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Strength Of Blood

Posted on Fri Jul 24th, 2015 @ 6:55pm by Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali
Edited on on Thu Jul 30th, 2015 @ 12:20am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Qo'noS

* Qo'noS *

Kh’ali, arms folded, walked slowly under the portico enjoying the vista of part of First City and beyond that the plains that surrounded it. The sun was setting and the red-orange marble of the Hall of Warriors of Martok’s House had taken on an even deeper reddish hue, akin to blood.

Despite everything, Kh’ali felt good being on Qo’noS after so much time. Eyes closed, she inhaled deeply, relishing the smells and sounds that meant home to her. Moreover, she was thrilled by the idea of the tests ahead. The klingon part of her soul had started tugging at her the very first moment she had set foot on Qo’noS and she was looking forward to the targ hunt that was to be her first trial.

True, she didn’t like Sirella and her demanding attitude too much. But there was nothing to do about that. Too bad she had forbidden her to see Patrick until the day of the wedding for she would have liked to discharge some... tension... right now. Fortunately Kalim had offered to back up Patrick on the Kal’Hyah and also promised to take care of him, bringing him around the Old Quarter on this night before the start of their trials. Perhaps even Nick was with them. She sighed, uncertain if being relieved by that news or more likely, worried by it.

Her steps had brought her back to the rooms that Sirella had assigned to her, her biological clock advising her it was almost D’Veidh’s feeding time. She turned a last time to have a look at the setting sun. The red blaze lining the mountain peaks afar had something glorious in it, until the voice greeting her ruined it all.

“Qapla’, cousin. How do you fare?” Q’vahn said, leaning on the door frame while playing with her D’k tahg. But by the time Kh’ali turned she holstered it.

“Very well, actually,” Kh’ali answered. “It’s good to be back home. It’s been far too long. There’s nothing like being here, seeing the mountains, being back among the warriors and the family.” Well, most of the family, she thought. “It’s something that never leaves you, no matter how far you travel.”

Q’Vahn’s mouth took on that cruel crook Kh’ali knew very well. “Family you say? Well it didn’t seem to me when you refused my hospitality on the K’nahr for your voyage home to such an important occasion.” She stood from the doorframe stepping closer to her. “I admit I’ve been… Fervent on our meeting on SB900 but you’re setting things in the right way so, maybe, we should leave behind us our quarrel. Don’t you think?”

“That was purely a matter of convenience,” Kh’ali replied. “It would save you a return trip.” She studied Q’Vahn for a moment. She didn’t trust the woman as far as she could throw her but for the sake of appearances, perhaps she should agree. Finally, she nodded. “If you wish.”

“Ah… That’s good news. And by the way you shouldn’t worry about the return trip for our work in the Delta Quadrant has just started. I was bound to be back anyway.” Q’Vahn then looked around and into the rooms assigned to Kh’ali. “Where’s the little one? I think I’m the only one that hasn’t had the occasion to see him so far.”

“Aros took him out with Kalim. To do some sightseeing, they said, before Kalim and Nick take Patrick out tonight. I suspect most of it will be lost on D’Veidh.” Kh’ali laughed. “Even so, he’ll enjoy being out in the fresh air and seeing things, even if he won’t recall them.”

“A pity…” Q’Vahn replied narrowing her eyes. “I wonder if you’re simply trying to hold him out from me. Ah… No matter, surely it is coincidence.” Q’Vahn stepped forward to enjoy the sight of the sunset herself, the light of the dying sun with its blood-red hue washing over them both. “Do you wish to have something delivered or said to him? I know these days can be difficult for you as Sirella has forbidden you to see him. But I could be paying a visit, he’s almost parent now. I have no restraint on that.” Q’vahn left her words linger as she turned to meet Kh’ali’s eyes her smile taking on a darker hue.

“See him if you wish but fair warning. They are making the rounds of the Old Quarter tonight and so likely won’t be fit company for man or beast….or woman.” Kh’ali smiled. “I think he will be satisfied with your wishes for success in the upcoming nuptials.”

“No message to bring to him?” Q’Vahn asked mischievously. “Just my congratulations? Taking for granted he makes it through the Kal’Hyah?”

“I think Patrick will surprise all of you and change your impression of him as a weak human,” Kh’ali informed Q’Vahn. There were lots of stories she could tell, though most of them were Fleet business and therefore not for casual sharing. “You may tell him that I’ll see him when I return from the hunt.” Kh’ali laughed once more. “That should thrill him.”

Q’Vahn opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted as Sirella, as haughty as ever, entered the scene.

“So, we have the bride here, and a ‘visitor’, ” Sirella stated walking through the room to near them. “These are the bride’s quarters and she has to prepare for the upcoming rituals. What are you doing here, Q’Vahn?”

“I thought to pay a visit to beloved cousin in her most important days,” Q’vahn responded lowering her eyes to the ground.

“Indeed,” Sirella replied. “You’ve done that. Now off with you, the bride has impending matters to take care of.”

Q’vahn’s uneasiness turned quickly to anger as her blushing could testify. Her hands and jaw clenched with unexpressed despise still, she remained silent and, turning her back to both Kh’ali and Sirella, she strode out of the room.

Kh’ali watched her leave and for once, enjoyed the fleeting satisfaction of seeing Q’Vahn forced to keep her mouth shut.

“Are you ready?” Sirella asked turning to her.

“I am,” she answered. “How soon do we leave?”

“At dawn. You’ll take your weapons and go to the Hamar mountains to hunt three targs. When you’ll have killed them you’ll make Var’Hama candles out of their tallow to present to me. If I’ll find them satisfying we’ll proceed to perform the Bre’Nan ritual.”

Sirella looked upon Kh’ali to gauge her reaction. “Any questions?”

“No.” Kh’ali nodded to Sirella. “I will depart at dawn as you wish.”

Sirella slowly walked around her as she stood motionless regarding her intently. “You’re humble, as it is required of your current position,” Sirella stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “Are you disappointed that I required the human to undertake the Kal’hyah even if he’s not a klingon?” Sirella asked point blank.

“We desire that this be a traditional union, Mistress. As such, Patrick will undergo whatever is required, even if some in the family think him too weak. He desires that this family be considered part of the larger family in every way, especially for D’Veidh’s sake.”

Sirella nodded slowly in approval of Kh’ali’s words, hands clasped behind her back. “He’ll have the occasion to prove his mettle and his willingness to accept any trial to win your heart makes him honorable…” Sirella commented thoughtfully. “Of a strange quality too for he’s not bound to our traditions as a full Klingon would be.” Sirella paced in silence a little more then, considering, as Kh’ali watched her in silence. “Still he’s just a human and will water down the blood of Martok’s House,” she said turning to look at Kh’ali.

“If he is capable of passing all your tests, then that should not matter, should it? He will prove himself equal to any other that passes the trials, thus proving the strength that runs in his blood, whatever his species.” Kh’ali’s tone was firm.

“We’ll see,” Sirella replied sternly “How much strength the human has in his blood and, at the same time we’ll see how much there is in yours starting with dawn.” Sirella watched Kh’ali straight in the eyes looking for any sign of defiance in response to her hinting of Kh’ali’s partly human heritage.

“Yes, we will see.” Kh’ali smiled as Sirella turned and departed.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali




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