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The Triangle Is Complete

Posted on Sun Jul 26th, 2015 @ 5:58pm by Suresh & Lazan

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Iapetus

With Six lying low at home, Suresh had one piece of pressing business he needed to get to. He’d sent Farco to deliver a message to Lazan to meet him at Iapetus where they would have some privacy. Now, he made his way down a deck in the lift and finally arrived at Iapetus. He settled at a table in the back to wait.

No stranger to the Cherry Pit, Lazan moved through the throng with practiced ease, even in these early morning hours the Pit was crowded. His position had been secure with Suresh's passing, and remained so with his reappearance. Most made way for him, not wanting to incur the wrath of either him or his 'employer'.

He was working to rein in his emotions as he caught sight of Suresh in the back, stopping at the bar first. In the act of straightening his suit and tie, he also ordered a bourbon - the glass crystal with a single cube of ice. Moving to the back, he set down the vessel of amber liquid with a clink upon the table before taking a seat across from the Romulan. Making eye contact, he folded his hands and waited behind dark eyes.

“Hello Lazan.” Suresh looked him up and down. “I think we have a lot to discuss.” Suresh’s voice was pitched low, so that their conversation didn’t carry. “You might be surprised to find you like what I have to say.”

Lazan took a long moment to take measure of Suresh, not having had much cause to interact with the copy since his appearance, and reached for his glass to take a sip before speaking. He matched the conspiratorial tone.

“I don’t doubt that we do,” he agreed. “As for being surprised? Well, only time will tell.”

A waitress appeared at the table with a drink, which she placed before Suresh. She paused to smile at him but when he merely nodded, she took that as a sign he was dealing with business and moved on, looking a little disappointed. He sipped the drink, then lowered the glass and spoke.

“Have you noticed that since my return, that things have settled down, for all of us? There’s been less trouble, less unrest? Well, barring a certain young Orion officer, but that’s been dealt with and was only a minor annoyance.”

Lazan watched the waitress go, turning his attention back to Suresh with a smirk. “You know what I’ve noticed, Suresh? After your,” he made small circles in the air with his glass, as if to indicate that ‘your’ indicated both Sureshes, “disappearances, there’s always at least one fly in the ointment, to borrow a phrase. First Conradi, now Madhava. I’ve gotten very good at dealing with the Fleet in your absence.” He paused to have another pull of liquor. “But yes, I suppose things have been slightly less… eventful,” he decided.

“Madhava had a personal issue with me,” Suresh answered. “She has decided that I’ve ruined Six’s life, am a bad influence, the devil in get the idea.” He laughed for a moment and shook his head. “She has learned that the Pit is not her playground.” He shrugged. “But she is of no consequence. As for the usual residents down here, perhaps you’ve heard the story going around? Rumour has it that I am the original, not a copy and it’s taken hold with a vengeance.”

“The devil in disguise,” Lazan repeated, a smirk still on his features. “In disguise as the devil would be more appropriate, I should think, but as you say - most are under the impression that Madhava’s opinions are quite correct. I imagine you’d like to keep it that way.”

“Of course. And the more that ‘know’ I’m the original Suresh, the better. Which is where you come in.” Suresh leaned closer to Lazan. “It’s to everyone’s benefit that we maintain the status quo. I have no intentions of interfering in Seyla’s business or yours, but as long as I am around, life is easier for you both. It keeps the rest in line, and keeps Security out of our hair. When someone screws up, then they have to deal with the usual Suresh treatment as a lesson to the rest.”

Setting down his glass, Lazan similarly leaned forward. “You say status quo, Suresh, but it is anything but.” He narrowed his eyes, his voice taking on a harsher edge. “What was mine will be perceived to be yours. If you want my cooperation, I expect operational control to rest with me. I don’t care about Patch and those other muscle-bound idiots, you can have them babysit whoever you like down here, but no decisions regarding our trafficking or racketeering should be made without my approval.” He half-spat the word ‘my’ with no small amount of possessive pride.

“That is part of the deal. After all, I am expected to keep my hands clean, which means that if something blows up, they will be looking for you. Something to keep in mind.” Suresh paused to take a drink before he continued. “To be honest, Lazan, isn’t that what was really going on down here before he was shipped off? From what I understand, he was so lost in his obsession, you were doing all the work anyway.”

Lazan let out a short laugh before sitting back in his chair. “You don’t get to be in my position without knowing how to shift blame and cover involvement. Suresh and I have been untouchable for a long time… had been, in his case. You’re more right than you know, but controlling his obsession necessitated I have less of leadership role. Now I can devote my full attention to our enterprise, instead of providing simple directional guidance.” His demeanor had shifted again, back to something that a casual observer would not consider threatening. “I just don’t want any surprises like with the Enforcer. Suresh had a habit of keeping things even from me, particularly where certain women were concerned.”

Suresh nodded. “I got the story from Li and then I got to see it all first-hand. That man had serious issues, Lazan. Which means that, by necessity, even though I appear more sane to the Pit, I’ll have to have my ‘moments’ just to make the lie convincing. Six understands this.”

“Mm, and how is your Borg?” Lazan asked, gesturing to the waitress for a refill. “Exclusivity is out of character for you, you know. It would be wise to speak with Seyla about having Bella or someone equally vapid spend an hour or two in your quarters now and again.”

“Marabeth has already made a few visits and yes, you’re right.” Suresh paused as the waitress returned with fresh drinks. “The situation is somewhat better now that I have a woman I can actually touch, which alleviates the least according to everyone else. As to your question, Six is fine. She is a powerhouse in a small package, but even so I intend to keep her in one piece. You will assist with that as you did with Li. Six has already run into trouble with those who would steal her blood and sell it and I won’t have her endangered again.”

Lazan took a moment before giving a single slow nod. "I will ensure she is not harmed as best I can... but you need to understand something, Suresh. You Alphas and Betas," he said, referencing quadrants of the Galaxy, "you've known the Borg for two decades and a handful of incidents. The memories of the Delta Quadrant run far longer, the pain far deeper. Do not forget where you are and where she is. There are some who would not care for the protection of a Starfleet uniform; will not care for the protection of a crime lord. She is more the devil than you will ever be in this place."

“I know,” Suresh answered. “Why do you think I keep such a close eye on her? Why she has a guard following a few feet behind her most of the time unless I am with her?” He finished his drink and set the glass aside. “Anything more you wish to address before I go?”

Lazan shook his head in the negative, his greying-black mane shaking loose around his olive features. “I think not. I have a few items in motion that require attention before I retire for the evening. In the meantime,” he spared a glance at the half-full glass still in his hand, “no sense wasting this. And I’ve grown accustomed to being the one to leave these meetings last.” His thoughts turned, if only for a moment, to Li.

“Suit yourself. Visit anytime - it will be expected after all.” Suresh rose, then looked down at Lazan. “Keep your eyes open. Two slavers from the Stameris market are wandering around. They prefer the exotics since they’re selling in the Alpha Quadrant. They should be taught a lesson for poaching in our territory. Have a good evening, Lazan.” Moments later, Suresh was gone from Iapetus.

"Slavers?" Lazan wondered aloud, before taking a sip. "Indeed. I'll make them a priority. Good night, Suresh," he said to open air, already anticipating their next meeting. "Good night indeed."

Securing The Boundaries

Laying The Groundwork


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