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Good To Go

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2015 @ 10:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Counselor Swift's Office

* Counselor Swift’s Office *

“Robin?” Drusilla called out. “Everything ready? Nico will be here in about ten minutes.”

“Drusilla, my dear, I’m always ready,” came the reply from his office.

She poked her head into the office, a smile on her face. “ leave tomorrow? Are you excited?” She almost didn’t have to ask. Robin had been buzzing around the office like a bee in a flower garden all morning.

“I am,” he said as he looked over more patient information on the PADD in front of him. Since he was going on vacation he would need to dole out more work to the other counselors to cover for him. “Since Niall said he’d go with me it’s changed the entire trip for me, I believe. I think it’ll be more fun going with someone in addition to giving the both of us time to work on our relationship.”

Drusilla resisted the urge to squeal and pink Robin’s cheeks. “That’s so cute,” she said. “I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time and don’t think about us or work or office. That’s an order...more or less.” She laughed for a moment. “At least try not to.”

“That is definitely one of the things on my list not to do,” he replied, finally looking up from the PADD with a smile. “I will, of course, but I won’t be contacting you, or anyone else for that matter, to check up on you. I’m sure you all will have it well in hand while I’m gone.”

“Indeed. It’s worked out rather well, actually. Raj’s assistant is taking a few days off to do some studying got her upcoming command course, so I’ll be over there while she’s gone, then back here to finish some projects I’ve been meaning to do.” the outer office door opened and Dru smiled. “Don’t forget the mosquito repellent.” She stepped away from the door to welcome Nico. “He’s ready for you, go on on.”

Nico glanced around the office and seeing no one else there, pulled her close to kiss her cheek. The movement was quick and over instantly and he passed on my, leaving Dru in the outer office with flushed cheeks.

“Good morning, Counselor.”

“Hi, Nicolao,” he said, referring to him by his full name as he often did during their sessions. “Have a seat. Something to drink?”

“I’m good, I think. How have you been since I saw you last week?” It had always been his habit to ask Robin how he was, even though he was still the patient. In the early days, it had been a way to delay getting to his own issues. Now, it was merely curiosity.

“I’ve been well, thanks for asking. I’m starting my vacation tomorrow and I’m pretty excited about that. It’s been far too long since I’ve taken time for myself, so a few weeks of vacation is more than called for.”

“Vacations are wonderful things, trust me on that.” Nico smiled. “Especially when spent with someone you love and who really...gets your blood pumping. You’ll have a great time.”

“I don’t need to hear anything about what was pumping on your vacation,” Robin said with a look of disgust. “And I will have a great time. But we’re here for you. So let’s get started. Can you tell me how you’ve been doing? Any issues of note?”

“Very well, I’d say.” Nico shrugged, then relaxed back into the sofa. “No more nightmares about that time and what I couldn’t remember. Even Julisa’s part has been resolved. Once the dam was broken, I suppose everything behind it rushed to come out. I remember her on Niro’s ship. It was her who stayed with me, telling me that I was free, was safe...that they couldn’t get to me again. At first all I could recall was her blue eyes. Even when the world was grey, sometimes I’d see blue eyes. I always wondered who they belonged to, but finally I have the answer.”

Robin nodded and was taking notes as Nico spoke. “Can you tell me how Dru has affected your memories, or dreams, if at all?”

Nico took a few seconds to consider the question. “I think she’s made me less afraid to dig for them, if that makes sense. Not that she’s a crutch or anything, it’s just that maybe I finally realized I wasn’t broken beyond repair if she wasn’t afraid to be with me. I suppose there’s something big about realizing you are worthy of another’s love, isn’t there?”

Robin smiled. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. And I’m personally overjoyed that you two go so well together.” He set the PADD down. “But the big question is this: do you believe that you are at a point where you could return to duty. If you wanted to return to duty, that is.”

Nico frowned a moment. “Do you think I’m ready? And what about Dru?”

“I have my own opinion about your readiness, but I need to know how you feel about it,” Robin replied. “If you don’t feel that you are ready, then I can revisit it after I return from vacation. But from where I sit, I don’t have a good reason to keep you from going back to work. It’s just a matter of whether or not you’ll be wanting to return to Intel, something else or nothing altogether.” He waited a beat, then asked, “What about Dru?”

“If I return to Intel, will it be undercover again? That’s no life for her.” Nico ran his hand through his hair. “I could go back to work, yes. I think I’m ready too. But in what capacity? I think that concerns her as much as it does me.”

“Okay,” Robin said finally, “this is my current recommendation for you. As far as I’m concerned, you are cleared for active duty. However, due to the circumstances of your recent past, I am recommending desk duty for at least six months. Due to the nature of your department, immediate security actions that may require Intelligence to become involved should be okay. Undercover work is out, at least for the first six months.” He waited a few moments to let that sink in. “How does that sound to you?”

“What about recon?” Nico asked. “That’s usually pretty harmless, depending on the area.”

“I will have to speak to Commander Nalas about that. As long as the possibility of you being captured is quite low, then I think it would be allowable. But I’ll have to leave that up to him.”

“Very well.” Nico nodded. “I’ll go see him tomorrow and we’ll work something out. Tonight...I need to talk to Dru about all this. She will be relieved that it’s something that should keep me out of harm’s way for a while, though.”

“ agree that you are ready to go back to work?” Robin asked again. “I need to actually hear an answer from you, Nicolao, because if you’re not ready, then we just keep going as we have been.”

“Yes,” he answered, and hoped he wasn’t making a big mistake. “To be honest, I’ve been getting restless, which I take as a good sign.”

“Okay, then. In that case, your next appointment is six months from now unless you need to see me before then.” Robin put his hands in his lap and shrugged. “Annnnd...that’s all, folks. I’ll speak to Dae later today and you’ll be his responsibility from now on. But I fully expect to see you and Dru almost regularly for lunch and whatnot.”

“We’d better see you.” Nico smiled finally. “You’re family you know.”

“Just so long as whatever kids you guys have don’t call me Crazy Uncle Robin, I’m good with it.”

“Kids?” Nico blinked. “You may be waiting a while.” He relaxed a second later however. “Enjoy your vacation.”

Robin laughed, getting the exact reaction he thought he would get. “I will. And enjoy getting back into the grind.” He stood and opened the door and they exited into the waiting area were Dru sat. “Okay, slick, he’s all yours.”

Dru looked from Nico to Robin. “You’re releasing him? Really?” A hint of a smile showed on her face but it was clear she wasn’t sure how to react till she heard it from Robin.

“Really, really,” Robin replied. “He’s good to go, but no crazy, serious stuff.”

Dru hopped from her seat and threw her arms around Nico, who hugged her tight. “Congratulations,” she murmured.

“We’ll figure it out,” Nico answered, then turned to Robin. “I’ll see you when you get back,Robin.” He kissed Dru, then moved on out of the office.

Dru turned back to Robin. “He was your last, Robin, you should go get packed.”

Now that Nico was gone, Robin sat on the edge of Dru’s desk. “Just so you know, I won’t clear him for any undercover work, at least not for six months. Of course, you can be in Intelligence without actually being an undercover operative.”

Dru nodded, her relief evident on her face. “Even without something happening like what he endured, you and I both know what too long undercover can do. Thank you.”

He nodded in reply. “Of course, it will be his decision to go back undercover or not after the six months is up. I’m sure you’ll factor heavily in his decision, but we’ll deal with that when the time comes. For now, however, I think it’s just a good step getting him back into it, albeit slowly.”

Dru nodded, then rose and hugged Robin tight. “We’ll both be forever grateful to you,” she whispered. “For everything.”

He hugged her back, just as tightly. “A favor, though? If he encounters anything he doesn’t know how to deal with, and wants it to be off the books, make sure he comes to see me. If it’s bad enough, we’ll make it official, but you’re my friend, and so is he, so I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

“I will, I promise. Now go, get packed and dream about Niall. I’ll close up here.”

He kissed her forehead. “Be good while I’m gone.” It seemed as if he had closed up shop in the blink of an eye, but he was quickly out the door and onto starting his vacation.

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Vacation Bound

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Bubbling Over

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