone out thirty minutes ago, he was nearly done. Just a few last things to do once it hit 0300 hours and he'd be out and on his way home. Jackson stopped at the bar and settled on a stool.

"It was a good night," he observed.

"Busy," Vic agreed. "Just a few left in the show lounge but I think they're wrapping it up." He looked past Jackson towards the main room. Only two tables were still occupied, one of them by Suresh and Six.

Jackson followed his gaze, watching for a moment before he turned back to Vic. "Still standin' on shore?"

Vic shrugged. "There's a little complication."

Jackson raised his eyebrows. "How little?"

"You know about the latest op?"

Jackson nodded. "Last I heard from Dae, Leto was gonna be overseein' that." He paused and seeing Vic's unhappy expression, he gave a low whistle. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Vic gave the bar top one last wipe and tossed the towel into the recycler behind the bar. "I've been nominated. Dae didn't know until we were discussing the plan."

"So you gonna be able to deal with it?" Jackson asked. "Trust me, I know how it is seein' the one ya want around all the time and havin' ta keep yer hands off. Luckily, things fer me worked out in the end. Maybe they will fer you too."

"We'll see won't we?" Vic reached down and began to drain the ice bin.

Out in the show lounge, Suresh reached across the table to take Six's hand and smiled.

"You've been awfully serene this evening," Six commented.

"It's been a quiet day for a change. Reva's recovered and out of trouble for the next couple of weeks. Nothing explosive happened today, and I'm here with you." His smile widened. "What's not to like?"

"You have a point. I should go see her tomorrow. I'm betting she's bored silly already, even if she is going out to work." Six caught a shift in Suresh's emotions as uncertainty rose in him. "What's the matter?"

"I stopped in to see her earlier," Suresh admitted. "Just to ask her about something she said to me down in Saturnalia, and to remind her she's playing in a dangerous place. You're right, she's already nearly climbing the walls."

"What was it she said?"

Suresh shrugged it off. "Just something she said in the heat of the moment. She thinks I've ruined your life."

Six laughed and shook her head. "She's wrong."

"Well of course she is." He stood and pulled Six to her feet. "I think it's closing time."

"So it is." She stepped closer to Suresh and looked up for a kiss. "I need to stay for a few minutes and make arrangements for tomorrow. Training...sparring with some holographic Klingons to be specific."

"Very well. That will give me time to check in with Patch and meet you at home. Marat didn't come since I am with you but he will be waiting when you get off the lift down in the Pit to see you home." Suresh's kiss was deep and possessive, then he turned and made his way out.

Six watched him go, then seeing she was the only one left in the room, crossed through it and over to the main bar.

"Hello Jackson, Vic."

"Evenin' Six." Jackson glanced from her to Vic. "I need to scoot to the office and finish up. Oz is waitin'. You can lock up out here, Vic. I'll go out the back." He smiled to Six then hurried off down the hall to his office.

Six watched him go and laughed a little. "Not subtle is he?"

Vic laughed too, and shook his head. "He has his moments." He realized he was tense and on edge. He hadn't missed Suresh's parting kiss. "This about tomorrow?"

She nodded, watching him closer. "Relax, Vic. Please? Dae's thrown us together for the foreseeable future and we're both entering cutthroat territory. Being jumpy around each other is a fast way to land us both in danger. Remember your lesson the other day?"

"Yes, and you're right. I'm working on it, I promise. It's just that...I..." He stopped as Woody's voice rose in his mind. Well, you are a man who’d like ta change her mind or yer not....Ya keep waitin’ the boat’ll be farther an’ farther from shore..... He looked back at Six, then made a decision. "Would you like to dance, Six?"

"What?" That wasn't what she had expected and she wasn't so sure she should. "Is anyone else here?"

"No, just us."

She considered the question and finally nodded. Perhaps it might help bridge the gap that had opened between them. He reached to the sound system remote behind the bar and instantly, a Sinatra recording began to play. He stepped out from behind the bar, took her hand, and pulled her close as they began to dance in the open area before the bar.

Six scrambled for something to say as Vic held her close against him. "I would have thought you'd be anxious to get home after such a busy night." That was lame.

"To tell you the truth, I was until you reached the bar. Am I keeping you? Is Suresh waiting?" Vic was having a little trouble focusing on small talk with Six pressed against him. She felt so good and it was close to mind-blowing. His body was responding and he almost missed her answer.

"No, he had some things to do before going home. My watch dog will pick me up when I get off the lift down below so there's no trouble getting to our quarters." As close as she was to Vic, there was no mistaking his rising desire, both physical and emotional. "So I'm all yours for the moment." Ohh, maybe that wasn't the right thing to say.

"Good. That's good," he answered, his voice soft. The music slowed and so did they. He let go of her right hand and wrapped his arms around her as they swayed to the music. Too many nights he'd dreamed of being right here with her in his arms, her body fitting against his so perfectly. He wanted to stop dancing, lift her in his arms and carry her to Jan's dressing room, make use of that velvet chaise she kept there.

Six sensed the direction of his thoughts and knew she was in real trouble. His desire was beginning to affect her deeply and that wouldn't do. She'd made a promise to Suresh, one she intended to keep, not just because she gave her word but because it's what she wanted. Even so, Vic's roiling emotions were pushing her own to the boiling point. She had to do something.

"What time tomorrow?" she murmured.

"Mmmm....1100 hours," he whispered. He knew he should pull back but the little Woody in his head urged him on. He gave in and brushed his lips over Six's bare shoulder. The touch was electric and he sighed aloud.

The kiss had the same lightning effect on Six and now she gently disentangled herself from Vic. "I should go." She'd said should, not want to, she realized and groaned inwardly, knowing Vic would read that in an instant. "Tomorrow then?"

"Yes." He watched as she turned and hurried out. He locked the club then surreptitiously followed her as far as the lift to make sure she had no trouble getting there. Once the doors closed, he leaned against the support column that hid him from view, a brilliant smile on his face. He had read the surge of desire in her. Maybe Jan was right. Maybe this wasn't over yet.

Jackson Banning V
Ensign Six of Ten
Enjoying The Wee Hours


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