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Oh Yeah, Green!

Posted on Fri Jul 24th, 2015 @ 10:39am by Lieutenant Commander Leto & Suresh & Vic & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Intel / Suresh's Quarters

* Intel *

Edana stood looking back at Vic and Leto with her eyebrows raised. “You’re serious,” she said. When they both nodded, she sighed. “I suppose it makes sense, given that I am known down there but not as Fleet. Edana, the green ghost of Intel.” She gave a short laugh.

“Good luck.” Leto smiled and departed, leaving Vic and Edana to work out the details.

Once they were alone Edana looked back at Vic. “You are going to owe me for this one, my friend, and don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. Hell everybody’s is.”

“Yeah, I know.” Vic sighed. “Thanks, Ed. I can promise you it won’t be boring. Anyway, Darwin’s waiting for you in Suresh’s quarters. Get into something Pit-worthy and I’ll see you soon.”

Edana clapped him on the shoulder and as tired as he was, Vic was pushed back a step or two.

“Go get some sleep,” she ordered. “Sir.”

* Suresh’s Quarters *

Darwin had slipped through the Pit and made it to Suresh's without drawing any undue attention. He'd been early, though, and now was asleep on the man's couch. When the door chime sounded, it was strange and alien. He mumbled, turned over and tried to ignore it. It sounded again and he grumbled, louder, then snapped upright. "Ah! Enter? Um...enter!"

The doors parted and Edana stepped in. She was dressed in a short skirt and a tank top that revealed the large black tattoo that wound around her left shoulder and upper arm. Her long dark hair was down and loose. Without a word, she looked Darwin over, noting his half-asleep appearance.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty,” she said, then smiled.

"Hey. Mm," he shook his head and stood up. "Hi. Sorry, I had a late night. Early morning. You must be Edana." He smiled and looked her over. "I'm Darwin." He turned on his usual charm.

“I know,” she answered. “I also know about your night. You have my sympathies, really.” She moved on into the living room and sat down in the large chair by the sofa. “So let’s hear about this.” She glanced around only a moment, taking in the room and the layout of the quarters. Then she sniffed the air. “Interesting. Suresh is still with Six in Sickbay?”

"You know about my Orion problems, then?" He sighed. "Do you smell something in here?"

“I do. Do you want the whole list?” she asked.

"Ah... Maybe not, no." Darwin shook his head. "So the assignment is to guard over our resource, Six Of Ten. You'll be sharing the duties with Bryce Kendrick, from Security. Six already knows him, but you'll be able to go more places with her. Of course, the idea is that Suresh has hired you, so anything you can do, within the Fleet's rules, to further the idea that he is the former Suresh, go for it."

“So I’ll be her new best friend and warning sign to any who have bad ideas. Got it.” Edana nodded. “As for him, well...I know a few people down here, so words to the right ears will go a long way. Given what we knew of the old Suresh, a female watcher makes more sense than a male. He was obsessive to the point of crazy. This will be much more in keeping with his reputation.”

Darwin's brow arched. Oz had said just about the same thing about a female watcher. "Exactly. Six is pretty nice, easy to get along with, etc. But she has a friend... who isn't so easy to get along with. She's Fleet, so you'll need to keep her away, drive her away, something. Ensign Reva Madhava. She and Six are good friends. Reva, though, caused a scene at Saturnalia with Suresh."

Edana laughed out loud. “She’s the monkey on your back Darwin. I heard about Reva and Suresh from a friend down here. The fact that she ended up beaten to a pulp and hasn’t been seen down here since has been noticed.”

"That's good news. I mean, bad about Reva," he stopped. "Did your friend mention who caused or ordered that beating?"

Edana shook her head. “No, but that is typical of the old Suresh’s methods. No one was ever really sure who did what for him, only that he never did it himself.” She studied him a moment and narrowed her eyes. “Do you know?”

"Of course," he scoffed. "If you can, keep her away from Suresh; I don't want that happening to her again. And if she gets in his face in public...," he shrugged and held up his hands. "Six has her own enemies: a couple of slavers who seem to go for exotics, anyone who hates Suresh, and now someone who wants her blood, literally."

“Hell of a life, isn’t it?” Edana asked. “I’ll have her back and it won’t be me knocking her out in some back corridor. Anyone tries, they will be sorry.” She slipped off her shoes and stretched out her long legs in front of her. “So what’s your part in all this, besides overseeing from above?”

He noticed her legs and didn't give a damn whether she noticed him noticing. "My part? I'm involved because ...because I am." He coughed. "I have a working relationship with Seyla, who is necessary to the whole 'making Suresh look like Suresh' thing. So I'm here to ride herd on her. And thanks to her, I now get to babysit Madhava. Orions... no offense, but sometimes Orions just aren't worth the hassle!"

“Agreed,” Edana answered. “They can be their own worst enemy and never realize it.” Darwin’s perusal of her legs had not gone unnoticed. “Explain what a ‘working relationship’ means to you Darwin.”

"Ah... well...," he paused and rubbed his face. "Working, as in we traded information; relationship, as in we went to bed together. Often." He laughed and shrugged. "There's nothing like those pheromones."

She laughed once more. “Is that a hint?”

He laughed. "Aren't you on inhibitors?"

“We all are, except Seyla. That doesn’t mean we’re dead,” she replied. “You know, there’s a lot of speculation about you down here.”

"Oh, I know you're not dead." Darwin's gaze went up her legs. "Speculation that I'm dirty? On Suresh's payroll?" He grinned. "Maybe I am."

“Get real.” Edana grinned at him. “Oz would have figured it out long ago and made a new lampshade out of your hide. But if it helps the operation, I can assist you in that area too. How’s your acting ability?”

"Depends. Give me something in my natural range and I'm Oscar-material. What are you thinking?"

“You being seen down here in your down time might be a good will stop people from wondering why a Security officer is hanging out in the Pit and enhance the idea you are on the payroll. You just need a reason….”

"I try not to be in uniform when I'm down here. What reason...." He eyed her a moment then grinned and winked at her. "Who says we have to playact that reason? We could start making sure we have our lines correct right now, Edana."

In one lightning-fast move, she was out of her chair and had her hand wrapped in the neck of his shirt. “We’ll have to see about that….maybe you’ll live up to my expectations.” She leaned in closer and traced her tongue lightly over the edge of his ear. “Let’s see how you act first and whether you will be a distraction.”

Surprised (and, just possibly, intimidated by her sudden dominance) but refusing to show he was, Darwin grabbed her and twisted, tossing her down on the couch. He caught her hand, forced it over her head while holding her other arm by her side, and kissed her hard. "I just might make you raise your expectations."

“And I might make you wish this was for real.” She wrapped her legs around him and rolled, flinging him off and onto the coffee table.

He didn't relinquish his grip and pulled her with him. Their combined weight landed on the table and it crumpled under them, the legs snapping like dry branches under the weight of a heavy snowfall. Darwin groaned and inwardly questioned the brilliance of trying to bed this Orion. She'd landed with an elbow awfully close to his groin.

Just as the table collapsed beneath them, the doors parted and Suresh entered. He was home to change clothes and clean up a little before going back to Piper. He’d also had a message from Darwin about Six’s new guard. However, he didn’t expect to see Darwin and a tall Orion woman lying among the wreckage of his coffee table.

“Is she down for the count, Dar?” he asked, his tone dry. He was, in fact, trying hard not to laugh.

"Ugh...," Darwin lifted his head to look at Suresh. "Fuck you, Surie." The curse sounded almost... affectionate. "Meet Six's newest guard, Edana."

“My pleasure Edana.” Suresh watched as she extricated herself from Darwin’s arms and legs and stood.

“Nice to meet you officially, Suresh.” she said. “My apologies about the table.”

Suresh waved the apology aside. “It was a cheap one left over from the previous occupant. I’ve been meaning to get a new one and if you two are going to be here often, I might have to invest in a large stone one I found on the Promenade last week.” Finally, Suresh did give in and laugh.

"Okay, seriously, fuck you, Suresh. Now, come on, help an old man up," Darwin held out a hand.

Edana took his hand and pulled him to his feet with no apparent effort. “Better...old man? So what do you think of my idea?”

"Heh." Darwin coughed out a laugh and nodded. "We might need to work on our timing. Maybe a few private sessions? In a padded room with no tables?"

“Deal.” At Suresh’s curious look, Edana explained. “Rumour has it that Darwin is on your payroll. We were just covering a plan to help that along and make sure people don’t pay much attention when he shows up down here. It wouldn’t do for them to think you’re cozy with station security.”

Suresh nodded and took a seat. “I like you already. I think you’ll be a good choice. I won’t have Six going through this again. No offense, Edana, but I don’t think many will want to cross you.”

Right at the moment, Darwin was one of those who didn't want to cross her. "Oz also assigned Kendrick. Since Reva knows him, though, he'll be useful down here only when we're sure she can't show up and call him out. For nights when Six wants to go to the Promenade or the Nexus, he'll be perfect."

“That sounds good.” Suresh leaned back in the chair and rubbed his tired eyes. It had been a stressful few hours. “Anything else I should know? Six will be released in about two hours, according to Ophelia, and I can bring her home. Tonight we’ll stay in, which might give you two some time to get your act started.”

"I'd love to, but I have another Orion to corral." Darwin shook his head and complained at Suresh, "She engineered her way out of the damned monitor. I nearly strangled her in front of Doc Harding."

“Better you than me,” was Suresh’s comment. “I need to run through the shower, get changed and get back to Piper.” He looked to Edana. “What about you?”

“I’m going to Saturnalia when I leave here and have a little girl’s night out. Just to see what gossip I can pick up on Six’s other attacker.” She smiled at Suresh. “I’ll check in before it gets too late, though.” She looked back at Darwin. “Let’s get out of his hair. We have some things to take care of.”

"Yeah." Darwin looked at the remains of the table. "Edana can pick this up for you later." He grinned and headed for the door before Ed could hit him.

“Later, Suresh.”

Once they were out and the doors closed, she nudged Darwin. “That is going to be funny forever.”

Laughing, he nodded. "It will be. Imagine him telling Six. 'Oh, don't worry about that, Six! Your new bodyguard and Darwin did that!' Fun times."

Edana shook her head as they reached the lift. “Come find me when you finish with Reva. I’ll be down here.”

"Sure. See you then!" He stepped into the lift and asked for Piper.

Lt. M. Darwin
Lt. Leto
SCPO Edana


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