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Off To Charu

Posted on Wed Jul 22nd, 2015 @ 10:00pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Gaelan Tor & Lieutenant Tobin Ayo & Lieutenant Isi Nighthawk & Commander Adara Gunnar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Federation Shuttle Harpeth

“Don’t worry, we’ll be just fine,” Isi assured Adara. “Cody and I have already been making plans for how to spend our time. I have offered to fill in for a few shifts while the Chief Counselor is on vacation, but Lev has volunteered to keep Cody company those days.”

"Okay," she kissed him then squatted down to rub Cody's ears. "Be a good boy for them, kiddo," she whispered to him and kissed his head. He put a paw on her arm. "I'll be back." She stood.

“Enjoy the tour, short as it may be.” Isi took Adara in his arms and kissed her long and hard. “When you get back, I want to know how Tor and Tobin are doing, but do not tell them I asked.” He grinned down at her. “Just be sneaky.”

"You know I'm good at that." Laughing, she kissed him lightly and headed out.


Dae was already on the shuttle and sitting before a terminal where Lt. Chaelt was giving him the latest on the uproar in the Cherry Pit. Dae uttered a curse at the news that some of Six’s blood was stolen.

“What the hell will happen next?”

Phoebe nodded. “I’ve sent Edana down to keep her ear to the ground. Security has one of the assailants in the brig and has the matter well in hand. No need to worry until you get back. Vic is doing enough of that for all of us.”

“Very well,” Dae replied. He could hear footsteps coming up the ramp. “Keep me informed.” He closed the channel as Adara entered. “Good morning Commander.”

"To you as well, Commander." She smiled and took a seat. "Something interesting happening on the Station?" She'd heard voices and could guess he'd been on the comm with his office.

“More craziness down in the Cherry Pit. A former Borg attacked in order to steal her blood. It’s worth a fortune on the black market out here,” Dae answered. “Welcome to the Delta Quadrant.”

"Wow... She's lucky she wasn't carted off. My background is Security; I've read reports about former Borg being kept alive just so their captor can bleed them nearly dry every couple of weeks or less." She shuddered. "And, please, call me Adara."

“Adara.” Dar smiled, his stern expression vanishing. “I'm Dae. I’ll go you one better. This former Borg is involved with 900’s resident crime lord. This assailant should be glad Security found him first.”

"Do you think that element will attempt to relocate or expand to the Colony as well?"

“That’s a good question,” he answered. “At least in the early days, you’ll be Fleet only until things are fully operational, so it will save you some of the headache. My gut says no, not in big numbers. There’s not much out there that would be attractive to them, not permanently. I’d say be prepared for visitors though.”

"We will be. Tor and Tobin should be here shortly."

“Should be where?” Tobin’s head popped into open hatch and he was smiling. “Thor is here for the journey to Valhalla. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into a literal journey to that Valhalla.”

Laughter came from behind him and someone gave him a shove, pushing him on into the shuttle. Tor stepped in behind him. “Good morning.”

"Morning, you two. Get in here so we can get going. The sooner we leave, the sooner I'm back to Isi."

“Oh it’s like that is it?” Tobin teased her. He then turned to Dae. “Commander Nalas? I am Lt. Tobin Ayo. It’s a pleasure.”

Dae Smiled back at him. “Good to meet you and please, Dae will be fine. Tor? Will you see to the hatch and I’ll get us cleared for launch.”

“Of course.” Tor moved to the rear and secured the hatch. Tobin and Dae took the pilot and co-pilot seats and Tor returned to sit down beside Adara. “So the boys will be okay without you?”

"They'll survive a few days without me." Adara watched the men gear up the ship and leaned towards Tor. "Isi is dying of curiosity, Gae. About you and our lovely blonde god."

“Is that so?” Tor’s expression was unreadable. “You may tell Isi that we are looking into the possibilities.” Then she smiled. “How’s that? Think that is enough of a non-answer to drive him crazy?”

"You're terrible," Adara laughed.

Tor leaned in closer. “Things are...moving but slowly, if you get my drift. Some things will take a while.”

Adara gently gripped Gae's forearm and nodded. "It's all good."

“We’ve been cleared for launch,” Dae announced. Moments later, they could feel the hum of the shuttle’s engine and soon they were clear of the docking bay and en route to Charu.

Commander Adara Gunnar
Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Lt. Commander Gaelan Tor
Lt. Tobin Ayo
Lt. Isi Nighthawk


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