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Always A Home

Posted on Sun Jul 26th, 2015 @ 9:53pm by El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Quebec, Canada, Earth

* * * Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada, Earth * * *

“And just where do you think you’re going?”

El recognized the voice behind her and spun. “Just headed home for a visit with family, officer,” she said, holding up her hands and smiling. “Think the local lawman would allow that?”

Walking up to her he jabbed a finger at her chest. “He might be a bit happier about it if you had come back a bit more often.” Finally breaking into a smile himself, he grabbed her and lifted her off the ground in a big bear hug. Putting her down he said, “We were getting worried about you, El! Mankiller, especially. I overheard him the other day talking about planning a trip out to find you.”

“He gets a bit too excited about my safety, Jarrod” she said. “I spoke to him two weeks ago.”

Jarrod Blackhorse, her brother, was a police detective in town and the chief of the Mohawk tribe. He was twenty years her younger, taller than she and also sported long, black hair in a pony tail. Today he was wearing a patrol uniform.

El’Shar commented on it. “I’m filling in today,” he replied. “Running the shift, though, so I’m not doing much,” he said, as he ran his hand up to his shirt collar.

“You made lieutenant?” El asked. “Congratulations, Jarrod! When did that happen?”

The two strolled up the walk to the door of the house. “Three weeks ago. They wanted to put me back on patrol permanently, but my captain was having nothing of the sort. So I am now Detective-Lieutenant Blackhorse.”

“You definitely deserve it.”

They stopped at the door. She knew a bit of how Hope felt, not just wanting to waltz in like the owned the place. Sure, this was still her home address but she hadn’t actually lived here for any length of time for over fifteen years, most of which was spent on assignments.

“You can go in, El,” Jarrod prompted. “You’re still family and always welcome.”

She didn’t look at him, but said, “It’s just strange, sometimes. I live here, but I don’t.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “You live here and you’ll always live here, no matter where you go or do.” With that, he opened the door and walked on in, pulling her gently with him. “Ko-mekh, El’Shar ha’kel.

El’Renn, their mother, swept into the room. “I know she is home, Jarrod. I could feel her coming to the door.”

“Mother,” El’Shar said as she embraced her. “I’ve missed you.”

“And I you. It has been far too long, ko-fu,” El’Renn said, using the Vulcan word for daughter instead of the Federation Standard. She had always insisted on calling the children by their names or ko-fu/sa-fu for daughter/son. “Please, sit with us and tell us about your travels and your mate. Your uncle has relayed your message of engagement to this admiral.”

El had always tried to get her mother to have a communicator installed in their home so that they could talk frequently, but El’Renn had always dismissed the idea. She believed it would make El want to come home more often instead of just seeing an image of her.

“Yes, mother,” El’Shar said as they all sat together. “I am engaged. His name is Ricky Wegener and he commands the base and Delta Quadrant Operations. He loves me deeply and I feel the same for him.”

“When’s he gonna’ visit?” Jarrod asked. “I’d like to see if this Wegener guy is worthy of my sister.”

El’Renn put a hand on Jarrod’s knee. “I am sure that he will surpass all of your tests, sa-fu. El’Shar would not choose a mate lightly.” She turned to El. “But I, too, would like to meet Admiral Wegener if we are to become family.”

That thought made El’Shar smile. “We had talked of a trip back to Earth, but I didn’t come with him. I came with Lt. Beckman, Rick’s aide. Her parents recently died in a horrible accident and we thought it would be better for her if someone was at her side. Rick wanted to come as well, but it just wasn’t possible.”

“And admiral who would leave his post for his secretary?” Jarrod said with a harrumph. “Are you sure he doesn’t just have a thing for this Beckman?”

Both El’s turned to look at him, both in disapproval.

“What?” he countered. “Hey, I’m just doing my job.”

“You may stop,” El’Renn replied a bit more cooly than was her wont.

He frowned. “Sorry.”

“I appreciate your concern, Jarrod, but believe your sister when I say that he is a good man and has eyes for no one else. I would know, as will you when you meet him.”

He nodded. “So...what are you doing now that you’re not, well, working?”

“Enjoying not working,” she said with a laugh. “I’ll admit that it does get a bit stale, but we are able to travel and take vacations and Starbase 900 has so many amenities available that it really is hard to get too bored. And Rick doesn’t rest on his laurels. He constantly woos me, takes me out dancing, or--oh!” she exclaimed. “He was recently shot by another admiral! It’s a bit of a long story, but I was held captive and he came in to rescue me…” She laughed. “It’s funny now, but it wasn’t so funny at the time.”

El’Renn exhaled sharply, about the only emotion she would regularly show. “For now,” she said as she stood, “we should eat. You may tell us more at a later time.”

It was obvious that the thought of her daughter being held as a hostage was unsettling to her, but both El’Shar and Jarrod knew better than to mention how it was affecting her.

“What’s for dinner?” El’Shar asked as the followed El’Renn into the kitchen area.

“I am having plomeek soup, but you may have what you wish.”

El and Jarrod both looked at each other and smiled. “Sloppy joes!” It was something El had made for both Jarrod and their sister, Lorraine, when they were growing up and it had become one of their favorite foods whenever they were together.

“If you must,” El’Renn said, almost sounding a bit defeated at her children always craving odd Human foods.

“We must! We must!” Jarrod hooted.

Capt. El’Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
El’Renn Blackhorse
Jarrod Blackhorse


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