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Double Vision

Posted on Thu Jul 23rd, 2015 @ 2:44pm by Vic

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Vic's Quarters

* Vic’s Quarters *

It had been a very long night for Vic. He’d stayed at the hospital until Six was moved into her own room. They’d given her something to make her sleep and once she’d drifted off, he had departed for home. His thoughts had continued to circle around her as the lift ferried him to his deck and he began the walk to his quarters. The sight of her down in the Pit and then in Sickbay both worried and enraged him. He was rather glad he wouldn’t be there when Suresh arrived and was given the details of the attack. Vic had wanted to react as he assumed Suresh would - with the urge to go to the brig and strangle Marat.

As he walked slowly towards his quarters, however, his thoughts shifted to Six after she had awakened and held his hand. Just the memory of it brought a smile. Even there, among the usual smells of sickbay, he had picked up her perfume. It had stirred his senses more than he had let on, given Darwin’s presence.

He entered his quarters and peeled off his shirt as the doors closed behind him. The lights in the living room were turned down low, giving the room a soft, shadowy glow. The heady scent of Six’s Risan perfume seemed to permeate the room and he wondered if his memory was playing tricks on him. His heartbeat stepped up the pace in a most pleasurable way and he stood still, breathing in the fragrance and letting it give rise to a flood of desire that he had so far fought to keep hidden away. The stolen kisses in the holodeck came back to him and now the vision seemed so real, it was as if she stood before him, her lips pressed to his. He’d known then that she wanted him too and it made him want to laugh, shout, sing….throw out his arms and twirl around like a gleeful child.

Instead, he crossed to the bar and poured a snifter of cognac, then swirled it gently in the glass. The warmth of the first sip as it went down only added to the burning desire for Six that consumed him. Six’s scent seemed to grow stronger suddenly and Vic wondered if he was still awake or under some mental spell that had carried him to a dream land of his own making. The quiet hush of bare feet on carpet whispered behind him and then hands rested on his shoulders, sending a thrill racing through him that felt as if it might melt his bones.

“I was wondering when you’d be home.” The voice was soft and husky, and Vic couldn’t believe that what he was hearing was real. It was Six. “It’s alright, I understand you are a busy man.”

Vic nodded and took another sip of the cognac. He was afraid to speak, terrified that he would break the spell and find he was standing alone in his living room. Anticipation rose in him, burning hot. The hands on his shoulders moved down his back with tantalizing slowness to slip around his waist, even as velvety lips brushed his shoulder. He moaned aloud, sure that he would shatter into a million tiny stars, each a blinding brightness in the dim room.

“I’ve wanted you so much I thought I’d go crazy,” Six’s voice whispered at his ear. His heart was racing and just as he worked up the courage to look over his shoulder, the hands that held him turned him around and lips claimed his own in a kiss that left him utterly lost in the storm of emotions.

Vic already missed the touch of those lips in the mere second they parted. He could see her clearly now as she stood before him. It was Six but something was different. It took only a second to realize that the Borg implants around her eye were gone. His rational mind had left him and he had no explanation for it, nor did he care.

“Come...we’ll talk….after.”

He managed to string four coherent words together, his voice thick with desire held at bay too long.

“As you wish, Six.”

Six stepped back, beckoning him to follow. She turned, leading the way to the bedroom and Vic followed, unable to resist.

Almost there. He wanted to take hold of her, pull her close and reassure himself this wasn’t a dream but she was just out of reach. She paused at the bedroom door and turned to look back at him with a smile.

“Come, Vic.” She held out her hand to him. “Hurry.”

He took one more step but as his fingertips brushed hers, she vanished from sight, leaving him alone in the dark.

Just A Daydream?


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